Americans report in. Best country only. If you don't have an American flag next to your name I don't wanna see it...

Americans report in. Best country only. If you don't have an American flag next to your name I don't wanna see it, because fuck you American #1.

Attached: The One True God.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:

im gonna whoop your ass

Come at me faggot. I've beat your testicles in a couple times and I'll do it again you pansy ass bitch.

Attached: Europe.jpg (1183x851, 77K)

What about Texas flag posters?

American #1 at marrying 6 year olds:

european america reporting in.

hell yeah we are

Remove yourself from this thread or 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN!!!!

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lmaoing at the US
>inb4 blow it in my ass

Attached: USA18.jpg (886x768, 78K)

Bestes Land reportiert ein!

tone down the nationalism please

Attached: 55E1773B-90DF-4AEA-933D-AAD2EB0465DC.png (1724x1486, 1.19M)

I read that in Iron Sheiks voice, it made me smile


Attached: American Stelter.png (1280x720, 1.53M)

Worthless furry traitor. Get publicly executed.

This is the one thing I don't get... It seems to be a hot-button topic for euros but I really don't see how it's that bad. Yeah, it's kinda dumb and causes some people to be demanding shitheads, but an overwhelming majority of the people who work for tips are very modest about it and never shove it down your throat. You don't get reprimanded for not tipping and many service employees tend to provide better service to try to earn a better tip. The examples that I see posted here all the time seem like very rare cases. They're so uncommon I cannot recall a single time where I've seen a sign telling me tipping was expected or had a person suggest I tip them. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, if it did it was such a minor ordeal and one-time circumstance that it hasn't lingered in my memory. I guess it's just because I'm used to it, but it never seemed that bad to me.

lol bite me

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Don’t tread on me!!!!

Reporter to the Saudi anti degeneracy police (god damn what a nice thing to have) (also god damn that fucking Skype call) have fun brining shame towards your family and enjoy public execution, the less humanity has degeneracy the brighter the future... as the good ole saying says ALLAH AKBAR

>the lolbertarian is illiterate
Like pottery.
Don't skip classes, boy.

Attached: Hey now.png (500x762, 486K)

i guess that expecting the public to pay your salary is reminiscent of begging, or in this case. a similar deal except a service is provided. like a dude washing your windshield and expecting to get paid.
i think maybe it makes jobs like that less attractive? personally i wouldn't want to be on either side of a situation where it's the social norm for a customer to tip, just because you're literally expected to pay beyond just the service.
if you know what i mean

Attached: USA17.jpg (728x546, 46K)


united statian on vacation here, AMA

Reporting In

Why don't you eat something?

Attached: Brian Stelter 122.png (278x435, 177K)

Go ahead and try, numbnuts.

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Midwest > South> West> East coast

make room now. you don't want trade wars do you, piggus?


Attached: China.png (800x533, 8K)

You dont Want trade war either PRC scum.

Europe>Asia>Australia and Oceania>>>>>>America>Africa


Attached: usa1.jpg (768x1091, 158K)

who are you quoting?

*Jumps in*


Attached: meow.png (933x964, 708K)

>Total Crimes
It's that high because smoking weed in your home or even jaywalking an empty road is considered a crime. Also, they need crimes to be high for a reason I'll explain later.

The toxic masculinity that infected our culture has caused this to be so high. That, and the fact that some people can get away with rape of their own damn toddler daughters if they have the money.

>CO2 emissions
Coal companies backing corrupt politicians so they still get relied on in the 21st fucking century, even though it's a dying industry that has been on the decline since the 60's.

>Divorce Rate
Law firms make buttloads of cash over rich divorced couples.

>Teen birth rate
Even in this day and age, Sex Ed is still a controversy in the US in the eyes of helicopter parents. Teens will always bang one another behind your back no matter what, it's better to teach them how to use condoms and birth control than let them do it raw.

>Heart attack
Healthy food getting more expensive, junk food getting cheaper by the day, and a lack of universal healthcare is the reason this is such a big problem.

Eh, it's self-explanatory.

>Plastic surgery
Hollywood's imposement of faux-beauty standards is why it's so big. In retrospect, plastic surgery isn't wrong at all if you're fixing something about yourself, like a crooked nose. Sadly, these surgeries went from being helpful to profitable.

In America, prisons are basically an evolution of the slavery we had in the land before the abolition, especially if they're private prisons. The prisoners get used as cheap labor to make clothing, machinery, weaponry, and many other things while being cramped in humid cramped dirty cells as if they were slaughterhouse animals.
You heard of the prisoners who extinguish wildfires in places like California? Despite those guys having years of experience putting out fires, they can't apply as firefighters because they're listed as former felons. The country's broken.

God bless America, everyone else can blow it out their ass.

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You’re not a real Arab.
> Likes weed, even though Muslim nations hate that shit
> Hates “Toxic Masculinity” even though his nation treats women like objects
> Thinks Coal is bad, even though his economy is based on Oil
You’re just a LARPing faggot pretending to be Arab.

>implying there's anything wrong with weed
>implying there's any contradiction there
>implying that makes my statements false
I don't "think" coal is bad, it is objectively bad. You're essentially poisoning workers for practically worthless rocks that don't even net as much energy as renewables.
But you are right about my nation treating women like pieces of eye-candy, I'll have to give you credit for that.

Attached: jerry.png (257x250, 127K)

not even close bong

resurrecting le based american thread

Ny reporting in

Attached: USA19.jpg (1024x680, 181K)

is that in america or d*nmark

cute lil girl

American dream:

Attached: USA21.jpg (570x685, 50K)

>tfw Irish people killed the Anglo-Saxon ethos in America and started the trend of the hyphenated "-American" suffix instead of assimilating fully
>tfw we dumped our double digit IQ detritus from the west of the island onto America
>tfw we got the non-white immigration law passed in 1965

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>mfw Jow Forums is full of easily triggerable snowflakes


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Gatomon x Patamon otp

>the eternal hiberian

here we go

fuck off alex soros