Why are anorexics so proud of each other for “recovery” (getting fat)?

Why are anorexics so proud of each other for “recovery” (getting fat)?

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Nice Bait


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anorexia is easily the most stuck up/idiotic mental illness that exists. thats why 99% who suffer from it are 14-21 year old females

Because it's unhealthy to be a skelly

The same reason that buff dude is proud of himself for picking up weights every day and bettering himself, everyone’s on their own journey, no need to bog them down for it

>Body got so much better
>Face suffered horribly
There is no God

Still the things I’d do to sniff her brap

this image is sinful

yes and the "treatment" for such a debilitating sickness is to eat all of your favorite foods and desserts. such a brave survivor!!!

>fit version looks like a male goblin
>normal version looks like an ugly chick

its an improvement but only a minor one. atleast the bods nicer

Anorexic people are never happy to see other anorexics recover. The anorexia community is nothing but the most vile people on this planet aggressively trying to push people into destroying themselves while they themselves waste away. It's like Jow Forums crab bucket x1000. And surprise surprise it's mostly women that make up these destructive communities.

>t. fat fuck who doesn't understand how some people.could not want to eat at every hour of the day
Call back when you complete your first cut and bulk cycle, fatso.

that is how I felt actually, as a former fatso taken dieting admittedly too far
was kinda bulimic for a while, I don't want to say I actually was bulimic because I don't believe I was. I wasn't mentally ill, I was just desperate to lose more weight but couldn't control my appetite any longer.

We had a big intervention, I went to the doctor who said he'd give me a month to gain weight and if I didn't then I'd have to be an inpatient at a specialist clinic.

So yeah, one month of burgers and soda and everybody was really proud of me.

>having favorite foods

She needs to work her fucking arms I swear to god. Great, you're thick as shit everywhere else but if your arms are like pipecleaners it just looks weird. I might be gay.

>The anorexia community is nothing but the most vile people on this planet aggressively trying to push people into destroying themselves while they themselves waste away.
>It's like Jow Forums crab bucket x1000

It doesn't sound anything like Jow Forums's retardation. Jow Forums, while a cesspit of mental illness and underage b& faggots chasing ephemeral, memetic "redpills" like trained hamsters, doesn't really every actively, deliberately encourage tremendously self destructive shit. We'll autistically meme back and forth over eggs and veganism and silly shit. There are the scrubs that will, and I'm hoping this is just bait from bored high schoolers that took up shitposting instead of a sport or the like instead of sincerely believed idiocy, ask "why do you even bother lifting when [insert either some stupidity about fat MMA fighters or basic thots here]." But you don't see Jow Forumsizens actively encouraging something that will only make others weaker, dumber, and more likely to die in the immediate future. That's what "pro-ana" is.

It's actually exactly like the HAES retards, except diametrically opposite. So much so that it's kind of funny.

I used to be anorexic. You don't recover from this shit, you just find a new way to cope with it. Either you cope by accepting that you will get fatter, or like me I coped with it by starting to lift

I still have it, you just don't notice it because I lift now. I'm still afraid to go bulking hard, I'm lean bulking and counting every calorie

not him, but just because you're anorexic doesn't mean you don't like food. I literally think about food 24/7

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Having a mental illness that makes you fear such a basic thing as food isnt fun

you don't fear food though, you fear getting fat or being fat

Yeah to the point where people dont eat
They fear everything will turn them fat
It took me 2 years of gaining and losing the same 2 lbs to realise i needed to eat a lot more to bulk up on a BMI of 18,4
I was just auschwitzmode, imagine then how difficult it is for actual diagnosed anorexics to get over this mental block

itkf bro, I'm I wasted months of lifting just because I wasn't bulking enough

That's why I said x1000 ya dingaling

i wish non-professionals would just shut up and listen about mental illness, pic related

you guys know nothing about the root cause of anorexia and your bullshit engenders a whole new generation of 'tough guy' dads who think buying a truck will make their son less queer

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I was actually diagnosed with anorexia at 17, I'm speaking about my own experience. You can't generalize the cause. For most it's about being in control, but that still doesn't say anything what caused it

>you know nothing about something you went through

Because eating is fucking hard. I've been somewhat normal weight for some years now but used to be really skinny. And even now I have to force myself to eat food to the point of being nauseous every day just to maintain my current weight. No wonder a lot of people who are active take protein powder for the easy calories.
Losing weight is so much easier. You literally have to do nothing. Literally just sit on your ass browsing internet and the weight will shed off of you.
Few years ago I "forgot" to eat during the Christmas and New Year times and lost around 15kg in the time of about a month for just not stuffing my face.
I still have a pic of me from around 8 years ago where I am 180cm/

still has nothing to do with being "afraid of eating" or "afraid of fat" except maybe as a complication of the trigger, definitely not THE cause or explanation

cool let me stop and get an oncological opinion from someone going through cancer.

but this is Jow Forums, you probably just stopped eating a lot for a while and called it anorexia anyway.

Just got back from talking to the brain cancer patient, apparently he's sure he got cancer from a vaccine they gave him at 12.

I still have to cope with anorexia, and for me it's definitely fear of getting fat. I don't spend literally 30 minutes in the morning before I eat checking my lovehandles getting bigger just because idunnololbro


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lmao bitches who know how to sell letting themselves go have the game down like tom brady, stealing wins day in and out. the stacy equivalent of settling down with a nice girl after banging all her friends is managing to hook a chad after you get off the cock carousel.


trannies get the rope