How much porn is too much?

How much porn is too much?

I literally jerk off to porn every day and I was under the impression that most guys do the same

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any more than it takes to get rid of the no gf feel

When you are looking at porn in the bathroom stall while you are taking a shit at work and have to rub one out before wiping your ass after you take a dump.

That is when it becomes too much.

just taket he 2D pill and fap to ecchi

The top of my dick bends to the right when I have a boner and I think its from jacking off to much
It doesnt hurt tho but idk if it will ever go away

any amount is too much, from my experience
my boners are getting less and less hard, so i'm consciously watching less and less porn.
I'm doing noporn until at least Jan 1st, and then I'll likely recommit for the month of January or maybe even all of 2019 if i'm feeling confident. You should do the same, it's good for your dick. Also, it's important to remember that just by seeing porn you don't automatically fail. Shit happens, the whole point is that you don't consciously seek it out. Be honest with yourself, and when you relapse, make an effort to stay committed.

wasn't looking for feels in this post user

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Shit. Then I'm in trouble

I just spent over 24 hours straight consuming pornography and masturbating.

I am deeply ashamed.

I've been jacking off since I can remember. One of my earliest memories from when I was like 3 years old is me jacking off.
I've done so much jerking off, when I was a kid and before I would ejaculate, I could do it several times per day. I didn't have much material, because no internet, so I had to make do with random stripper pics from the weekly newspaper (still don't understand why that was there -- and to top it all off sometimes there were guys in there) and my imagination. I still think about boning Iris sometimes, she's still hot.
Anyway I think my masturbation has made my penis curve significantly to the left. It's like at least a 30 degree bend. It somehow gets worse both if I jerk off too much and if I don't jerk off at all. It goes back to normal in a few days but damn I'm always scared.

I watch porn and fap two to three times a day, on average. And that's been the routine for going on 12 years now.

15x per day. I have a girlfriend but she has vagina problems so ya boi just beats off
Yes I want to die

That sounds like peyronies disease user. IIRC its not known whether that can come from too much/too rough masturbation, or other injury, or if its just genetic.

In any case you should get it checked out. It can be harmless but it can also end up giving your dick a lot of trouble (pain, ED, etc). Don't panic though, I'm sure it'll be fine.

This thread will have bias, only the people who masturbate often and are proud of it will post. If you do fap however, it should be once every seven days when your test is peaking. Also, remember that porn overloads your brain and eventually you can't get it up without superstimulus. Try masturbating with just your imagination, I bet you can't. If you only fap to your imagination your frequency will go way down because you will only do it when horny and not just when your brain wants that porn boost.

What does vagina problems mean?

>it should be once every seven days when your test is peaking

But that makes me cum in my sleep.

I can cum in literally 30 seconds at any time of the day by visualizing my ex-gf naked body
This has nothing to do with porn

Most guys do jerk off daily but most guys are normies that have sex at least once a week, usually more. If you are a robot you need to cut back at least on porn to avoid becoming detached from reality.

I-I should've done this user. I was fapping 4-7 times per day for the last 2 years and now I can't get hard at all by imagination and even with porn all I get are chubs. Help

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Depends user, how long have you been doing this for?

nofap followed by pornfree

it doesn't have to be the meme 90 days, but cutting back on fapping steadily and staying tf away from porn

Otherwise you're just gonna solidify (heh) your ED and make the problem worse.

I fap around once a week. Sometimes once a month. Is it normal?

That sounds healthy user, relative to the average at least. I dont know about "normal" but who cares about that.

Yeah one week on nofap+noporn usually lessens this. So I guess I'll cut all porn and slowly cut back on the masturbation. Thanks user

Dunno, most guys i know fap at least 3 to 2 times a week, at least. Also i forgot to mention that i fap rarely but when i do, it takes me at least few hours

I guess you just have a lower sex drive, lucky you honestly.

I speak from experience here, unfortunately its a much longer process than a week. One week gets improvements as you said, but it has to be a real sustained lifestyle change until you get to the point where you can stay hard from start to finish.

t. used to fap for literally 5 hours a day, began the process of quitting about 2 months ago. Hasn't been without relapses but yesterday I had the first real, 100% erection I've had in literally a year. Noporn works, we can make it user.

I love when threads like this fill with redditors who militantly believe that a man should only get horny once a month, meanwhile his gf (if he can even get one) is off on the BBC somewhere

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I had a gf that had vaginismus, shit was wack and I also wanted to die. I know your pain, brother

Vaginismus. Extremely tight so penetration is a no. We do anal but I don't care for it much

Virgin here, wouldn't that make it feel really good?

I'm horny constantly. The healthiest is once in the middle of every month.
I'm very high t due to this desu

Once every two or three days.
Mostly when the
>tfw no GF
kicks in.

>tfw fap to ex and it depresses you so you only fap in case of emergency