My parents are letting my little brother start HRT. How do I stop this?

My parents are letting my little brother start HRT. How do I stop this?

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Show your brother tranny suicide statistics

Steal and eat his pills yourself, you have to protecc your little bro.

Unironically tamper with his meds. Replace them with placebos.

if he hasnt been through at least 2 years of therapy and been approved after that, then take his pills and flush them

t. tranny

Jealous egg detected detected.

congratulations on your very own sex doll

>Latino parents that hate fags but supposedly would respect a fag son if "he behave"
>they rant about how it is harder for the parent to have a gay son than to the son itself
>laugh akwardly
>still a closeted bi sissy fag

What do?

>wait 10 years
>laugh when he irremediably kills himself
>tell everyone 'I TOLD YOU SO LMAO' with a shit eating grin

Fucking let your brother be happy. Be supportive, because it's actually being treated like shit and having no support network that leads to a depressed tranny life.

Lol, fuck off gate keeping susan hon.

t. tranny that probably looks better that the previous tranny.

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>Lol, fuck off gate keeping susan hon.
im in favor of gatekeeping because being trans is the new cool thing, like adhd was a few years ago and trenders, snowflakes, and fetishists are getting on my nerves
i know some that said they were trans simply based on "i wonder what it would like to be a girl for a day"

> probably looks better that the previous tranny.
you dont.

t. gatekept by the NHS or something and wants others to go through the same.
>you dont.
If you're not Asian we're probably not comparable in terms of passability sorry.

Very nice fantasy, sick fuck. In reality you don't have any family.

Adding on to this, snowflakes and trenders don't actually get on HRT and stay on it for longer than a month. This induces real gender dysphoria once the changes come in. Fetishists just stick to cross dressing.

You would know this if you weren't a larper.

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Replace the HRT with bull semen

>implying that most trannies actually have dysphoria
How can one man be this retarded.
Mercy kill him.

>t. gatekept by the NHS or something and wants others to go through the same.
i was and im glad im through it though, but im glad they save more people from themselves than not, yea it sucked, but its for a reason

>If you're not Asian we're probably not comparable in terms of passability sorry.
im passing just fine thank you, if anything i worked harder for it than you

read the fucking research papers.

if they're an agp fetishist, beat them up. If they're hsts, you should probably let them do what they want. Why does it have to affect you?

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>i was and im glad im through it though, but im glad they save more people from themselves than not, yea it sucked, but its for a reason
Yup, I called this shit, fuck off hon.I'm pretty sure I know what your twitter is too due to your typing style and you being one of the extremely few trannies I've ever met that has ever gone through the NHS and was unironically thankful for being gatekept.

you use a fucking anime picture on your twitter.

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nice one, im not british and i dont even have a fucking twitter

how old is your brother? if your brother is old enough to make informed descisions and is getting the HRT from a doctor you shouldnt try to stop that.

He's 14 years old.

Fuck him so hard that he'll hate being fucked and change his mind

has your brother described the feelings that led him to pursuing this? you should at least hear him out before trying to stop it.

also if your parents arent forcing it on him and he doesnt have friends who led him to do it then i think he might be a genuine tranny and would actually benefit from HRT.

he will grow out of it according to statistics. if hes not getting a valid diagnosis, he should *not* be starting hrt

but that study said that it was mostly little kids first interviewed and then they were interviewed like 10 years later as teenagers or something and about 90% didnt have that problem by then.
but OP's brother is probably about the age when they were interviewed for the second time and its likely that by that point it is permanent and wont go away.

The thing is her sister probably has a valid diagnosis from a doctor or else they wouldn't be getting HRT. You need parental permission to go receive medical care for anything transition related if you're under 18.

OP is purposely leaving things out of the thread to make her sister seem like the devil or something but lets be honest, that's why they're posting here and not on /lgbt/

OP, instead of making your sister hate you, why not be nice to her? If you're supportive and sweet to her, she'll grow to love more than a sister if you catch my drift.

you seem ok for a tranny

neck yourself, hon

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its at least good to see others reading up on things, my point is that without a persistent wish for it, it shouldnt be done. people are too fast at diagnosing it imo, its just like with adhd, which was a really popular diagnosis and now it seems any non conforming thoughts implies youre trans

you know america has informed consent with parental permission right? they dont need a diagnosis, they can skip all of that.
what kind of bs is that, with no other illness or disorder can you do that

>another susan's hons advocator shows up to the thread
I don't know why you people shit on trans people for not passing but don't let people start early.

