Be black

>be black
>all the hobbies you like are filled with white people
>try to fit in
>get ignored by everyone in the community
>leave and continue to be by myself once again
Why is it like this blackbros

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Please have sexxx with my wife.

We all ignore eachother regardless

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I unironically want out
It is not fair
It is a meme that will never end

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The best advice I can give you is to band together with as many intelligent fellow blacks as you can find and go invade an african nation
Take back your homeland

Play basketball or some sheeit.

Actual answer is that the media at least recently has created awkward racial tension for many people. Personally I would love to invite anyone to join whatever regardless of race as long as they were cool but it feels like im constantly being judged on racial lines when around non white people and so I naturally drift away from it

Interesting, I feel the same as a white. Not that I'm being judged, but I need to be careful in how I treat non-whites for the same reasons you mentioned.

i wonder how many anti-racist sjws complaining about wypipo are actually just experience grief because of who they are as a person and not genuine racism

like op for example, im fairly certain people grow distant to him because he's an awkward loser who visits incel forums, not because he's black

Neonazis and their warped minds. lol

1/10 bait try harder next time this is an original comment I swear

What state do you live in ??

Orginal , i might be willing to consider it .

you dont need to reveal that you are black on an anonymous website, user.

here, we are all White. and support White nationalism.

1488 double lightning bolts

Dont you think maybe your life would be better if you all lived in africa?

>want to be friendos with someone
>they call all their real friendos 'my nigga'
>can't call you 'my nigga'
>before i even try i know that i will never be your real friendo no matter what
i didn't make things like they are, but that's the way they are.

Play Street fighter and mega Man my guy.

>grow up with virtually no black people around
>black people are strange and unfamiliar
>feel awkward and uncomfortable hanging out with them as a result
>the cycle continues
I imagine it was the same with every ethnic minority, including Italians and Irish, but eventually we all just got over it with them. Black people (and Jews to a lesser extent in the US) haven't been so fortunate: instead our tribalistic minds have seized upon our differences in an apparent need to make someone the 'other' or the outsider.

>>try to fit in
Stop that. Stop giving a fuck about giving in. Just be who you are and shit will either work or it won't.

t. unironically liked black guy in an assortment of communities

i don't really say that I'm black but when people find out nothing really changes.

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But blacks are fucking sensitive man. They need to man up.

Don't feed into that shit man, you're more than just a "bull"

find your local gaming cafe/esports club and play fighting games.
any fighting games.
buy yu gi oh cards and head to your local game store.
join your local basketball or football league.
all of the above should welcome you regardless of race. especially the gaming community. If they can welcome so many trannies they sure as hell can welcome blacks.

It's just how things are user, join a gang or something, you know black people stuff

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this. just join a gang or do pro sports or rap. ???


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