Waifu general - /waifu/ #17

Post your waifu, ask questions, discuss each other's waifus, and have a merry holiday!

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Other urls found in this thread:



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I'm going to try my best to get Tohru in the thread picture

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i dont normally post in these waifu threads but why not start, meet ump-45, say something nice about her hope you fellow waifufags had a good christmas

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i should honestly start renaming my images

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I don't know what I'd do without the love of my life.

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I love my waifu Alice.

I would want to spend it outside. I wish we would wander around the city, talking about us and our future. And at the midnight we would watch the fireworks near the river.

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I just name my images "rakka + vague description"
It's probably a very bad way to do it but Rakka has less than 100 images so I can get away with it

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Great to see these threads still going.
They're probably the most uplifting threads on the board.

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Hm, maybe i could do it like that. The problem is that alot of my images don't have anything that stands out, it's usually just a plain picture of my waifu

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Good day to you fellow waifu friends how is it going?
Waifus go well with guns and your waifu looks like she knows what she's doing there.
Looks great so far

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ump-45 is probably my favorite gun irl, so the moment i started playing girls frontline i tried and prayed my hardest to get her

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Does your waifu play any sports?

Hello Yurifriend.. things are okay...

Since we haven't had questions for a while here's a few I'm curious about:
>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?

>Does your waifu play any sports?
Yes. She plays badminton.

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New thread, new Mio
Im sober again guys sorry about earlier

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>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
Left handed basses and then probably some standard stuff like money or love.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Sheer utter embarrassment and shame
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Probably fresh linen
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Shed either play music with her band, or not be in the show at all. She wouldnt be able to handle being the focus of attention like that
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Probably a bit but not too much

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need some good Yandere anime recommendations

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>if your waifu was given 3 wishes what would she wish for
i think she'd only wish to have a bigger chest then her sister and maybe food
>what would make your waifu cry
nothing, shes tougher then me
>what scent do you associate most with your waifu
>what talent would she present at a talent show
since her only skill is shooting and being cute which i imagine wouldnt be allowed at most talent shows, so probably how good she is at balancing her gun on her fingers
>how much effort does your waifu put in their appearance
i'd say not much, she only has 3 outfits in her wardrobe which are 2 oversized-ish jackets and a dress

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>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
She'd more than likely wish to forget what she saw in the lunar war, and for the other two wishes she'd probably wish for quality of life things. Like being more appreciated, to be happier and for people to take advantage of her less.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Being forgotten, taken advantage of, remembering what she experienced during the war, there's a lot of things that would probably make her cry.
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
I like to think she smells like lavender.
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Her shooting ability. It's something she would really like to show off.
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Almost none at all. Her clothes are what she brought from the moon and hasn't really changed them. That and she doesn't really bother with makeup or jewelry.

>Does your waifu play any sports?
The closest to a sport she plays is probably sport shooting.

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>How long have you been with your waifu?
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
>For how long have you been on these threads?
>What do you like or dislike of them?

Not that I know of she seems like she would be a bit of a shut in not leaving home too much.
.>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
Yuri likes exploring different kinds of fantastic worlds so her first wish would probably involve being able to travel to other worlds or teleport anywhere. The second wish would probably be something that would help other club members maybe three wishers per club member and the third wish would be making her back pain go away.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
She could have her feelings hurt by cruel words or thinking she hurt someone.
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
The smell of jasmine
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
She would read out some of her poetry while using aroma candles to create an atmosphere.
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
She has long hair I imagine taking care of it is pretty time consuming.

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>how long have you been with your waifu
well its almost been a year since i first got her in the gacha
>how much time happened when you met her until you realized about your love
instantly to be honest
>for how long have you been on these threads
ive lurked waifu threads for a little while just started today
>what do you like
>what do you dislike
how she gets grumpy about being called flat

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>How long have you been with your waifu?
I've been with her for two years now.
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
About six months if I had to put a number on it.
>For how long have you been on these threads?
For a little while now, can't really put an exact date or time frame on that.
>What do you like or dislike of them?
I just like how comfy they are, and I can't think of anything too negative to say about them.

