What would you rate this man out of 10?
What would you rate this man out of 10?
Probably like a 4, he has an average face just fucked up hair
The square root of four.
kek no. If 5 is the average going by mathematical averages, he is a 2.
he just needs to slim up and be himself, then he's a 4-5
why do I keep seeing the same picture of this guy's face along with a rating
above average eye area but the fubar hair and fat make him 3, could become a 6 at most
i thought that was private pyle
he's between a zero and a one
I legitimately find him attractive.
He just needs to sort out his hair.
isn't that the mullet guy from the walking dead
He's a 3.
Stop posting this guy WTF. He has a sexy face. Every time I see this I fantasize about telling him he's good looking (because he is) just because of this dumb thread. He shaved his head to look dumb, nothing else. He's a good looker, that's for sure.
My dissapointment is immesurable and my day is ruined
4/10 with hair
5/10 if he just cut it
6/10 or higher if he cut some weight. You guys are too harsh on him, his face is good.
3-4, could be 4-5 if he fixed his hair.
> tfw i put all my energy in maxxing out my looks but he still looks better than me
should i just give up all together?
unironicly 8\10 if he grew some hair
Some peoples appearance can be changed, others are more "stationary". I'd consider the one in OP's pic to be one of the lucky former
People really like hair huh? I've never understood this
any hair is better than what in the fuck that is
I guess a 7/10 which is above average desu