What have u bros been reading?
Just finished this book (THAT IVE NEVER HEARD OF!!!!) called Bronzd Age Mindset.
Phenomenal read.
Onto meditations by Marcus Aurelius
what's it about?
pic related
I was memed into reading it by some /lit/ chart but it's surprisingly good.
Just finished the whole ordeal of reading Flashman Papers, Sharpe and Hornblower. Tried reading David Foster Wallace and Henry David Thoreau and both can fuck right off, dropped both after one page. Insufferable pompous arses, the both of them.
Now onto Pelevin.
just finished
bring him back
110% recommend lads
This is my yearly reading so far. Reading The Crippled God (Malazan Book #10) right now.
>tfw 4 books behind schedule for my yearly goal because Malazan is so damn long
The Three Times of the Law. Psychoanalysis is the most fit science
Any good?
I read the idiot last year. Same author. It was pretty good, I recommend glancing through the dudes Wikipedia page. Puts some of these things in context.
I'm 'reading' Moby dick now. Only getting through a couple chapters a week unfortunately. About half way. Somewhat interesting at this point. Definitely has a /fit feel to it.
Not him, but it's about everything basically.
This book, which shows how the widespread sodomy in ancient greece was a myth.
Forgot the cover
Incredible book. I have it on audible and have listened to it three times. All of his books are amazing as they draw on real world scenarios (some fictional stories as well but they are Shakespearean in their humanity) to prove his points. Well worth the $15 to audible
read fall of reach last week now I'm reading this bitch. got the original books from the early 2000s. not sure if the updated ones are actually bad or if people are just autistic.
Yesterday I finished Infinite Jest after 2 damn months (thanks /lit/)
How? It's impossibly wanky!
I've read it couple of times already and I'm reading it again. 10/10 - makes me depressed every time.
Extreme ownership by Jocko Willink and also some of Notes from Underground
I see you are a man of culture as well.
Props on the Phillip K Dick. If you like him, check out Robert Anton Wilson. My favorite book of all time is Prometheus Rising.
Last three books have been
>Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
>Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
And currently reading
>Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
I'm nearing the end of this myself. It's really good but holy shit is it thick. Also rereading the intro made me sad we never got the Alyosha centered sequel.
Fuck, I needed that image. Thanks, user.
Pic related is the best book for people looking for meaning in life and a guide on how to live, but it's more philosophical than a "self help" book. PDF below.
I'm posting this a lot on the (nel) because I believe people here will really like it and grow from it if they give it the time.
making my way through sowell's work atm
Infidels must burn.
>(((and commentary)))
Those words were too big for me.
Huh. take your time with it, this is how one improves.
Im around 220 pages in, less than a hundred or so left. Book is great but has left me with feels I never expected.
>tfw you'll never go on a whaling expedition through the globe
>tfw you'll never have a cannibal best friend from Fiji to hunt whales and share a smoking pipe with
>tfw you'll never participate in the legendary banter of American sailors
It's not fair
Plato can blow it out his ass he was and is a fucking moron and you're a boylover for posting him
Probably not since hes alive to share it on this thread
Based Marcus
great set of books
Abercrombie needs to hurry up and release the next set
Can someone provide the pdf?
Mid way through purgatorio
I've heard paradise lost is a good read
This is a sand-pedo free zone, thanks.
Not him either but imagine if Nietzsche was reborn as a really high IQ gym bro that wrote only in the form of palatable shitposts for younger guys. That's basically what that book is. I lol'd irl reading that book multiple times and still think about some parts of it months later purely for the intellectual and existential value. Some posts (there are no chapters, just posts) were things I thought about deeply and never told anyone about, I thought that the only people that ever concerned themselves with these fascinations were long dead or kind of a do-nothing sperg like me.
Aspiring boxer
improved my understanding of mental resilience and leadership, is well written and an exciting read on top of that but is one of those books that requiresa a chapter or two to really get into it
> City of thieves
Reading this now, after having bought it one year ago. I absolutely love it, and I often have a hard time reading on my spare time.
Why though? Boxing is one of the most limited fighting styles you can hyper focus on.
>to effeminate
great quote but i wish the retard typed it right.
