Twist it hit it light it edition
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im on 200ug LSD rn boys, see ya in teh fuckin psychoverse
whenever I get my hands on weed I seem to smoke it voraciously until I'm out then I simply go sober for a few months until it falls into my lap again. right now I still have weed tho
Who else here loves smoking meth?
Same here. I used to be someone that smoked weed every day, for years but I got bored of it. Now, I rarely smoke but if I do, the bag is finished quickly
>Catching up on sleep hard as fuck this holiday season
>wake up, take Adderall
>get sleepy and fall asleep again
>smoked the last of my jazz cabbage on christmas
>finishing the last of my booze now
>have money from christmas but am trying to save so I can finally move out of my moms house
>inner junkie is screeching to spend some on drugs because being sober is awful
>responsible me just wants to be out of the house so I can do drugs whenever I want
>just want the sweet release of death but to much of a coward to an hero
How do you get your acid? I've been using various markets on the dark web for a while now and I find that the quality is very hit or miss, usually leaning towards miss. Are you just getting it off the street or do you have an online vendor you could recommend?
Living on your own is 100% worth it bro, just hold off for now.
Tweakers unite
are you an american that gets acid typically meant for the european market? maybe that's why, euros fucking suck at laying acid correctly.
>you take the third hit from your dmt pipe
>you see this
Wtf do you do?
Of course I occasionally buy American but yes, I do get the majority of my acid from western Europe, the furthest east I'll go is Poland. What makes them so shit though? I'd always heard that the Dutch were pros and assumed their skill would cause decent competition across the continent.
is this not an OD
I have weed but i dont know how to enjoy myself on it.
I just end up bored af and going to bed.
read a book on a puff
Laying acid is incredibly time and labor intensive. Common techniques involve pipetting solutions using grid patterns on top of blotters after doing the math on how absorbent the paper is.
Don't ask me why, eurobongs consistently fuck up laying acid. Maybe they can't do math or don't have the proper equipment to make things reliable. It happens to american tabs occasionally but it seems like the mass majority of fuckups are from euroland.
I actually tried this last night but im dyslexic and weed seems to make the words squirm around the page and i dont understand the words i read.
Package for MDMA and heroin arrived, still waiting for my DMT. Anybody have experience peaking on heroin and DMT at the same time? I've never taken either substance but I figure they'd be an amazing combo.
SamSpade2 is the best vendor from my own personal experience, I've bought LSD from him around 10 times and he's always thrown in an extra tab. His prices are also very cheap and he ships internationally, good lad.
Drop $15 on a gram of ketamine from Dream or pickup bottles of DXM through RoboCough, they're both very good antidepressants. Microdose and take weekly, it's how I deal with the desire to kill myself and for the past 6 months or so I haven't had more then a fleeting moment of killing myself, it's a life changer lad. 300mg of DXM weekly or a small bump of ketamine.
Ask the lad what his name is.
>I have weed but i dont know how to enjoy myself on it.
try something different, like a nightwalk or forest walk, go outside where you cant go to bed
try audiobooks or podcasts then
Good ideas could do audio book and night walk tonight
Can anyone recommend a good weed vendor in the UK? Don't want one who just leaves his buds in a plastic bag or something and they're all dried-out and subpar
Not him, but I'm curious about your dxm usage suggestion. You take 300mg once a week and you feel that it helps stave off depression? Is it that it makes you happier over the next week, or is it that it makes you more emotionally neutral? Or is it perhaps that it only removes the suicidal thoughts and leaves you still somewhat depressed? Do you do anything particular while dosing (such at writing about and reflecting upon the things that make you depressed) or do you just fuck around with some enjoyable activity?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just a depressed loser who's heard about dxm's effects on depression here and there.
>been sick and dizzy and nauseas for hours
>finally lay down
>will lay here for hours trying to sleep
>keep hearing and feeling cats in my bed
It's an abstract kinda feel desu
is there a list of good "stealth" highs? I.e. your eyes are not fucked, you can still function socially with minimum variation as to how you are normally like, no smell
eg valium, adderall. opposites would be alcohol, weed, shrooms etc
Thanks for the tip. I usually buy Euro tabs because they're considerable cheaper but I suppose you get what you pay for. Once Bitcoin recovers I'll be sure to lean more heavily towards domestic purchases, pretty much always more expensive to buy American but it evens out when you consider you're not waiting a month for your package.
a first/second plateau dose feels like alcohol, but is undetectable. it's a very underrated drug.
what about the robowalk?
