Blue eyed and blonde haired women are very overrated

Blue eyed and blonde haired women are very overrated

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Appearance-wise this is basically my ideal

user she looks no older than 15 wtf

This looks like a fucking renaissance painting wtf

Thick eyebrows, dark hair and relatively tall girls get my dick hard as stone

You're just used to busted slags who look older than they should. Not my problem

Basically the exact same for me

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god, I want to see her beheaded with all of her body parts (including legs and arms) decapitated/sawed off.

you might want to see someone about that!

What's wrong with that? Are you a fag or just brainwashed?

You're saying im a fag because im not into underage girls? Da fuq?

Same. I'm on holiday in the South West of Australia and 9/10 women here are blonde haired, blue eyed surfer chicks. They're so fucking basic.

15 is the AoC, or over the AoC, in the majority of white countries. The rest are 16, and less than 10 countries/states are 17 or 18

Yes we are.

True patrician taste for females is dark hair, pale spotless skin, and light colored eyes. They can have any fashion taste (wholesome, nerdy chick, goth, etc) and pull each look off extraordinarily.
I'd be jealous if they didn't constantly handicap themselves by bleaching their hair and frying their skin trying to look like something else lmao.

you can dye your hair brown/black ya dumb fuck, but plenty of people everywhere still love the 'aryan grl' aesthetic.

you forgot the most important part

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go the fuck back to 9reddit retard

Blue eyed blond girls aren't overrated, if anything they are underrated. I do prefer brown hair and blue eyes myself.

Yes I am. Now get the fuck off my board you mouthbreathing retard.

As long as you take care of your skin I prefer a tan to porcelain white skin.

lmao no theyre not. every non-white wants one because theyre exotic and most whites want one because le aryan meme

>le aryan meme
Back to reddirt, mutt.

lol did he cheat on you with stacy again? I thought you said you were a 10/10 and that he would never cheat on you.

I have green eyes and red hair. Am I overrated? Why do we have to be so superficial?

I have blond hair and blue eyes myself. I don't give a shit about it though because the only people who do are those that aren't blond and blue eyed themselves. If anyone is the mutt, it's probably you.

Stay mad, angry mutt.

Then let me put it this way boi. I am a man of science and I believe science holds the answers. Science shows that the part of the brain that rationalizes our day to day decision making doesnt fully mature until the age of 25. If she happens to be 15, and you are in your 20s (even if you just hit 20) then I think its pretty sick you would try to get with someone who is still a child. If this chick ISNT 15, then im not saying she is ugly, she just looks young as fuck. If she is 20+ then I'd be right there to smash, but my point is trying to get with a child is fucking sick. Idgaf what the AoC is in other countries or ours. Science shows that someone isnt close to making mature decisions until they hit 20 AT LEAST. If YOU are still in school then smash away. If both of you are in high school, then it is eligible for smashing. But if you graduated (x>18) and you are talking to a 15 year old, you are either desperate, a loser, or a desperate loser virgin. There are plenty of young looking femanons that are over 18+ and im not saying that look is a bad thing. But your augment is "in japan fucking 13 year olds is perfectly legal" is fucking disgusting.

404 three digit IQ not found


The female finishes puberty at 15, she is ready to be courted when pubescent.

Your post makes no sense. None of the points that you make have any logical progression. You are a typical brainwashed mouthbreathing retard who derives his "morality" from state doctrine. You fucking tourist. Get the fuck off my board and never come back.

Some females puberty ends much sooner than that, so by your logic then 11-12 year olds girls are ripe for child rape by them adults right since they finished sooner?

>child rape
Nice straw man.

Let's make things clear for you, retard. "Child" is a biological term, it means "pre pubescent", so by definition a pubescent human is not a child. I do not support rape or premarital sex o any kind, a woman is to be courted and married before losing her virginity to her husband.

If you cant follow my points, then you are either A) clinically retarded and feel sorry for you, or B) intentionally misunderstanding my point so you dont look like a pedophile.

Also realize that "AoC" argument falls straight flat when the person is considered an adult. In japan, an 20 year old cant have sex with a 13 year old, despite the 13 year old AoC.

AoC isnt just " can smash at this age" laws. They have MANY strings attached to them when talking about many of these countries. So you are still considered a pedophile in many of these other countries too if you are any older than 18.

(((Romeo and Juliet restrictions))) are not the norm, sweetie.

>you are a pedo if she is a pubescent or post-pubescent teen
Definitely a normalfag.

>tfw you look like her :(

So your argument is that by definition it automatically makes her an adult, ready to make adult decisions in life??? LMAO thats hilarious. Let me stick some wings on a train and lets call it a rocket. By definition (oxforddictionaries) I would be right.

>So your argument is that by definition it automatically makes her an adult,
Stop ascribing false statements and interact with my words in reality. A pubescent is an adolescent.
>ready to make adult decisions in life???
No woman is capable of making decisions, that is why we have fathers and husbands for them.
>LMAO thats hilarious
It's hilarious that you can only talk to strawmen.

It takes a quick google search to see how complicated AoC laws work in japan. The argument you people are making is that a 35 year old can hook up with a girl, so long as she just finished puberty, and it be perfectly fine. Most countries dont see it that way, and would still be against the law in many countries.

