My tummy hurts

My tummy hurts

How are your tummies doing

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More comics like this, please.

i want to make explorer-chan feel loved again! how do we make her popular guys?

You can't. The whore is ridden with STDs. No one would touch that with a ten-foot pole. Plus she's Microsoft's whore.

Mine's pretty good. I just ate some chili with a glass of apple juice.

This is the only other one I have and I dont know the artist

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>search results aren't as accurate
Oh the bitter irony these days...

The artist is called hinghoi
here some links

oh fuck i want to hug bing

Thank you buddy here is another one

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did you say your stummy hurts?

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My tum tum is surprisingly calm today, i hope you feel better soon user

Yes I am experiencing a lot of rumblies

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I just shit myself thinking it was a fart so

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I always imagined Internet Explorer as a slut because she has no standards.

I hope your tum tum stays happy!

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Update I'm experiencing diarrhea now

Shit I forgot about that ho. Wonder what she's up to now?

>all of the bloated file sizes in this thread
As expected.

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She tries her best

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I remember the day that my cousin showed me tabbed browsing on firefox in like 2002. Changed my life forever.

why are these all so FUCKING cute and why am i getting feelings for explorer-chan she's not even real she's just an anthropomorphisation of a shitty browser. god i need to go for a walk

She killed herself and her little sister Firefox came to fuck IE up pretty good

Don't let her manipulate you user

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anti-explorer mind...

>dat hand...

Have food poison n still went to work rip

Tags: Netorare, Mindbreak, Voyeurism

My tummys looking sexy.

If I eat and don't exercise I feel like I'll go skinny fat.

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Stop making me feel bad for search engines.

even if she is a bad browser, i would still share some drinks with her and hold her when she gets tipsy and starts drifting off to sleep....

If you want to feel bad for a browser, feel bad for opera-chan.
>an objectively good browser that is just too weird and quirky for most people to bother with

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Well I decided to fire up internet explorer because this made me curious and it has been years. The homepage feels like some tablet garbage, but otherwise the experience is pretty much parallel to chrome if chrome was just a bit slower slower, had bing-sponsored links, and had slightly different search results. It's actually better than I remembered it being, and I'd probably be just fine using it again under the right circumstances.

i'm honestly afraid that if i use internet explorer for an hour i'll run into some zero-day on a normally innocuous site that will completely fuck my shit up

open .pdf file.

Microsoft actively maintains it and patches any vulnerabilities found for it, but it's only installed on Windows 10 as legacy browser support. It was actually determined to be more secure than firefox in two separate in-depth studies, but that information is a couple years old, so who knows now. If a new windows version is announced, IE will be gone for good, since it's officially been replaced by Microsoft Edge and they wouldn't include it on the new OS. Her glory days are undoubtedly gone for good.

Edge is decent



Oh, I have similar feelings man.

proud to say have been using opera for years now
>tfw most underrated browser

>bing had some teething issues
>google is setting up shop in China and is ready to roll out the censorship
I guess "don't be evil" was dropped sometime over the years

hurts because of anxiety like it always does because I'm unfortunately cursed to be paranoid/psychotic

Something about depicting ANYTHING as a cute girl makes it something to care about. Very interesting phenomenon, and I gotta say I personally enjoy it.

>using a Chrome wrapper
Please go to a noose store and buy a noose.

I think I might've gotten a hernia but I'm not quite sure.

poor explorer-chan... she got so far. held to up till her very last. what a brace browser ;-;

>tfw you'll never place your ear on a qt's stomach and listen to it rumble and groan constantly, while the qt tends to your throbbing erection with her hands

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