What should one expect from 10mg and 20mg 4-HO-MET, respectively?
>SamSpade2 is the best vendor from my own personal experience, I've bought LSD from him around 10 times and he's always thrown in an extra tab. His prices are also very cheap and he ships internationally, good lad.
Much obliged, I'll be sure to get 10 to test out his product as long as it's affordable. Last recommendation I got was gammagoblin and I was less than impressed. abLoneLSD Is currently my most trusted vendor, I'm always careful to make sure I have a good portion of her tabs in my stack just in case my other orders are duds. Every other small vendor I've had positive experiences with has either been banned or been a part of entire marketplaces that were seized by the feds.
C-can I post here? I haven't done "drugs" in years but I have experience with countless psychedelics, including much of the 2C family, LSD, mushrooms, and DMT, a few deliriants in salvia, DXM and K, a few stimulants in cocaine and various ADD amphetamine-based ADD medicine, and many opiates, such as opium, H, and various painkillers. Plus stuff like MDMA which I wanted to include in stimulants, but, eh. Oh, yeah, I've smoked weed a time or two.
Nowadays I just drink alcohol and have coffee in the morning, plus some snus or a cigarette here and there.
everyone's welcome here user. This is basically the comfiest place on this site
I've heard about that but never experienced it myself.
The most I've taken was 4mg/kg and I still conversed with relatives (who were watching to see if I was intoxicated) without a problem. I felt and acted like a normal person.
Hey, here. I remember reading about plateaus long ago, but can't recall what sort of dose in relation to your body weight, is required to reach a plateau. I remember DXM being something that was sneaky potent, and late 2000s/early 2010s was able to source pure DXM powder on the clearweb of all places. Honestly, looking back on it, I think I had better times with it than I did ketamine.
That said, I'm not sure what "plateau" I was at, but I do remember having a """light""" first dose and loved the feel. Although, even on a light dose, I felt like I was walking like a pirate. I remember walking to a neighbor's to smoke some bud and even he commented that I was walking like a robot, and suddenly the name made even more sense. So I'm not sure it's undetectable...
That said, I vividly remember thinking a certain scene from Holy Mountain was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, so I was probably way higher than I thought I was.
Yikes, I'm drunk. I'm not . Enjoy the (You), friend
I think conversing while intoxicated is completely different than the body load. Especially when discussing DXM. Haven't tripped on K or DXM in years but I'll never forget walking like I have peg legs once it starts hitting you.
Anyone else get visuals from drugs that aren't commonly known for giving visuals? I get visuals from heroin, xanax, and weed. Typically I get tracers. Weed in particular makes everything have a yellow tint and things warp and breathe
Can you compare opium and heroin? I kinda wanna get opium, it just seems like a comfy and classy thing to smoke, more than heroin. Samuel Taylor Coleridge smoked opium.
The opium I've had was delicious and relaxing. I should admit I never mainlined heroin since I wasn't that much into opiates, thankfully. I always insufflated. If you're throwing opium on top of a bowl, like hash, it's going to be the best bowl you've ever smoked and the opiate effects aren't going to be overpowering. Maybe comparable to a handful of Vicodins, depending on how much you top the bowl with.
Comparing the two, it's like getting a pinch vs getting punched in the face. Looking back on it, I cannot believe how strong heroin is compared to other opiates. I would say it's almost uncomfortable how hard you'll nod off a comparatively small amount, but that'd be a lie, because you'll feel fucking incredible. That said, the experience of opium, from the ingestion to the high, is overall the best opiate, especially with little to no tolerance.
Actually, just typing this makes me want to mention that out of everything I've tried, smoking opium was always the most relaxing and most enjoyable.
Take as much DXM as you want up to 4mg/kg. Before that, you shouldn't have any issues.
i got this 200ug from the deep web, im fucking tripping internally but im not getting many visuals
I'll have a look now to see if there are any domestic sellers. I find heroin unpleasant because I get nauseous and itchy. Maybe opium will be better
Opiates, in general, will make you itch. Kratom was always the worst offender for me.
