Bpd girl here. ama

bpd girl(female) here, ama. bpd girls seem to be such a controversial thing on this board so i thought maybe i could be helpful. although you should remember, one persons experience is only one persons experience.

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Tits or get the FUCK out roastoid

nice try, self posting isn't even allowed on r9k.

Have you ever cheated on a significant other?

no, i've never ever full fledged cheated on a significant other. i'm still a virgin as well.

What do you look like and what is your discord?

>full fledged

Found the roast beef here

Attached: 1545277066621.jpg (600x624, 111K)

im pale, black hair, bags under my eyes, skinny, and pretty depressed looking. i stopped logging onto discord after my last favorite person abandoned me

not true. ive never even had my first kiss or sent nudes

Well maybe I'll be your new favorite person, you can send me nudes. Give me some contact info.