What's the worst situation you've been in where you really needed to pee but couldn't go? Where did you end up peeing?
What's the worst situation you've been in where you really needed to pee but couldn't go? Where did you end up peeing?
Stuck in stand still traffic for 3 hours, ended up getting out and pissing in the middle of the motorway. Nothing really special.
that's why you should always carry a piss bottle
I'd rather piss in the road than stink my car out.
it all goes in the bottle then you toss it. easy. do you not know how to piss or something?
Gasses always escape.
Lmao I need to pee right but the door for the bathroom in my home is defective and sometimes doesn't open(like right now). 2 am here, no one can help me
today I took klonopin and had a really difficult time peeing. i couldn't get it started and i had like no pressure.
there are plenty of things to pee into i'm sure.
or just go outside
heres the story, happened when i was 8/9
>be me
>live in a apartment with my family
>be playing with friends below on the apartment
>get extremely tired out of playing
>drink a shit load of water
>continue playing with my friends
>want to piss
>dont go since its not that bad
>oh no
>after a few minutes of playing get gigantic urge to piss
>run for the closest bathroom
>run for the elevator
>although i lived on the floor 6 the elevator is slow as shit
>try to hold it
>hold it
>cant hold it anymore
>last try to hold it
>mission failed well get em next time
>piss myself
>the elevator gets basicly flooded with piss
>the piece of shit of elevator is still not there
>fortunaly noone entered in the elevator
>go to my apartment and bath
>a few weeks later my father said he entered the elevator while the piss was on the ground
>he was disgusted that he cleaned the elevator himself
>didnt tell him it was me
why not just pee in the corner instead of in your pants?
i was basicly retarded when i was nine so didnt think to just piss on the corner
when i was starting to piss myself i just stood there doing nothing
fucking typo holy shit
i bet a lot of fembots have their own version of pee bottles. can any confirm?
>Left house at 5 to catch a bus to my new job as a sports trainer
>Needed to pee a moderate amount but figured I'd just do it when I get there
>hour long bus ride to the place, about to explode at this point but hold on until work
>get to work, thrown straight into things, no time to stop for two hours, gnashing teeth at this point looking for a chance to peel away and relieve myself
>finish at 8:30, think they thought I was retarded, don't care all I care about is not rupturing my bladder
>look all around, no toilets at a fucking sports ground are you kidding wtf
>slink back to the bus stop with pain all over my face
>bus stop is on a main road in my pretty busy city
>pain is too much, don't want to lose job so angle myself in a way so that the people at the ground can't see me, but people on the road can
>get honks for 30 seconds as I let rip the best piss of my life
>bus comes as I finish up, get home at 10 to an email saying they're overstaffed and have to let me go after one shift, guess someone saw me and confirmed that I was deranged
And that was the piss that ended my prospective sports science career.
On the way back from a school trip. Everyone was being a cunt making those ssss sounds. Felt like my bladder was about to explode.
We had just arrived back in my town though so I jumped out at some lights and went in a bush
one time a fembot posted a piss funnel she made under her computer desk. funny shit.
one of my e-gfs pissed into cups and stuff a lot.
GI Joe's was hosing a hunter's training and certification class and my friends dad wanted me to come with his kid. We sat there for 3 or 4 hours and I had to piss half way in. My stomach was distorted like I was pregnant and when we let out I waddled over to the opposite corner of the store and pissed for like a minute straight.
>Be me
>year 5
>get to school to go on excursion to the city which is a 90min bus drive
>Lazy ass female teachers never unlock the toilets in thew morning
>Because i was little bitch I was scared to ask a teacher to open it because they were all stressed and yelling at the kids to get moving
>Get on bus, packed with kids, really need to pee
>Other bus breaks down, they squeeze all the other kids onto our bus
>Literally panicking, almost crying, my bladder hurt
>My mum who was a teacher thaknkfuck asked what was wrong I said 'Mum Im busting!'
>She managed to stop the bus and I got out and went behind a building and dead set pissed for about 3-4 minutes.
>My mum was astounded at how much piss there was had to have been 5 litres
>Ive always been a big pisser, dunno why. I didnt even drink alot of water that morning i as just my daily routine got interrupted because of the cunt teachers
>Get to destination, need to piss again
Since then im terrified of being in situations where I may not be able to go. It traumatised me.
are you a femanon? this post is so british
Guys it's me update I still haven't peed idk what to do fuuck. I can't pee on a bottle it's too trashy. I can't pee outside cause I have a bit of an ocd so if I go outside I have to always shower after
are you male user or femanon? I will figure out a solution.
No im male. And Australian.
I'm a female original original
give me your discord and we will solve this. yes i'm serious
I added you, we'll problem solve
Just force the door open. Don't go tardrage and break it or anything, but a bit of force can get the job done often enough.
Nice try op, but Im not letting you masturbate to the thought of me pissing
I swear I can't dude it can be open only from the other side
I find that a bit hard to believe, but it's not me, so whatever. Go piss in a bottle/sink or do whatever else.
Ive peed in so many bottles im now a pro at aiming
how does that work? and also give me your discord, I'm intrigued.
when i was about to lose my virginity. i powered through it and snuck through the hallway after to the bathroom trying not to wake the girls mom up cause she didnt know i was there. good times. no idea how i ended up here
Come back and explain please
It's my fetish pee on myself or watch a girl pee herself. Too bad I have an iron bladder and don't know any women.
>it can be open only from the other side
Then why the fuck would you close it when no one's in there?
I've never been in such a situation because I am not a retard who holds his piss in for too long
But I once pissed my pants on purpose at the ripe age of 24 because I was bored and did not remember what it felt like
Felt warm and then like regret
Not the exact same scenario, but one time while playing a game of squads on Fortnite, I had to take a shit. I can see my TV looking out of the bathroom door while shitting legs left of the toilet seat. I intentionally plugged my mic in to my controller and held it in between my thighs so my ass sounds would play through three other person's TV's cause they didn't have mics. I was laughing and farting my balls off and saying stuff like "WOO that was a stinker." after every ripper or "baked beans ARRGGH *brrrrrt * never again."