Been of sexually consenting age since 2006

>been of sexually consenting age since 2006
>still a virgin

Will 2019 be any different for you?

Attached: 2019.jpg (612x306, 20K)

Like most robots now we are going on Grindr and TOPPING sissies you might want to try this or settle for your hand and I can tell you boipussy is amazing

I experimented a few times and this was just a big nope for me. I regretted it. It's nothing like you think it is.

To each their own I prefer bus over bussy though

why did you post this thread, user?

Because nothing will ever improve. 2010s has mostly been the same depressing shit. I've become a boomer with no life experience.

If you experimented then you're not a virgin...

>have 3 year old kid
>make decent money now
>maybe I'll make another

I don't feel like I'll be not one until I've had a good experience with a girl.

good for you normie cancer, why are you even here

quit complaining and fix it

I wish I could but I lack any motivation/confidence to even begin my life ten years too late. I'll always think all the effort will be for nothing since people will see right through me.

im losing mine this saturday with some tomboy gril whos really into me foe whatever fucking reason
this happened like a few days after i swore to just give up on women
also told her i dont want anything serious and she didnt mind so i'll have an incredibly horny fuckbuddy come year :^)

>years ago
>think im gay
>have sissy bf for years
>realize its just a phase, end up falling in love with his sister over time instead
>neither want anything to do with me now

It's way easier to get poon today than it used to be. Seems like bitches just fling themselves my way as I get older.

You have to actively go out of your way to be a virgin these days.

Attached: 1535128943786.png (1610x980, 1.19M)

>Be me
>Lose v-card @14 (16 now)
>200 lbs (90kg)
>Active sexlife
>Kinda fit but not completely
>Several gf's

I don't get how y'all are incels at the age of 30 wtf. It's not that hard

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You are objectively not a virgin. Fuck off with your "social virgin" nonsense.

Been of sexually consenting age longer than you, still a virgin, and hoping 2019 won't change that. UwU

I have three relatively close guy friends, and as of August of this year I'm the last of us to still be a virgin. I feel like they're moving on without me and at some point I'm going to lose them completely.

Yes, one of us had to be the "last" but why the hell did it have to be me? They don't talk about it but I can tell they look on me with both a bit of pity and shame. What sucks more is that 2/3 of them have girlfriends as well, including the guy who lost it this year (he's with the girl who took his V-card).

>if only you knew how bad things really are ;_;
cunt cunt fuck you modfilters

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jeez you fucking pathetic loser, just go out and do it.
it has never EVER been esier to get laid, it is not a meme, it is easy!
stop listening to that 80/20 bs you hear on incel forums.