>depressed for 3 months
>never been so depressed despite having suffered from depression before in these 30 years on earth
>can't do shit, totally destroy myself staying at home doing nothing
>eat onions for a few days
>depression fixed
What the fuck is this shit and why I wasn't told 3 months ago?
Depressed for 3 months
Keep eating onions
Cause nobody wants to be shrek mate.
eat more onions
because of the smell? I don't smell as bad as eating onions as when I'm depressed
How many onions should I eat? In a day/week?
you make a sandwhich, you put onions in it. You make a burger, you put onions in it. You make potato+veggie soup and you put onions in it. You don't eat onions raw, unless it's your thing of course.
I eat onions raw, but with other food and only in the evening when I'm not about to go out anywhere. It's kinda like eating spicy peppers with your food.
>tfw smell fingers after eating onions
Never heard of it curing depression.
Glad that worked though.
Add pomegranate juice and you are on to a winner!
>not wanting to be shrek mode
>eat placebo
>feel placebo effect
and then you wonder why you stink
>>eat onions for a few days
>>depression fixed
LoL, does it have something to do with your T level
Love oni ons but if i eat it alot raw im to horny/angry all the time. No idea about any test boost but it sure as hell makes you hornier
Also cant play dota 2 while eating it, makes u tilt like a motherfucker
Imagine if they put this shit in a pre workout...
Low test can cause depression
Mods need to let us talk about onions and onions more
>tfw want to take the onionpill
>tfw onions both taste disgusting to me and I hate the texture
fuck man
Mods btfo by based quads
onions AND onions user?
isnt this going a bit too far?
no lie raw onion (especially red onion) gets me feeling good as fuck
natures miracle food
it depends on the quality of the onion. It's quite random sadly, but try some more you could find a tasty one.
the greeks were right
Petition for mods to remove the filter and let us say s.o.y
Can't tell if we're just memeing or if this is the real deal
Guys i often use golden onions for cooking (usually in a pan with olive oil as a base for recipes) and they're good but I don't get the benefits. What am I doing wrong? Does slightly frying them remove the good stuff? Do I need to ditch golden onions and get red ones? Or maybe white ones? Help
t. Lord Farquaad
How come the onion meme died so quickly? I'd take it any day over the new Jow Forums memes
Onions and garlic is legendary food. Enjoy bruddas
Try raw onions with honey, makes it really sweet.
Try eating raw red onion for a while, you’ll notice a change. Heard people talking about frying/cooking damaged the benefits
Probably because the Onions word filter made it too confusing
Do they have to be completely raw? I like steaming the onion. The more you steam the sweeter it becomes
>out in nature with the boys doing weed
>run out of things to eat
>only thing left over is onions
>munchies don't care, eat a shitton of onion
>get so sick i start vomiting
>now can't eat onions without feeling sick
You should have just roasted them on the campfire and ate them with some salt. My dad says my grandfather used to eat fire roasted onions all the time
I remember a book from childhood, called “Holes” I think? It was about some prison kids that had to dig holes all day. Some of them got left out in the desert, and were saved by eating nothing but onions. Weird thread just unearthed an old memory.
As much as possible.