What does Jow Forums think of Real Social Dynamics?
What does Jow Forums think of Real Social Dynamics?
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These days, it's probably scripted with escorts/friends/gfs
great for AFCs
There's way too much material out there to wade through, do you have any specific recommendations for this AFC? I could read a book, especially one that's structured like an instruction manual with exercises, but I cba trawling through the years of video content spread across a billion separate channels.
Only trust your own insight. Embrace your mistakes and continue pushing forward. Listening to others insight is a replacement for developing insight of your own. Fuck readfags and TedTalkfags too.
This is a fine sentiment, but I'm at a real beginner stage here, like a 'hasn't talked to a woman with romantic intent for years and has totally forgotten how' sort of level. A nice clear set of instructions to push me out of the nest is what I really need right now. I'm sure I won't need any help developing insight once I'm regularly practicing.
Thanks user, looks promising.
pirate "the blueprint decoded" by tyler and "pimp" by julian
some of tyler's older videos, like up to 2015 on his rsdtyler channel are pretty good
anything on rsdfreetour or anything that any of them put out in the last several years is beyond shit it's boring and retarded and the new guys are all wack
I would never pay for their irl stuff lol
megacope for uggos
I agree. You can tell Owen is burnt out in all the newer videos. He used to give a lot of solid advice but now seems like he just ran out of shit to say.