What is the real reason you're on Jow Forums?

What is the real reason you're on Jow Forums?

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It makes for a good discussion and I have no friends
a-and you're not real. women don't exist online

>What is the real reason you're on Jow Forums?


Because some of you faggots are fucking funny.

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because i have no friends and it's the only place i can discuss my loneliness and problems anonymously

Mostly this. The boys here are top memers and have a great sense of humour.

to speak vulgar, and say r*de things about life.

Lonely and cant sleep trying to quit drugs

honestly and truthfully, to feel better about myself

>What is the real reason you're on Jow Forums?
I really like the bot preventing reposts, I wish the other boards did this.

>Because some of you faggots are fucking funny.
also this.

I really just come to insult people these days, faggots, trannies, roasties, schizos that think god is talking to them. They're all pretty fun targets to fuck with.

I'm alone, depressed and bored.

I met a girl here with the same fetish as me and we fell out of contact.
Now I lurk threads pertaining to similar topics in the vain hope of finding her again.

Because i feel some empathy with some robots. I'm an incel (not the angry misogynous one, but the very shy introverted ugly full of self-hate) and this place is full of retards like me...

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other boards slow

honestly? I'm miserable, lonely and depressed, being around similar minded folk helps a bit, which is why it's infuriating that normies and infesting the board now.

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Because I'm horribly depressed and anxious.

based and greencloudpilled

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I am high on cocaine and I am trying to write a syllabus for my students.

To laugh at all the sperg virgins and remember my nigger roots

No way, youre a teacher? What subject?

The slim chance of finding a fembot from London.

There's nothing significant about being on r9k anymore. It's not anything special like it used to be, too many people use it. It's especially bad recently because of all the students on winter break. There's always such a large influx of newfags that are introduced to this place around winter break and summer break.
There's no reason for being here anymore because this place doesn't mean anything.
The shit these underage normalfags write about, man.

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because I'm a kissless hugless virgin at 43 and I need a safe space with other kissless hugless virgin frens

>because I'm a kissless hugless virgin at 43
I don't even believe you for one second

>posts about newfags
>still watches, day by day, year by year, as Jow Forums goes to shit

some things never change, user

One of the few places online where I feel connection to other people. I've been here for too long anyways, it's not like leaving is an option. Was here before deletion
Of course, I'm pretty typical robot too. In my 20s, without any hope for the future.

Congrats on just being so above it all. You're really cool.