Is this body attractive on a woman?

Is this body attractive on a woman?
>Why/Why Not?
>What are your criticisms?
>If it was your body, what would you do?

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It's okay
Saggy skin is my only issue
Fuck chad/niggers

are u fkin kiddin me

it's very unkempt and clearly not taken care of in any way. assuming i have motivation and i'm a woman, shave the bush down to a decent level, shave the armpits and find a decent bra. start going on walks/jogs. also, cocoa butter on all the stretch marks. pear shaped body isn't bad in anyway, but whats in the picture needs to be addressed.

wow so sexy

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>Smells gross Looks gross
>likely a libtard florescent hair color sporting druggie.
>Not be a druggie libtard with brightly coloured hair

wow super sex

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no, belongs to religious person with natural long hair who doesn't drink or do drugs

Yes and no. I like the overall figure but the leg hair is a turn off, and the navel and areola hair too. If those are stretch marks and not veins, and they're the lighter kind and not the purple variety, then I don't mind those. Honestly the more I look at it the more I like it, but it's hard to tell from a sketch.

just wondering because my partner is no longer attracted to me now that i have gained weight. thanks for your feedback.

Fat people don't deserve love

Fuck this is essentially my body

what size do you wear and do you wanna trade clothes?

I dont think you'd like my clothes user
It's all male clothes

i only wear men's clothes. i am a men's large in shirts and a men's xl in pants.

am stretchmarks don't appear over night, and if that picture is a correct representation, then you have looked like this for quite a while now. if your partner is a guy, he arguably never really found you attractive from the start but he perhaps loved you and was able to overlook it. now that things have continued on and you've changed nothing, his rose glasses are slipping off and being blind to your appearance is failing.

my suggestion, aside from my first post, is to work on yourself you feel like the person you're with is somebody you wish to stay with. loss of interest (physically) is first stage "i think we should break up". eat 250 calories less than what you normally do (subtract a snack or an extra helping of something) and work out 250 calories worth more than you already do. over a year, you should lose at least 26 lbs assuming you're higher than your bmi should be for your size. relationships are work, don't ever forget that.

i was 30lbs thinner when we started dating. mystery solved.

I'm a men's medium large shirt and men's 36x34 pants

what's medium large? the shirts I buy just say S, M, L, XL

I wear either a medium or a large, sorry for the confusion, though I'm currently wearing an xl

>If it was your body, what would you do?

I'd shove toothpicks on my eyeballs and ingest 20 servings of tidepods.

I'd say if that person would shave excess body hair, exercise a little and take care of their hygiene, I'd def smash.

Start exercising seriously and cutting calories, before you devolve further into femtroggery.

>Is this body attractive on a woman?
Need to see the live thing to tell really, hips look promising. These things depend more on the mood of the moment anyway. Right now I'm pretty horny so there isn't much I'm not going to feel attracted to.
>What are your criticisms?
Probably the saggy belly and the acne, liver spots or whatever it's supposed to be, hair is fine.
>If it was your body, what would you do?
If I was content alone I'd do nothing, if I was looking to attract someone I'd probably slim down a bit.

I absolutely adore women who look like this. I love body hair, everything from armpit to happy trails to legs to a nice full bush. I can definitely get down on some stretch marks and cellulite, as well as the small tits/big ass action. Women like this make my dick harder than any fit woman ever could. My personal preference would be for bigger tits but it certainly isn't a requirement, I'd be spending most of my time buried between her legs with my tongue exploring every inch of her pussy and those thighs wrapped around my head anyway.

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I found a picture of the guy who wrote this post

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people this open about their fetishes are usually unforgivably weird.

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You have the body of a fucking trogg OP, that's not attractive

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All that hair must have congealed shit on it since lard whales can't be bothered to properly clean their bodies

Looks about right, but my facial hair is way more patchy than that

Not a fetish, just personal preference. Fetishizing women like these would be wanting to fuck her fat rolls or call her a filthy pig and objectify her in ways that she doesn't want to be. I just know what I find visually and sensually appealing, and the body of the OP girl is pretty much exactly it.

I'd probably fuck her if she buzzed her pubes, navel area armpits and had a 5/10 face atleast

your post read like an indian guy's pornhub comment.
> buried between her legs with my tongue exploring every inch of her pussy


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You ever told a woman that's what you want to do to her? (After consent has been established and you know she wants to fuck you, I mean.) They LOVE that shit.

no, it would instantly end sexytime in my relationship if either of us took a stab at dirty talk. sometimes I feel like I want to say "fuck" in a breathy voice, but I am concerned that might be too comedic.

You laugh now but this guy can survive a head on collision at 80 mph.

I would've stopped my body from becoming like that in the first place by working out.
It helps prevent cellulite to.

If I just got that body like it is I'd shave my bodyhair and start exercising.

you really need to lose weight.
fat piece of shit

no it is indicative that potential offspring with it may inherit unfavorable traits and therefore is unattractive to me

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That's pretty harsh. Are the both of you really that insecure? In the heat of the moment what would otherwise sound cheesy can be hot.