Going to get my gyno removed, I have to make decision between full anesthesia and partial one, any of you got experience ?
Gyno anesthesia
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She’s not asking for it
Anesthetics lower test. Refuse it entirely and laugh in the face of the beta doctors.
They will cut my fucking body with kebab knife, my test will be much lower if I scream like a faggot
Got around 800 more if you got answers
i had ortho surgery with general anesthesia, it was great.. i basically blinked my eyes and woke up in the recovery room.
Medfag here.
It all depends on what you want your experience to be.
You can start off under local anesthetia, have some sedation, but be conscious- but if you move around too much or it’s getting painful, you’ll be put under General - we will give you a retroactive amnesic medication to make you forget you even felt pain in the OR, and you’ll wake up in recovery thinking you’re still waiting for surgery.
Young people with no real health histories do fine under General. It doesn’t effect test or any other meme shit. You wake up, may feel naseaus for up to 24 hours, you’re throat will be a little sore for a day or so from either an LMA or ETT, and you’ll probably just want to sleep afterwards.
Cost wise, if you’re put under General you have to stay for about an hour in recovery 1 and stage 2. Local is placed in stage 2 directly with a 30 min discharge.
Local anesthesia without any sedation means you can drive yourself home.
You won’t be lifting anything after gyno surgery either, there’s usually a 2 week weight lifting restriction.
No bathing for 2 weeks, just showers, shit like that.
If u have specific questions I’ll be on for the next 30
There are always risks with full anesthesia. Prefer the local one.