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much appreciated, user
im just trying to help people the best i can based on my experiences and reading

because they dont have the mental fucking capacity to grasp the magnitude of their ideas

>my point is that without a persistent wish for it, it shouldnt be done
well OP isnt giving us enough information for us to really decide if doing HRT is justified.

Fuck him into heterosexuality

Tell your brother to call me in 4 years. HRT that young will turn him into a fucking hottie.

i dont know who the fuck susan is or what a hon advocator is. the other tranny is aight but off yourself fag enabler

thats why im arguing for it, my assumption is that ops brother recently told the parents about it, as it didnt seem like op was aware of it beforehand

>well OP isnt giving us enough information
I wonder why that is.

better now that she's young so she becomes passable and fuckable by 18

Why are people supporting OP brother becoming a faggot

They know user. They don't respect you because you're hiding it.

No, faggot. You steal them and flush them. Anyone that takes HRT should get the rope

Wrong you freak Being a tranny is what causes those freaks depression. Enabling them is the worst possible thing you can do for them because then they will assume it is okay to be a freak Which it is not

This puts you in a damn interesting position, OP. You can either cut this off from the source, and save your brother (if only temporarily) at the cost of his and your family's love.
Conversely, you can be supportive, at the cost of his sanity, for the chance to get your dick wet, which may of course cost you his and your family's love.
I do not envy the choice that you have to make.

lmao triggered by bait thread, plz kys

OP here, I have chosen to support my new sister so I can have sex with he. Thanks, thread over.

Fuck him and make him a cis homosexual.

Kill your brother and then your parents

>OP here, I have chosen to support my new sister so I can have sex with he. Thanks, thread over.
Supreme LARP nice job

When HRT is started this young, the kid is only put on anti-androgens. All it does is delay puberty. If he goes off the meds, he will have a normal (but belated) puberty and live a normal life.

If he is actually trans, going through a male puberty will be disastrous and ruin his chances of being a passable girl. The endocrinologists and psychologists in charge of your kids meds know what they are doing. let them do their job.

Kill your parents.

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

dont let him
do you wanna see your little brother kill himself?

they kill themselves from being oppressed and hated and also transitioning to late

started mones at 16 am 21 hahaha smd all you stupid ass hons

t. pass AND am gl

tbhon I can tell you're a hon

wanna know how I kno

stop watching porn. Odds are you have a crippling porn addiction.

Source, am say way as you. Noticeably less so when I don't watch porn.

Tell your parents their dumb as fuck and that your brother will never be a biological female ever. No amount of makeup and fake tits will make him a real woman. Don't be a cunt about it but make sure you let him know it's okay that he's acknowledged his desires. Tell him to be comfortable in his own skin and shit like that.

Or just beat his ass, lmao.

The only issues I have with trannies is if they look ugly. Starting young means there's less male secondary sex characteristics to hide which means he will most likely be very passable.

Listen here, faggots and trannies are real. The only REAL Jewish trickery going on is turning family against itself. Just try to come to terms with it. Who are you to dictate how your brother feels and what he wants to be?

>t. Someone who hated trannies before looking into it and talking to trannies to better understand them

>their dumb as fuck
>not they're

You're dumb as fuck.

Alright, you need to fucking stop this now. 14 year olds are to retarded to know what they want.

You're born in to the body you're born in to. That's a fact and no one can change it. You can abuse drugs and deform yourself but you'll never transform in to a body you're happy with no matter how many pills you pop. You have to learn to be happy as who you are. Taking drastic action in an attempt to change something you can't change will just lead to greater depression. You have to overcome it.
I can't wait for this tranny fad to go away. It has fucked up way too many young lives.