Sounds about right. Most of my lesser tabs will still at the very least provide good feels despite the lack of visuals. Besides that I've got some dirty tabs that give visuals and mentals but the trips only last about 4-5 hours.
I lost touch with reality yesterday smoking a big bowl after not touching weed for 2 months, the high was intense
if i take 2, ill probably get overstimulated. yeah these tabs are nice
200ug should be very visual and be on the verge of hard to type from my experiences.
the visuals are hitting me now
Is it normal to get a headache after smoking some THC ?
I get it all the time
I almost always see some kaleidoscopic type visuals when I smoke weed for some reason
All Ive got is weed
and thats all I need baby
Nice, if you have headphones (or can have the volume up some) this video is always fun tripping.
Can you normies fuck on over to another board?
>cocaine comedown again
Why do I keep putting myself through this
All I have is my cigarettes and kratom. Been a week and a half off heroin. I don't miss the heroin, but I remember now that what got me into this mess in the first place is this overwhelming depression. I want to die. Women make me miserable and I'm not even an incel. Maybe I'll relapse, but I'd rather just be happy.
Stim comedowns are fucking awful.
I've nearly killed myself on the comedown from meth
I've been more or less sober for about a month and hopefully you are different but it is bland as fuck. I am bored out of my mind
I bought into the just use a benzo on every stim comedown meme and got hooked on benzos that way. Benzo WD is fucking awful - fuck clonzolam.
Samefag - I recently got some norcos and put them in my old clonzolam bottle that had 1 left in it. I didn't think shit of it and accidentally grabbed 1 pellet and 1 tab and basically put myself back into benzo WD after 3 months clean. I am a fucking retard
It makes me happier, if I wanted to be numb then I'd take SSRIs. I can go several days now without having suicidal thoughts or being depressed which is a god send, I don't write about it or reflect. Personally I think it's partly chemical and partly lifestyle though, people get stuck in negative thought loops coupled with lowered serotonin levels then others and certain receptors firing off that you become complacent in your depression.
DXM is a very bad drug to go outside and try to be normal on, while under the influence I'm personally very antisocial and it's hard to move around or do anything even at lower plats like 1st or 2nd. Stimulants in general, small doses of benzos or my favorite being microdoses of LSD/shrooms and you can function very well in society and feel better then normal without it being dramatic enough for someone to call you out on it or impair you.
I took 500mg of adderall over the course of a week, by the end of the week I was experiencing full blown psychosis and was very close to killing myself to get away from the extremely awful body high and everyone laughing at me in my head. It was really fucked up.
I burst into tears and couldn't stop crying in the midst of one meth comedown. Everything felt so awful and despairing
are there even drugs where you dont have a shit comedown?
Maybe you have shit genes user. People complain about coming down on Adderall/amp but I don't crash unless I overdo it.
>he doesn't have a gross gunk-caked bong
Weed always gives me full LSD style visuals with patterns melting and stuff, bizarre to hear that people normally get zero visuals off weed.
Woke up at 5:30 and swallowed a little meth crystal. I can't wait until dorms open again at college so during the week I can do my favorites, DXM and LSD (and whatever else I wanna try as well). Gonna have good free days for drugs this semester.
opiates aren't bad, as long as you don't count withdrawals as a comedown
GIad I'm not the only one
Not my picture but man these were good times. I owned art from the lower left.
Think there must be some bunk in that bag, because even though stuff from that batch has gotten me really high before, this shard didn't raise my heart rate at all. I don't think it's tolerance either because the last time I took an amphetamine was vyvanse a week ago and that had me super fucking stimmed.
Have you ever read about hot railling? Lets you smoke the equivalent of like 10 hits off a pipe in one hit. What that guy is doing there certainly looks ridiculous, but it's nowhere near an OD.
Smoked just about every day in the second half of 2017. I've been clean one year minus 8 days (not clean off all drugs just that particular one). Still miss it and fantasize about it daily.
Damn, that's heavy use alright. What are the lingering effects from that? Is your brain fried? I smoke it no more than once per week, for almost 2 months now
Much harder to OD off of stims than on opioids. You can get really high and tweaking off as little as like 20mg of meth, but in a binge a lot of times people will smoke/eat/snort whole grams of the stuff over the course of days. Fucks your heart and brain up real bad but usually won't kill you. I shared some of my meth once with a friend who had never done any before, I gave him about 600mg and expected it to last him a while since I had been using it conservatively, but he ended up snorting all of it over the course of like 6 hours, at the time I thought that was beyond lethal, but apparently at my weight (170 lbs) the LD50 is like 4 grams, which is fucking crazy.
