Hey user, i heard you were single and never had a GF, and to be fair i.. erm, k-kinda.. like you.. So erm...

>Hey user, i heard you were single and never had a GF, and to be fair i.. erm, k-kinda.. like you.. So erm, d-do you wanna come to my house tonight.. and.. erm.. have fun with.. me?

W-What do?

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gib milktrukk

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No thank your sir

proff me you have a puss puss and not a bepis
and you got yourself a qt date fag.

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Would my friends know?

I would be really happy with a qt tomboy gf. Unfortunately most of them are insane feminists with daddy issues.

If anyone here would fuck her you are a homosexual

She has boobs and puss. How does that make you a homosexual?

Gimme that fucking girls name

She looks like a fucking man might as well fuck a cute trap like Bailey


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Not interested androgynous girls with flat chests are superior.

Anyone know if she has a nice girl cock on her?

>like a man

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W-Why user? i'm pretty good at working it? D-did you assume my gender too? Who cares! :)

Of course! Why wouldn't i tell them that you're mine now?!

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i unironically like androgynous girls

does this make me gay


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So, i guess, you would be happy with me?! :)

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Sounds good to me. Do you mind if I choke you a little bit?

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i'm afraid i got some bad news

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that is THE most poorly photoshoped penis i've ever seen


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>i want to believe
shame it's a photoshop. the crop underneath the balls

You mean some good news


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Just tell me her fucking name


i know it's a shop but more, pretty please

It's pretty pathetic that you try to act cute and girly despite your man haircut. Grow it out like a proper woman and maybe we'll talk.

That's Photoshop lmao

Guys I need her name right now or I will fucking kill myself

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Give her fucking name

her name's Lacy Pet m8

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Thanks user , my dicks about to become a pepperami