Let's have a "Worst Things About Reddit Culture" Thread. I'll start

Let's have a "Worst Things About Reddit Culture" Thread. I'll start
>Be me
>Have been using reddit until about 2 weeks ago, when I realized just how fucking terrible it was
Here are some of the things I hate the most about reddit
>Their unpopular opinion subreddit is nothing but popular opinions
>r/dankmemes just has a bunch of normies trying to start new formats with some generic shit caption like "WheN PEoPLe aRe enjOYing PikAChu MeMES BuT NoT
>r/prequelmemes has the same problem
>r/greentext (in general)
>r/funny is just iFunny but gayer
>Did you know that they even have an entire subreddit dedicated to things that aren't funny?
God I fucking hate this site.

Attached: download.png (225x225, 5K)

Nobody cares you fucking moron. Go back there or shut the fuck up about it.

>unfunny, passive aggressive, and obnoxious userbase
>Upvote system is fundamentally flawed as it does not reward quality content
>censorship and power-hungry mods run rampant



The culture is generally a bunch of guys trying to seem like they have the knowledge to be considered and expert in any one field, and that doesn't bother me, but the way they present the information with this false altruism (they're just in it for the upboats) makes my skin crawl
The userbase is pretty rich too. Every sub I'm on has a bunch of posts of people showing off the useless related shit they bought

>passive aggressive
It's not like you could directly hit the other person through the screen on Jow Forums either, user...

worst thing about reddit culture
>it's reddit

What are those weird reddit awards supposed to do? I figured they were like a more potent form of liking something, but they're paid. The thing is, if they're completely pointless, then why do people buy them? Seeing reddit screencaps on this board gives me ultra-cultureshock, because it's just so different. I occasionally use reddit for melee-related information, but the melee subreddit is pretty different from the stuff you see in the rest of the site in that it's usually focused on just melee, and not politics or attentionwhoring. Even then, it's still really different from this website.

>be me
>using Reddit
Kill yourself

You are such an insufferable faggot I hope you kys

Attached: 1529983469740.png (720x518, 437K)

They are a bunch of ESTJs who just want to be popular and don't actually care about thinking.
>Umm sweetie
Also the amount of hedge words is unreal.
>I just understand that
>You don't seem to understand
>Yeah just let the *evil* corporations run everything
When you make an analogy, the infamous "you can't compare" argument is made
>Did you really just compare not having Net Neutrality to Freedom? They're two different things! (literally makes a comparison after inferring you shouldnt)
They *always* use fallacy fallacy whenever it suits them.
>t-thats an appeal to authority fallacy because this web infographic says so
They assume that if you're not with them, you're against them
>Saving Private Ryan isn't propoganda you're just a nazi scum
>Fuck you fascist
They are egotistical and clearly care too much about what others think of them
>as a father I would never treat my kid so bad. I would murder someone if they did this to my wife's son. Edit: thanks for the gold!
They discuss people rather than ideas *far* too often. Just one look at Jow Forumspolitics and you can tell these people are obsessed with celebrities like Trump.
>Trump: 105 matches
rules selectively applied
>Coming over from a subreddit based on different rules is literally "brigading" and randomly gets you banned depending on whether or not it suits the mod's agenda
It is a circlejerk, where dissenting opinions are banned.
>Jow Forumsbitcoin
They speak like autonomous NPCs
>sarcasm /s
>yes net neutrality good comment #5958349583
Corrupt mods clearly have an agenda on 99% of subs
>Sorry user, your submission has been removed from Jow Forumschangemyview because they failed to convince you. Your thread about race and IQ has thus been removed.
Every post there is clearly written by retards who spent %500k on college, as they write massive paragraphs for no fucking reason.
>well first off people would work in communism as outlined in karl marxs chapter 53253 in the communist manifesto

what fucking college has a 500k tuition.

Average student loan debt is 30k, its possible when you have indentured servitude.

What did you expect? Reddit can't possibly be a good website. It's the same reason democracy doesn't work, you let a bunch of normie retards decide what is good or bad, and make their own circlejerk subreddits where the mods jerk themselves off pretending it's all a really funny inside joke when it's really just a forced meme.

i found the reddit account of a guy i know in college he larps as a hyper chad whose fluent in several languages and is a multi-instrumentalist.in reality he's going bald at 18,skinnyfat and plays the banjo.

I know a guy like this too. Basically larps as a chad who fucks a ton of hot chicks and does a lot of drugs, pretty cringy shit honestly.

>unfunny, passive aggressive
Pisses me off alot. They won't call you an idiot they will just heavily imply it.

Democracy is tyranny of the mob. B&RP

Yeah it's like the site is really different or something

>"Worst Things About Reddit Culture"
when redditors come to Jow Forums and try to ingratiate themselves into our culture
fuck off

>redditor come to le ebic Jow Forums
>le no one is le talking about le reddit
go away from this place. sage.

When did it become alright for people to admit they ever browsed reddit? This place is fucking dead. I hope you fucking kill yourself OP.

>go on Jow Forums
>board is filled with shit literally copy pasted from twitter, facebook, reditt
>basically normies who browse normy sites transplanting their normieshit to Jow Forums to get a reaction
>"lel guys look at this roastie from facebook society guys amirite"
normies must all go.

Redditors say dumb shit like "this! So much this!" or "sweetie" or "it's called being a decent human being" or "username checks out" or "am X, can confirm."
If dissenting opinions aren't banned, they're just hidden by all the downvotes until no one can see them. It's all one viant circlejerk where you can't have your own opinion. I think r/politics is probably the best example of this.
Most posts are generic, like on r/gaming 90% of the posts are "gf got me a PS4! Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes!!! Wasn't expecting so many!!!"
Also they're so thin-skinned. If you say fag, for example, even as a joke you get "it's 2018! Maybe, just maybe, you couldn't be so problematic! In the 50s my granddaddy was gay and was discriminated against! Gay jokes are not okay, it's called being a decent human being," then report you.