VR is a fad made popular by YouTube jackasses who scream at video games. It will die out in a decade or less

VR is a fad made popular by YouTube jackasses who scream at video games. It will die out in a decade or less.

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It strikes me as similar to the 3DTV thing, conceptually it's a good idea but when put into practice it's too much of a hassle

you stupid fucking norman, you don't grasp the draw behind VR sets. i have been obsessively saving money for a new pc to run a vive set for a year because if i can't escape into a virtual world where i can socially interact with anime girls i will probably fucking neck rope i am a quasimodo bell tower crayon eating monster with a shitty mcjob and girls actively run from me

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>where i can socially interact with anime girls
It's not really that immersive. You're given outlines of the vive controllers so you can see what you're doing, and the field of view is pretty low. Looks like you're looking through a box. The 3d effect is convincing and the head tracking is useful, so it's good for flight simulators and not much else.

>you stupid fucking norman
You're trying too hard to fit in.

I think later gen vr headsets will be better in terms of immersion, but right now they are more of a novelty, cool to use at first but it feels limited.

Yeah, there isn't much content games wise. Other than Skyrim or fallout you are limited to "experiences" intstead of games which only last an hour or two on average :(

Even when it's cheap, wireless and ubiquitous it still won't be as popular as traditional gaming.

People want to hear if their house is on fire. People want to know if someone is about to pull down their pants as a joke. People want to quickly pull out their phone and shop/make a phone call which takes seconds.

It makes you look like a antisocial dumbass. Flailing around like an idiot with your senses cut off will NEVER be cool. It just won't.

you know, even a robot could make friends in vrchat
you should give it a try, user

nah, it is the go between from from 2D to eventually having a room in your house that is an entire holographic display

traditional gaming wont exist in 10+ years

Current VR is comparable to state of cumputers in 1950es. Just give it some time, faggot

>not watching your ASMR gf simulations in 3D VR with binaural kissing sounds

The tech is shit but still feels realer than real life.

VR porn alone makes it worth it, that shit is incredible man

t. VR owner

they're ok most of the time, but kinda overrated.

I have the oculus rift w/ only 2 base stations, and it has a fuck ton of tracking issues for me (esp. with my head, it will jump in position a fuck ton)

they're amazing to get high w/ your friends and fuck around in vrchat, but besides that you look stupid most of the time.
(also I've never tried vr porn, but I've heard it's really good)

VR is still in the Atari stages of infancy. Maybe in ten or twenty years you'll be able to shut out the misery entirely and immerse yourself in a reality of your choosing.

Yeah, strapping a fucking phone to your eyeballs is so comfortable, pass.

Enjoy your eye cancer.

It's fucking amazing. The only reason it's failing is because the price is way too high for normalfags to justify. I'd be amazed if anyone played Beatsaber, Arizona Sunshine, and Pavlov, and still thought that vr is a gimmick. And these are all low budget titles. I can only imagine what higher budget games could do. Also, the porn is great. If there was a fun vr mmo, more fov, and a higher resolution, I'd leave this shitty world forever. Only returning to eat, sleep, and shit.

That and they're clunky with a lot of set-up. If they can create a room setup without gear on they'd fucking make a fortune.

I played my brothers VR a few days ago and can confirm that while it's really cool, it is not at all worth the money and gets boring after an hour or so. All the games are too simple, or the complicated ones have terrible controls.

>the year is 2042
>get off of my shitty minimum wage job at McBurgerBell Jr.
>take my anti-sleep pills
>put on my vr contacts
>step into my anti-gravity room
>my contacts activate, and take me to a world that isn't fucking garbage

A man can dream.

More like.
>the year is 2042
>get off of my shitty minimum wage job at McBurgerBell Jr.
>take my anti-sleep pills
>plug a cord coming from my computer to my brain's usb port
>the vr hallucination begins and takes me to a world that isn't fucking garbage that let's me taste, touch, smell, hear, and see

This man can dream better.

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it would take two world wars and an annihilation event to stop "VR"