I'm depressed and depression paralyzes me. Reason? I can't get over the fact I became a loser and wasted my time so there are no re-tries. I just can't get over it, even though I realize life is too short for worrying.
I should've gone to uni at 22. It's pointless now as I'm pushing 30 and regretting every decision I've made during the last 10 years. But I can't fix anything now, I don't want to graduate when I'm middle-aged. So what should I do? I got decades of life left. It feels like there's nothing left to do on this planet. Needless to say I'm an incel and getting a uni diploma was my only chance to begin with, and I blew it. Now there's just nothing.
>go to uni and let your age be a constant reminder of how badly you fucked up your life, and not just that, but you're still a depressed lonely incel but you have to work your ass off to learn difficult shit
>stay where you are and keep suffering
Jack Jackson
>my boyfriend is 36 and studying for his first degree in anything
The amount of men (notice: not women) who drop out and get anxious/depressed as fuck and just drink all day is on the rise. It's worrying. I guess men feel immense pressure these days and a certain percentage can't take it unless they have something to keep them going. My guess is that having a girlfriend is The biggest factor to determine whether a man drops out of college or gets through with no delays.
Personally I'm currently in the >REE I refuse to achieve stuff if I don't get a gf REE phase and I admit it.
Lincoln Hughes
You have no idea of how much I identify with your current situations, I'm 23 and I haven't studied when I should have, now all I have is a damaged brain due to drugs and alcohol every weekend. I'm telling you partying and going to clubs was the only thing I did instead of studying and learning man... I'll admit it, it was ok and due to so many years of weed abuse, everything is dull now, videogames are boring, movies and TV sucks because I can't enjoy them, partying is not an option because I now have schizophrenia and everything worries me... It feels as if there's a plateau man, life itself doesn't seem so entertaining, I don't know what to say, the gym isn't really a option because I already did that and I was good at it but I quit and now going back to being healthy seems like a chore and not actually something natural... So many choices that I regret, now I'm alone, now I don't have so many friends as I used to have when I went to parties and get stoned/drunk. I lost my virginity in a bathroom stall at 16 I think, had 5 girlfriends and the most recent one was a 39 years old chinese women I dumped because of the age difference, I had loved once with all my heart and it all ended leaving me destroyed, so yeah, emotionally this shit is crazy man...
Nathaniel Hughes
Why aim for the lambo? Lambos are overpriced high maintenance pieces of shit anyway. First generation vipers can be had for 25-30k, look way cooler, and require much less TLC.
All I can say is you should get sober and wait for your body to heal, it's possible to get back to normal. Focus on getting a normal daily cycle and build on that slowly with studying or something.
>I lost my virginity in a bathroom stall at 16 I think, had 5 girlfriends I'm an incel and I've always thought people who have had sex automatically turn out happy and successful.
Austin Scott
>1997 Viper GTS, blue with white stripes, hardtop
Knowing I won't get one makes me cry every time. I lusted after that car so much as a kid playing Gran Turismo.
Isaiah Martin
I have an AS a BS and a MS in CS and unemployed. uni is a pyramid scheme scam OP
30 is still young compared to 90
Bentley Clark
You can find good examples of those for 45k. Not a poorfag car but its definitely doable even for a wageslave with a few years of proper saving/budgeting. It's not like we have girlfriends/wives/children to spend the money on.
Justin Phillips
I just wanna be an alpha male but I dunno how
Owen Turner
>It's not like we have girlfriends/wives/children to spend the money on.
True, and it's painful to remember this. In a way the incel life can be better than family life when your friends are middle-aged and fed up with driving their kids to school and their droopy wife demanding stuff. But there's a hole in my soul, I have no idea how to fix it.
Forget the sportscar, tend to your own soul. Materialism is worthless vanity.
Gavin Powell
Dude im 33 on jan 1st and finally going to a U. Huskies.
Spent plenty trying to figure life out. Military, civilian world. In the end I decided to go back to school. You think your old. How do you think I feel. 2-4 years isnt shit in the real world. Do what you want whenever you want.