Front squat vs back squat
Any major differences or advantages to one or the other?
Front squat vs back squat
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Front Squats are a good lift for the anterior chain (quads, abs, delts) and are a good way to get more squatting in as they are different enough from back Squats that you can do them as an accessory on the days you might deadlift or wouldn't otherwise be squatting.
It's more important to hit a good depth on them as opposed to a back squat if you want it's full benefits and don't want to waste your time.
So fronts and backs hit the same muscles.?
Yeah but it's a different kinetic chain providing the force in each. The difference is great enough you can back squat one day and front squat the next and repeat untill rest days. If you're squatting less than three plates you should be back squatting at least twice if not three times a week though.
Not op but I do deadlift and front squats only, is there much need for back squats for me? Are there any important muscle groups i dont hit this way?
I have shit ankle mobility - like REALLY shit, to the point that my ability to frontsquat is really impaired and I usually end up curving my back forward (shoulder flexibility is also rubbish).
is there anything (other than working on improving moblity) that you'd recommend so I can do front squats - i find the core work from frontsquats to be really challenging compared to back squats so want to start doing them.
I like the way that fronts squats choke me, but I think back squats are a better main lift.
Do you have weightlifting shoes?
I don't know why people keep saying front squats hit abs, I don't feel that. What I do feel is my back getting obliterated, in the best way possible
And if my back isn't the limiting factor, shoulders will be. I refuse to believe they're not trained.
Anyway, thoughts on overhead squat? Feels extremely intense, even with a few reps with an empty bar. Possibly the best back extensor exercise
Put plates under your feet. Helped me. When I got to 3pl8s ankle mobility kinda fixed itself.
Back squat:
>Uses more muscle mass
>Can lift more weight (and thus progress faster/further)
>Usually requires only normal mobility
Front squat:
>Trains the catch position for the clean