Also, I'm reading Muck right now. Very funny piece of fiction about iron age Israel and the bible
Jow Forums's taste in books always depresses me, makes me remember when I too was a 16 year old finding books for the first time.
Any good?
mmmmm children
almost done with it
book of proverbs. the republic (plato). this wikipedia article, en.wikipedia.org
congratulations you're a philosopher in the top .001 % of humanity.
Same here, bro. ~100 pgs in and really liking it.
Don Quixote
Based malazan, post it noted the siege of darujistan chapters to re read often. Favourite character? Fiddler or cotillion for me. Dujek also a mad cunt
that's a shit book
250 pgs and aiming to get somewhat his strength
It's pretty good. There's Alot of intellectual mirin
Trull, Bugg/Mael, and Itkovian.
Christ, great shouts. Fkn bugg kek. Him n tehol always made me laugh, especially at meal times. Rip itkovian real G right there
>be dostoevsky
>write the greatest and one of the most celebrated novels of all time
>some guy on a fitness board says it's "eh whatever i just picked this thing up but it's surprisingly good"
>the dudes
it's fucking Fyodor Dostoevsky you uncultured, uneducated, fucking waste
I love nonfiction, and currently on the 3rd chapter. Incredible book
Also: Do any anons feel the need to read a chapter twice to grasp the full concepts. I do this with science and philosophy books
Got this as a gift two years ago
Life changing read
>Dearborn Independent published this
>Dearborn, Michigan is a post-industrial Muslim shithole now
A big ol’ recommend if you’re looking for a holistic approach to life
Lol I think we both saved the same /lit/ fag chart cause I picked it up too.
Dragonball fanfiction. Usually Vegeta x Bulma. Oh and Kingdom hearts fanfics. The cringier the better.
god fucking damnit, is infinite jest actually good? I suspect it's just a meme and his writing style is so intolerable I can never get through the first couple pages.
What’s that?
Reading this after just finishing Galaxy In Flames and Roadside Picnic. Idk what to read next, ran out of physical books, gonna check out stuff at library sometime this week.
dostoyevsky dubs, checkem
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Music theory book, music production book, gonna start electronics next.
Reading paperback military SF novels between.
Eponine >>>> sewage > Cosette
It's my passion and boxing has an extremely rich history.
Some book about Canadian freshwater fishing.
Read some Lovecraft from a big book of his shorter work, it's nice as far as cosmic horror goes.
Was reading Ride the Tiger but accidentally left it in a friends truck during a recent road-trip and have been a bit busy to go grab it.
Oh user, I know exactly what you mean.
This fucking book my man
Started reading this to get back into reading, decent read. Gonna check out House of Leaves next.
The Rock is my second favorite after Dempsey, you get my drift
I've been using audible and listening to a bunch of Russian books. They are very good but I also find them very depressing and bleak.
Sowell kicks ass!
You should check out "Black Rednecks and White Liberals"
>Dostoevsky would care about some pleb
It’s different from any other book because everything’s based around smell
Literally just picked it up out of sheer curiosity...so far it isn’t bad
This world disgusts me, I long for heaven to be with Christ and the saints.
One of my favorite books. You chose a good one user.
Trying to digest the nonpoz'd version of The Education of Lev Navrozov.
the demons chapter is a blast. So is the courtroom chapter. Absolute kino.
Post body and books
Does anyone else feel like Robert Greene is just another self-help shill? Not targeting you in particular user, I just heard great things about him but had to stop the Art of Seduction before the third chapter because although I don’t disagree with him his language was so flowery and melodramatic that I just couldn’t handle it.
Good luck with House of Leaves, but be prepared. I tried reading it in high school and have yet to try again, it requires a lot of effort on the part of the reader.
Planning on going through this again sometime soon. Brunner is the shit.
Also want to read the stuff that Robots, love + death was based on
>Onto meditations by Marcus Aurelius
It's pleb tier horseshit pushed onto you via and astroturfing movement meant to make you content with being a docile, subservient farm animal to the ruling class. Read "Democracy: The God That Failed" or "The Ethics or Liberty" or "Against Intellectual Property" instead.
If you just REALLY WANT to suffer through the hypocritical ramblings of a pompous dipshit for several hours, maybe try some Ayn Rand instead of Meditations.