Do you guys like your job

do you guys like your job

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I dont like it but i dont hate it too

Im a forklift driver of many other. The job is boring and stupid but the pay is okay and its easy business

hate it with every ounce of my being, think it will kill me within the year. What's worse is it's on a really beautiful beach so everyone always tells me "ohh you must love your job!" and "wow you have a nice office!" not knowing the absolute fucking dread I feel waking up every morning to come sit in this shit hole for 15 hours. I get no breaks, no days off, no sympathy, if I'm sick? Tough shit I have to go in, if I have a stabbing pain in my head for two months that's causing me absolute agony and I want a day off to go to the doctors to find out what's causing it? Tough shit you go to work wagie. I fucking hate my job and my boss. I wish I was dead.

Yes, it gives me a sense of purpose

meh. i sit in a windowless office but the contents of the job are sometimes interesting and nobody cares that i leave an hour early and charge for lunch.

>get up at 06:15
>do my morning routine
>leave 06:45
>arrive 07:00
>do the normal routine
>usually done around 10:00
>go home
>eat, sleep or whatever the fuck I want
>go back to work at 17:00
>repeat routine
>get home around 20:00
>relax a bit before going to bed
>work 10 days and get 4 days off

dream job

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It's okay i guess, I hate that I have to work but prefer it to being poor


For the most part I do. It's really low paying which is my biggest knock against it. It's pretty easy though. My coworkers are pleasant to work with. I don't have any kind of anxiety about going in everyday like I have at other jobs in the past.

It's super comfy and I get paid 85k+, but I am getting out of shape because I sit around all day.


I used to feel like this then I quit and realized I hate work.

Not at the moment, it ruined my Christmas and vacation.

Literally get paid by law school to go to law school and not get shit grades, because did really well on LSAT.
During summer make $3,700/week at a biglaw firm that made me a F/T job offer, but work extraordinarily long hours.

Yeah, they're both legit. Obviously want to finish law school already and just do the firm.

thank god i have never been employed at age level 27. gonna live with mommy until she dies then inherit all the jew gold she got from daddy. comfy rich neet life bois

It's pretty good, and I've very lucky to have it.

Standard office job with flexible hours and can work from home a day or two per week. Get to play with tech stuff sometimes. Otherwise mostly producing documentation, attending meetings, and being a guiding hand/subject expert.

Still crave quitting and moving to a shack in the woods to live out my days, pretty frequently.

Imagine if you discover once she's passed that she gave it all to charity.

You have no way of knowing.

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I do, but they pay me a lot of money. I like money.

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why you lying? there are no firms that pay almost $200k for first year associates, let alone summers.

Im on welfare lol.


>dug myself $40,000 into debt for a 4 year accounting degree
>this imparts on me the same qualifications of a 2 year associate's degree that would have cost maybe $5000
>find a job paying $45k after literally a year of spamming applications
>work 50+ hours per week, literally less per hour than if I were in retail
>boss's christmas bonus was over 4x what I make in a year

I'm assuming the $3700k is for law school + being a summer associate. But yea, no firm is paying $200k to a first year, for a lot of firms that's the pay for a mid-sr level associate.

Howdy partnr what kind of farm you do?

It's okay. I'm an accountant for a small business. The owners are retarded at times, but they're pretty chill. I arrive like 30 minutes late and leave 30 minutes early like each day.

I'm in a similar situation myself. I can only hope that if/when I die of a heart attack/stroke because of my job that my shithead bosses might just feel a little bit of remorse for overworking the shit out of me

They don't know about NY law firms.

Funny one of you know about summer associate gigs but couldn't put two and two together.

I'm a game designer for one of the big publishers. I love it. Very comfy role where I spend most of my time in meeting discussing stuff I'm obviously interested about, making documents while listening to music, and talking to the rest of the team. I do very little 'work' compared to say programmers and artists, I feel very fortunate. Especially since I travel a lot which hasn't gotten old yet.

I'm a dishwasher.

the hours are shit, the pay is shittier and you might be wiping up actual shit on occasion. the good thing about it is that it will probably be good enough to motivate me to kill myself soon

I'm a CNC machinist, get to program machines and make cool shit, have earphones in all day and listen to music/podcasts, choose my own hours, shits great

Damn. I thought accounting was a pretty safe career path. Like learn useful skills, do boring work, bring home decent pay, be comfy.

what if vidya players screech at your game design decisions