Don't let him do it, it will destroy his life. Also, speak to your parents, tell them they are stupid for letting this happen.

like other user said, stop watching porn
or, who the fuck even cares? honestly, sexuality is an absolute unequivocal non-issue. Romanticism is something different, as who you date is tied to whether or not you'll have children and your immediate family would obviously have ties to that. Nobody cares if you're physically attracted to dudes, and nobody wants to hear about it either. If you're bi or homoromantic on the other hand, that's a different story

Ban tumblr/twitter on family wifi
Try to convicne him to not
Show your parents tranny suicide rates before and after transformimg
Dont listen to the fetishists on here or the trannies who sound like they main /lgbt/

Show him and your parents pics of any tranny

Google Kim Petras
Person that started HRT at 14 and turned out great

Flush the pills down the toilet and beat some sense in your brother

You're not a good onii-chan unless you help your brother(female) dilate every day.

>t. hon from susan

fixed that for you, no need to thank me

aww, they are lucky
op, don't try to stop them, you will ruin their life if you succeed and they will transition later anyway but with a much less chance to be passable and cute

so doctors think teens can manifest signs of gd and be treated but some user on r9k definitely knows better

you see, it's not a choice, it's a condition that should be treated when it is recognized

>taking HRT
>being happy
choose one

Do this, and tell us their reaction.

only because I started late

You must simply marry him before homos can corrupt him, be the perfect straight husband for your husband bro.

Sorry but your spastic brother gets what he deserves. Hope he burns in hell after he kills himself.

Your parents are fucked. I'd tell you to call CPS or the police if they weren't in on the tranny shit as well. This whole society is fucked. RIP to your brother, he doesn't stand a chance

How old is he orogianlu

yiiiikes. pls dont have kids you perverted jews.

So that he won't commit suicide? Because that's the kind of thing one can usually avoid.

I take hrt I am happy

I would have fun slashing every tranny in this thread with my sword

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The absolutely state.

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>why do you think trannies are mentally ill and annoying to be around?
At least the one replying to your shit doesn't seem like a genuinely shitty person

Can I, like, fuck you somtime?

thanks, susan

i love how people are calling me an idiot for being in favor of a rigorous diagnosis for something that has permanent life altering concequences which has been proven to be ineffective for a large portion of those that are even diagnosed, and thats not taking into account the ones that grow out of it and the ones that detransition because they found out they made a bad choice
you people are pushing feelings over facts

everything has been leading to this.
>live in a PC culture where instant satisfaction is required by the youth
>people are brought up to think they are special and then find out they are
>they become tumblr snowflakes with 10 self diagnosed issues
>being trans gets media attention
>find out that it has "minority perks"
>docs become virtue signaling because of PC
>doctors should NOT be approving hrt, a psychiatrist should, hell only the SRS surgeon im booked with knew what a tranny is, every other doctor has been clueless, because they dont receive training in it

but keep pushing a "you had a thought, you need hrt" and see how well its gonna end

>hell only the SRS surgeon im booked with knew what a tranny is
that shit is a meme.

perhaps, but its less of a meme than all the tranny hrt pushing freaks anyway

but most people who undergo HRT don't choose to detransition and the ones who do don't undergo much struggle as backing away from HRT is as simple as not taking it anymore and the effects are reversible, alot more reversible than not taking it and wishing you had.

just allow him to take the fucking HRT

idk, watching interviews with detransitioners, some who has srs id say they seem to struggle a decent bit still. not all effect are reversible in all cases, for some they are permanently sterile and depending on when they started it can mean theyll be a wide hipped manlet. boobs and female fat depots can be surgically removed, thats true though. but it also depends on how much theyve done in addition to hrt, like hair removal, facial surgery etc.

i will agree that for some of those that have gd, it can help a lot, but research has showed that its pretty much a flip of the coin as to if it helps or not. i mean think about it, tones of trannies are suicidal even with treatment and society becoming much more accepting

You think I give a shit satan? This isn't reddit you nigger.

>hate them and force masculinization
>>makes them miserable and much more likely to sudoku

>support them and give them proper treatment and better chances to pass
>>they live much more happily

hmm hard decision

Just beat him up every day because of it and call him a fucking faggot.

Love her to pieces! Why turn down a free cute imouto who loves their onii-chan so much. (You may even get a bussy pass uwu)

You're not supposed to stop that. Instead, be a supportive older brother to your younger sister.

jesus why do so many people support incest. stop living in an anime world