Literally the only argument I have seen is, if she is done with puberty, she is ready to be an adult on her own making life choices. Thats scientifically proven to be incorrect for both boys and girls.

I don't give a fuck about aoc. You are retarded.
>a man is sick for lusting after a woman he is biologically inclined to find attractive
Congratulations, you have been brainwashed.
>a man shouldn't pursue a woman whose brain has not finished developing but it's okay for a kid whose brain hasn't finished developing either to do so
Congratulations, you are fucking retarded.

Finding pubescent women (yes, women, they are not children) is not paedophilia. It is natural and only someone so brainwashed and experiencing such cognitive dissonance that is so prevalent in this dying society would disagree.

>The argument you people are making is that a 35 year old can hook up with a girl,
All you can do is attack straw men. I'm done replying to you.

>No woman is capable of making decisions, that is why we have fathers and husbands for them.

This, coupled with the second straw man accusation, means you are either a troll or autistic. If you literally believe that:
>The female finishes puberty at 15, she is ready to be courted when pubescent.
by anyone over the age of 18, then you are one sick fuck. Also never use AoC laws without actually taking the time to research what they are, it makes you look legitimately retarted.

oh look how special and original you are

I prefer a brunette over a blonde any day. Like any healthy human being.

t. ugly brunette femanon with nigger genes

Fuck off slut. Even robots want an aryran goddess.

I prefer red hair myself

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-I don't give a fuck about aoc. You are retarded.
Lmao what an argument. Hey fuck homicide laws, since its only human nature to kill eachother amright senpai? fucking moron

>a man is sick for lusting after a woman he is biologically inclined to find attractive
A pedophile finds little boys and girls attractive, lets let him fuck with them. If the little kids are on the internet asking for something they know nothing about, its fine right its just biology?!

>a man shouldn't pursue a woman whose brain has not finished developing but it's okay for a kid whose brain hasn't finished developing either to do so
noone ever said it was OK for kids to just fuck whenever the fuck they wanted. Its not ok for kids to do drugs or drink, but they do it anyways. Better to let THEM learn as they get older, with guidance from parents, than lettings some fucking pedophile try to get his hands on a girl just cause she got boobs.

-It is natural and only someone so brainwashed and experiencing such cognitive dissonance that is so prevalent in this dying society would disagree.
This argument is just literally retarded. You think because we are "biologically" meant to feel that way, it is just ok to do it. Like I said before, human nature shows that we are wired to kill eachother over the smallest differences. Should I be allowed to put a bullet in your brain? We arent fucking cavemen anymore.

>A pedophile finds little boys and girls attractive
I pedophile is attracted to prepubescent humans. This may or may not be sexual in nature, but the use of the word usually implies sexual attraction in normalfag circles. A pubescent or post-pubescent human is not a prepubescent human, so attraction to them cannot be called pedophilia by a good faith actor.

brown hair brings blue eyes more forward tho
In the end it's all about the overall complexion anyway, I'd take either or

Lmao have you checked with your local pedophile to see if the attraction was similar to how a butterfly is attracted to flowers? How a store attracts customers? I never thought about it like that, really enlightening.

-A pubescent or post-pubescent human is not a prepubescent human, so attraction to them cannot be called pedophilia
As I said before, using strict definitions for grown adults to have sex with 14 year olds is pretty pathetic and sick.

>Lmao have you checked with your local pedophile to see if the attraction was similar to how a butterfly is attracted to flowers? How a store attracts customers? I never thought about it like that, really enlightening.
No, I simply adhere to the proper meaning of words. Individual pedophiles don't matter, but most of them do not rape children so I don't care.
>As I said before, using strict definitions for grown adults to have sex with 14 year olds is pretty pathetic and sick.
This is a straw man, and your moral judgements mean nothing to me, as you are a godless pig. I will adhere to words I previously typed about not replying to you anymore, please learn how to quote properly in the future.

black hair is superior

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Blue eyes and blond hair are the normie's choice

-No, I simply adhere to the proper meaning of words. Individual pedophiles don't matter, but most of them do not rape children so I don't care.

Because most of them have very little access to young children, and most dont want to go to prison and be a lifelong registered sex offender fucking moron. Its why people arent killing each other on the streets, because there are consequences.

-This is a straw man, and your moral judgements mean nothing to me, as you are a godless pig. I will adhere to words I previously typed about not replying to you anymore, please learn how to quote properly in the future.

Lmao third straw man argument, along with no counter argument. Love it, is this your closing statement to every losing debate? All you tell me is:
"Adolescents are not children, its not pedophile, we are biologically wired to find 14 year olds attractive after they finish puberty, therefore its ok to do it. Any argument you make is a straw man, therefore I win."

You should probably stop replying, because you literally contributed nothing but showing me you want to fuck kids. Enjoy that sewage of a basement.

I think this is very dark brown actually

Brown hair + blue/green eyes + freckles
red hair + green/blue eyes + freckles
is how you spot a goddess

fucking based user
here's a cutie for ya

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Based und redpilled, brah

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>dirty blonde hair
>green eyes
no one likes me still

Here your (you) retard

Dark hair with blue eyes and freckles, as stated above, can be very striking.

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>tfw no freckles but mum has them

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>liking women with hair or eyes

Auburn hair with emerald green eyes is objectively the best