Why are guys with bodies like this always so happy despite looking like this?

Why are guys with bodies like this always so happy despite looking like this?

You see them on pornhub sharing their wives (who are decent looking by the way) and they are so happy and enthusiastic, you see them in mcdonalds stuffing their faces, you see them playing warhammer, going to comic con conventions, walking the dog,doing whatever the fuck they want and they literally don't care that they look like this. They have a fiance/wife, a decent job, enough sex, a good social life, and they are completely happy with that. They are still young too most of them are in their 30s and 40s so they could change their body if they wanted but they don't give a shit.

Do these guys just have more self-confidence or higher T or something that they can just look like this and not care and still be completely happy with it? Are they more secure in themselves that they don't need superficial things like a good body to be happy?

Attached: fp9LH.jpg (1740x2829, 384K)

high estrogen

Oh its you again ...

they literally don;t pay attention to their bodies, that's all

How does high estrogen make them pay no attention to how they look but still be happy? How does it correlate? I mean these guys are never ever worried about their woman leaving them and they even share her around sometimes yet they seemingly have zero worry or stress that she might leave or that they might struggle to find other options if she does leave, or whatever. These guys seem to have zero sentience and they don't overthink anything.

>zero sentience
that's why they're called NPCs

And yet it doesn't count against them in any area of life. They still get women, they still get everything they need and want despite looking terrible.

I want to be able to look terrible and still have everyone be nice to me and respect me like these guys do. Yet if i suddenly go from a good body to a bad body everyone comments "you need to get back to the gym" but these guys can walk around untrained their whole lives and nobody cares.

All the people I have met with this body type always seem to have some sort of mental illness like autism, asperges or just low IQ NPC's, idk that's just my personal experience t b h.

Not everyone has self-deprecatory and unhealthy levels of neurotic dislike for their physical body like you do, user.
Perhaps people love things other than fitness, yet harbor the same fervor that you do for just that.

Well, here's the thing. I have a good body, i have a Jow Forums body but if i take a year off the gym and eat pizza, my girlfriend and anyone else who sees me shirtless will say something like "Your pecs are getting a lil droopy you're getting a bit fat think you should to go back to the gym"

So even though i am out of shape at that point, once i get back into shape and back into the gym i will look good. Yet in order to be told i look good, I have to get my body back into absolute top condition. Now the guy in the OP and others like him have zero muscle and look like absolute shit and don't even train, and yet HIS wife will not tell him that he should buy a gym membership and get a good body. He can look bloated and it's fine but if i look bloated i must go back to the gym and strip the bloat off.

Why is having a shit body all the time completely fine for him but i have to maintain an already good body all the time in order to get respect and praise? Why is he held to ZERO standards but i must always maintain a high standard?