>at gym >finish workout >go to shower >one boomer and one qt twink there >start shower >boomer finish and goes >watch twink >get boner >wtf bad penis! stop it >twink turn his back to me >gave me that innocent over the shoulder look >boner goes wild >twink finish shower >have to pass me on way out >comes really close >looks directly into my eyes and smiles >twink walks out >i just stand there and try to understand what even happened >10sec later 2 guys come into shower >they see me and my raging boner >are you masturbating? >n n no >leave shower with fullspeed
great. the twink thinks i'm gay and the other guys thinks i'm masturbating in the gymshower. i will never go back there. homegym masterrace from now on
> gets raging boner looking at guy > oh no he thinks im gay Maybe you’re gay user
Nolan Cooper
Can't even be a twink and smile at a person without them preparing to rape you these days. FUCK blumpf.
Brody Turner
it was just after a heavy workout i could fuck everything. my libido is up the roof after gym.
Oliver Jenkins
> i could fuck anything > including guys So you’re bisexual, got it.
Ian Morris
i don't know. my brain said no but my boner had other plans.
Ryder Green
Your body and your mind are one single thing, user
Gavin Jones
>qt twink >boner >comes really close >looks directly into my eyes and smiles >twink thinks i'm gay >i will never go back there That sounds like you're probably bi and you just pussied out of a situation where you could've had a chance to fuck this "cute twink". What are you afraid of? Just fucking do it dude
Benjamin Cox
The fact that you described the twink as cute is what makes you gay/bi, not the boner. Everyone can get a random boner.
Justin Green
I don't remember having random erections since when I was like 11 and that's when I discovered porn.
Colton Brown
>t. low test or sexually repressing
Xavier Parker
Fucking this, I started swiping on tinder during the break of my lecture and started to get a solid boner
Angel Morris
Matthew Perry
Yep. I get random boners in the office and I'm 30. I have to go sneak off to a lesser used bathroom for a wank at least once a week.
Brayden Phillips
should have reminded them about the "no judgement zone".
Evan Lewis
My first gay experience was in a gym shower! Don't worry OP it will happen eventually
Jose Miller
I've gone nofap for like 2 months last year and I remember that I could get my cock hard as a fucking diamond. Also at that time I had my first wet dream ever. I'm 20 right now.
>in locker room late night >doing some post-shower stretching and applying lotion >struggling to reach my back while in cobra pose but whatever >about to give up when I hear “aye chico... need any help with dat?” behind me >it was the Latino gymhunk sitting right next to my locker >I’m wearing briefs, so it should be fine right? >said sure, and he walks in front of me and bends over to reach my back >”das a nice back ese” as he started to massage me >melts under his fingers >noticed the print of his amazingly big juicy cock through his towel swinging about >got hypnotized >uh oh >couldn’t stop myself from burying my face in his crotch and rubbing my face against his cock >”impatient eh chico?” he untangles the towels and stuffs my throat full of his cock >couldn’t breathe but also couldn’t stop slobbering on dick as if it’s the most delicious thing >”must be because I’m hypnotized haha” I thought >he reached forwards under my briefs and start fingering me >can’t help but squeeze out moans between gagging on his dick, which is getting bigger and thicker in my mouth by the second >goddammit the briefs didn’t help at all >then suddenly he pulled out of my mouth and mounted me from behind >violently rowed my briefs off and prodded my hole with his slimy cock >let out a gasp as it slid inside me easily >he starts relentlessly pumping me while grabbing onto my neck in prone bone position >each thrust makes my dick rub against the towel on the floor >after countless prostate orgasms and absolutely creaming myself, he finally lets out a grunt and buries his cock inside me down to the hilt >could feel his thick cock twitch against my walls as he paints my deepest parts white with thick ropes of his creamy Latino cum >then he slid his semi-hard cock out and wrote some numbers on my lower back >”give me a call sometime babe” and gave me a kiss >left me laying there gasping >mfw the hypnosis wore off
At gym, just finished, gym about to close Go to shower, bring lavendar bodywash Start showering, rubbing myself all over I hear "oooh what's that smell??" It's the qt gym staff girl come to clean! I-its lavendar, I reply, as my glistening penis retreats into it's hood Wow what a lovely smell she says, and turns the lights on You're strong! She feels up my arms Thanks, I didn't know anyone else was home so I left the door open, haha It's okay onii can I shower with you? I just finished cleaning Okay I guess, let me get your back I rub lavendar bodywash all over my little brothers back, taking extra care around his soft bum Ouch! Onii that's my privates! You're 27 bro stop saying privates. I grope and mash his balls together His seargant stands to salute me Wow user you look so cold, here let's turn on the hot water T-thanks. Oops! I splash her with water Oh don't worry there's a dryer in the back room! She takes off her top Oh I thought I was wearing a bra today! Her pale puffy white nipples start to contract as I look at them. Where did your little brother go? Did he wash his foreskin already? Yes I replied, but mine is still sweaty >(Continued?)