I am looking for a friendless clingy bf because loneliness is making me lethargic

I am looking for a friendless clingy bf because loneliness is making me lethargic

my interests are:
anime,literature,organic chemistry and science of all kinds,horror movies, black metal, nature

post your discord or contact

Attached: 1539231743953s.jpg (187x250, 4K)

I'll take it.

Pwxm qa akcnnml#1340

Just be female (female) and we'll be all G

are you fucking serious there are no girls on here especially not on this board what are you retarded??



Please let me be your practice bf

Attached: giphy (17).gif (400x266, 165K)

I'm lonely, I'll take even take bait.

okay OP here my discord is Kvlt#3884 and I am an 8/10 biomale

no because they simply do not go on here wh3n will you get this theough your skull?

fauv#2130 People in this thread all have friends most likely. Everyone deserves love.

sounds like a trap in more ways than one. expect to get blackmailed for money soon.