>born white
>born tall
>born blonde/green eyes
>got Jow Forums
>born and stuck in Harare, Zimbabwe
literally why god
why here
>born white
>born tall
>born blonde/green eyes
>got Jow Forums
>born and stuck in Harare, Zimbabwe
literally why god
why here
You should be happy to be free from those white devils
pale face has the luminati burrito specials on their side
If anything you should go somewhere even more remote like a SA village or Cuba
immigrate to the US, our system is inept enough that you may get negro bonus points
also feel free to share any cool stories you've got :^)
Do you fuck tons of black women?
Hows Zimbabwe bro?
Kill yourself colonizer scum.
you can marry me for a green card
t. lonely american fembot
Blacks have committed the most crimes in history by being stupid and worthless.
No, they're disgusting.
There are more white girls at my brothers' university in america than there are white PEOPLE in the country.
I will be in August for university. I just recently got accepted!
where in america?
Sucks, as always. Not my parents' zimbabwe. and certainly not my grandparents' rhodesia
>where in america?
The west coast.
oooh sorry user, I'll be way off in the other direction.
the uni is in north florida.
how does one live among African queens and not smash?
are you gay or incel?
More specific? If it's close I'd like to ask you some questions since I study and collect objects from the decolonization period.
Boarding school. It's all whites from Zim, SA, the copperbelt, happy valley in kenya, etc. There are well over a million anglo-africans, and I mean full-blooded white anglo-africans, still living here.
that was the fembot user. I'll be in florida.
You won't be alone. There's an unusual amount of South Africans living in Florida for some reason.
>There are well over a million anglo-africans
In Zimbabwe?
So I've heard. My brother is in a fraternity at the aforementioned university - he said their administration told them to bid "african americans" so they bid him and two white south africans.
No in africa in general, the lions' share of which are in SA. But there are about 30,000 in zim, 70,000 in zambia, 80,000 in kenya, 50,000 in nigeria, and another 100,000 in Namibia. most of the rest are pensioners living in and around the cape.
this is a solid idea
taking this back to Jow Forums
Go home to Europe
If it doesn't work out with the fembot we can get gay married instead. Not gay but I want to save you lad
okay, which country will take me?
I'm three generations african.
I'm first-second generation American. Give me your daughters hand in marriage and I'll see what I can do
but all my generations from my parents upwards have been african
>have been african
as in bantu?
Luckily for you location is not detrimental in the slightest to white power. I'm sure you're a normalfag king wherever you are just off whiteness alone.
You're not really African. You're European -- see if you can claim Birth Right. Britain would likely be your best shot.
>moving from a police state to another police state with bad weather
terrible idea. the US is my best move since I'm already planning on going to university
>I'm sure you're a normalfag king wherever you are just off whiteness alone.
Ehhhhh, not here. Our government isn't too keen on its white citizens.
>The United Kaliphate
It might be safer to just stay in Zimbabwe.
Not everyone in africa is bantu. There is probably some bantu along lines if you go back enough
since you're such a sour sport I'm not even going to tell you
You're more African now than you are white. Wakanda
Hello fellow white in Africa. I'm an Afrikaner so I know your pain.