whats the point of existing when you dont have a cute asian glasses-gf?
Whats the point of existing when you dont have a cute asian glasses-gf?
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Damn an Asian thread when I'm going to sleep? Shame...
There are plenty of them in China who will date you just because you're a foreigner and you're tall.
stay user I will keep posting cute asians
>whaito piggus literally have to pay nip girls to be in porn shoots with them to get any action
>people do porn for free
>tfw no asian archer-gf
>tfw no asian girl will worship you
Can i get laid in china as a 5'9 manlet
yes you can but be careful, my ex told me some girls with flirt and have sex with you at a hotel but in the morning a bunch of guys will kick in your door, then she will accuse you of rape and the only way to not get killed by those guys is to pay them
The sex would be worth it desu.
then go get some chinese pussy user
This is my immediate future
>get laid
Fuck white whores if you just want to be a degenerate. Asian girls are for marriage.
what are my odds as a 6' blue eyes white european of impregnating many asian cuties?
I think i am too ugly to get a cute asian glasses-gf,
I would probably have to settle for an ugly one.
a shame really
but i think an ugly asian gf is still better then a ugly white gf,
mostly because the ugly asian gf is less likely to be a single mom at my age.
I hope you will one day get a cute asian gf
thx user, if it ever happens, lets hope she has glasses.
OP, can I get some pictures of cute asians with glasses please
2019 is the year, I must go out and get my 5/10 average asian gf with glasses.
2019 is it.. i swear it.... I cant keep dicking around in my loneliness anymore.
most of you fags and shills will end up with ugly thais or flips anyway and not the korean or japanese stacies you people post
do you reckon some beta orbiter gave her those flowers?
Please tell me those are models
I feel like asian chicks are a little uppity. idk maybe it's just the ones in NY
average 5/10 asian girl with glasses is top tier compared to average girls with glasses of other nationality and race.
This is fact.
What are my chances of getting an Asian waifu?
>Black guy
Pls no bully
pretty gud desu,
unless your like some meme doctor like a shrink.
they're for marriage, not fucking around
if you're blond it will be easy af
>most of you fags and shills will end up with ugly thais or flips anyway and not the korean or japanese stacies you people pos
this. also asian women are the biggest gold diggers (or pragmatics if you like). you won't attract her with your neetbux, idiots.
this is what awaits you if you marry chink woman:
thais can be reeally cute.. flips are gross though yes....
and naw asian girls are less likely to be gold diggers then white girls for sure... this is fact...
the debate is over, DEBUNKED.
asian girls are huble and family oriented...
rich girls will want a rich man of course. but your safe with the majority.
Just your average asian, user-kun. Trust me. :^)
wanna see more, user? ;)
yes, idk why but glasses make asian girls infinitely cuter than they already are