I'm a werewolf

Let's try this again, coz I had to step away and my thread died :(

I have lycanthropy. It's rare but not unheard of, my doctor tells me. I'm not supposed to go around blabbing, but this is Jow Forums, who gives a shit. I got infected this past summer.

Ask me anything.

Attached: werewolf.jpg (633x800, 112K)

Post fur with timestamp

Also checked

is it awesome? how did you become wolf?

What is checked?

I got infected while I was camping in Wyoming. I saw a deer and next thing I remember is pain and waking up in a hospital.

It is decidedly not awesome, it's fucked up my whole life

Post a timestamp you lying crossboarding newfaggot

Go back to /x/ you schizophrenic faggot. You'll fit right in with the real vampires over there.

Well I closed the page so believe me when I say-

-I posted a similar thing a couple hours ago then went to eat dinner. Happy?

I've never been to /x/ but they look like faggots

They are, and so are you if you genuinely think you're a fucking werewolf and that a medically trained professional confirmed this. You're clearly larping or delusional, either way, you'll fit in more over there. Most of us are mentally ill, but not to that extent.

>I've never been to /x/ but they look like faggots
Unlike you, the totally-not-a-faggot special snowflake who thinks fursuits can come to life.
Get the fuck out of here.