Holy fuck I agree to the fantasizing so much. Only really smoked meth once and then have avoided it since because too scared of full-blown addiction but I've had dreams about smoking meth and even started watching porn of naked women smoking meth. The clouds are just so satisfying, had to smash my pipe to keep me from doing it again.
>What are the lingering effects from that? Is your brain fried?
Almost a year later I feel tired all the time and still have trouble urinating (a symptom I first picked up on meth masturbation sessions),
Is there a better drug for euphoria than phenibut? Meth is nice but too much of a "distracting" euphoria if that makes sense. My favorite thing about phenibut is that it makes any vidya seem like a master piece. On 2g of phenibut I've even had a blast playing games that are usually just "meh" to me me like dark souls 2 and final fantasy 12.
>too much of a "distracting" euphoria if that makes sense.
Can you elaborate more? And also maybe explain what makes the phenibut euphoria different? For reference, I've done lots of meth but no phenibut. I have done benzos like xanax which some compare to phenibut.
Well it's much more of a problem when I'm watching something than playing vidya but the racing thoughts I get off meth oftentimes distract me from what I'm doing. Instead of enjoying the movie I'm watching I'll be paying no attention to it since I'm reciting some essay in my head or something.
As for phenibut even though it's structurally similar to benzos I think it feels a lot different, it actually feels sort of energizing and euphoric whereas benzos just knock me out, I'd definitely give it a go if you haven't tried it. It also combines great with pretty much any drug, LSD+phenibut is my favorite drug experience ever and I'd like to try meth+phenibut sometime too since that's supposedly great. Phenibut also allows you to get absolutely wasted off just like 1-2 beers.
>15mg of dexamph and hit the club by myself
>lots of really nice people
>had trouble getting in as they didn't take cash at the door but some nice strangers helped me get in and that was really nice of them
>dance like only amphetamines make you dance
>ended up making out with a random thot on the dancefloor
>dance some more
7/10 good night would go out again.
Some normies I know dragged me to the club once and even though I drank a good bit I still couldn't do anything but stand around and left after 30 minutes. Maybe someday I'll try again with something harder.
Meth is the stealth high I've been using while home for break. Usually uppers are the best as stealth highs, but you can still use downers and psychs as long as you keep the dose low. For example even though the effects are barely noticeable, taking an acid microdose still gives you a little bit of a boost without impairing you at all.
fuck what I'd do for all that coke in pic related.
did about 1.3 grams of dxm last night. one of the most intense fucking trips I've ever had in my entire life.
this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. You end up with the same amount of meffs in your lungs, you just take a smaller hit from each pipe rather then a single really really deep drag from one. It doesn't even look cool.
does a double dose of nyquil count? the drowsiness is actually kind of nice. Or at least, it takes my mind off of having the flu
He looked happy to me
It's just for the meme factor of having 3 pipes in your mouth, like taking a picture of yourself with an entire pack of ciggies in your mouth.
I'd be happy too if I had 3 jam packed pipes full of good rock. I'd do meth but aussie prices are so terribly bad.
is the darknet still viable and safe?
DXM is a blast but I want to explore more dissociatives, what should I try? I tried k before but hated it, and it seems to be impossible to find PCP or MXE. Are there any RCs you can recommend? I've heard 3-meo-pcp is good but can't find anywhere selling personal quantities.
No, you'll instantly get raided by the DEA for buying 1mg of heroin. And all the LSD you'll find there are N-BOMB
how often are people made "examples of"
Everyone goes to jail
Stuck in SC until sat with no weed, sucks but there's enough here to distract
Bullshit, I've ordered LSD, 25C-X and NBOME psychs before. Snorted a line of heroin a few hours ago and just snorted a line of MDMA a minute ago, all from the deepweb. The deepweb is viable and it is safe.
Bullshit. The deep web is a fictional story by BIG ALIENZ to ensnare SMOL DRUGGOS.
What's the big appeal with using drugs?
Doing drugs alone is just sad.
With others it's kind of fun but you wake up disappointed the next morning.
There's nothing to gain unless you're trying to make friends.
stop projecting with your shitty bait