Ever have those wakeup moments on r9k where you realize wow you people aren't my friends you are my enemies...

ever have those wakeup moments on r9k where you realize wow you people aren't my friends you are my enemies? You only want the worst for me.

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I had one of those moments a few years ago and cut all those losers outta my life. I've been alot happier now and I def see they were looking for me to fail not suceed at life.
Best of luck in dealing with this user

People who don't want me to get neetbux are my enemy

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you only realize that now?
how old are you even?
none of the users on Jow Forums want what's the best for you, they'd happily drive you to suicide if given the chance. guess you have the exceptions here and there but most people on here just like to argue with each other, make fun of each other and overall just make your whole day worse. find some better boards to browse

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Yeah had that moment a little while ago, only one person amongst them all wasn't an enemy though. I'm still 'friends' with each of them however none of them receive my help, trust or well... anything anymore.

It'd probably be best just to ditch them though user.

what did you do to halp them user?

Play rust. You'll learn what a truly toxic community of people is like. r9k is literally just playful banter. Also I'm a nice boy, II don't want what's worse for you even though I don't know you, so not every one is your friend but not every one is your enemy.

>halp them
What do you mean?
Literally this, that game nearly fucking destroyed me. It was literally a dog eat dog world and all I did was eat dog.

I hope you had a good Christmas user

you said they would not receive your help, what help were you offering? normie advice?

I'll state this so that I don't have to be reminded; I'm a filthy zoomer. My friends heavily relied on me for help on literally every assignment and in class work people had to do. Lots of people called me late into the night as I was always the only person that would ever respond and was the ONLY person that would ever do something outside the house at 3 am. because I never stayed amongst the group autism just about every person told me every single secret they had and all their hidden opinions on every body.

Not once did I falter or betray a single one of my friends. Suddenly one day I have a bit of a struggle, instantly left for dead. This isn't even some edgy
>"Oh uh yeah every person just like, you know, looked up to me as some super god. I was like the best like person out their, like. and then one day OMG my faggot friends just ditch me for no REASON?".

I'm instead being very genuine on this, which actually sucks.

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I've just tried to be friendly to people and they ruthlessly kill me, of course I'm extremely neurotic so I relentlessly keep going at them until I destroy them and it's been 4v1 every time. I've made 12 people rage quit the server and the only ones I haven't have been the ching chong hackers and the server vets.
People that have seen my play style say it's way too boring and then when they see me decide to go after some one it's way to vicious and unfun. I hate normies and even worse that community of psycho normies are even worse. The game its self is pretty amazing, just wish there were region locked servers and hardware bans on the hackers.

My guess is he couldn't even help some one even if he wanted to or tried.

i'm sorry to hear that, yes normies are evil scum

I was a saddo faggot that always tried to make friends on rust. Although because everyone killed everyone I eventually became just like them. Yeah I'll agree with you pyscho normies are a disgusting creature.

Also I'm not useless, I'm actually quiet helpful.

maybe it's me but it actually seems a bit less negative lately around here. could just be the change in season

Dont flatter yourself. The truth is most people dont care one way or the other.

This place is a shitshow but I belong here pretty much

You're ready for Jow Forums now young padanon.

Yeah, a year ago. I don't hang around here anymore or Jow Forums at all really. I poke in once every few months to remind myself how bad this place is.

Enemies...you're all to easy to fuck with, how little of a person do you have to be to consider this board not a place of meme sanctuary

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>newfag just figured this out