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part five of JoJo has Yukako Yamagishi and there is always Mirainiki.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
About a year now
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
I was already feeling it while I was playing DDLC but it took a week or two for me to realize what exactly I was feeling.
>For how long have you been on these threads?
A while really can't tell how much tho.
>What do you like or dislike of them?
She is an intelligent passionate and kind person who really wants to be loved. She deals with her emotions in some unhealthy ways and could be difficult to read at times.

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Not really. In her first game she said she never cared about sports at school. But she has a croquet mallet as a weapon in AMA so maybe that's the only sport she would play. She also seems to be good at jumping
>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
I don't want to speak for her but her 3 wishes could be
>her parents and sister being alive
>her mind being free of mental illness
>have a job that she would love

>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Seeing someone who they love die on her eyes
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Old wooden furniture. Also, she probably wouldn't smell very good.
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
She would sing probably. Or as I mentioned above, it was implied she is really good at jumping so maybe something related to that
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
It's really cute that in Wonderland she wears makeup while in the real world she doesn't (because she can't). Maybe she believes she looks better with makeup but to me she looks MUCH better without it. She looks so cute and innocent that I only wish to take her home from the streets and take care of her
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Since 16 February 2018
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
Around a week after playing her game. At first I was only attracted to her beauty but only after learning about her backstory and personality I have fallen in deep love with her
>For how long have you been on these threads?
I have been in almost every waifuthread since April 2018
>What do you like or dislike of them?
I love these threads we have right now. In the past they used to be claiming threads and almost no one was taking about their love
Majority may not agree with me but I prefer when questions are about love, rather than what my waifu would do as I'm not her and I don't want to change her personality

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Let's post waifu related wallpapers.

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I'm fine with this idea.
I have a few wallpapers of Reisen.

Attached: Reisen_Winter_Wallpaper.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

>How long have you been with your waifu?
September 2017
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
It wasnt until december of 2017 or January 2018 that i realized my love for Mio
>For how long have you been on these threads?
I lurked the first thread and started posting in the second or third i think. Ive been here ever since. About a month now?
>What do you like or dislike of them?
I really dont have any complaints with these threads which is why ive stuck around as long as i did. I know i throw this word around a lot but these threads are really just comfy. Everyone who posts in these threads feels like an old friend and if theyre new to the threads, it feels like im gaining another family member. Its nice coming back and seeing new posts from the same people who frequent the threads.
Its like what said
>In the past they used to be claiming threads and almost no one was taking about their love

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Pic related is the mio i use as my laptop wallpaper

Attached: mio_akiyama__k_on___minimalist_wallpaper_by_greenmapple17-d8p9d5v.png (1024x576, 101K)

Pic related is the Mio wallpaper i use for my desktop

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I use this wallpaper on my phone.

Attached: Yuri wallpaper (4).jpg (236x419, 22K)

this is what i use on my laptop, this isnt the exact image but apparently the exact image i use for it is over 2 mb

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1. A beautiful heart
2. A beautiful appearance
3. A beautiful demeanor

>How would you celebrate the New Year with your waifu?
Visiting a shrine of course. She'd probably be pretty busy working at one, but hopefully we could find some time to sneak off and go sit in the snow.

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
I'm not sure. I think she'd be the type to make two selfless wishes and one personal one. Maybe one for all of society, one for her family, and one for herself. I don't know what she'd particularly wish for besides happiness and prosperity.

>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Someone deceiving her or being rude by yelling or something like that.

>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?

>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Maybe something like an origami crane that could fly far better than a normal one. Something that takes an unassuming art and does something great with it.

>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
I imagine a lot, even if she doesn't wear any makeup or jewelry that's particularly flashy.

>Does your waifu play any sports?
Yes, if archery counts.

Nothing beats this official one from the Arcana Heart 3 website.

>How long have you been with your waifu?
Since May 2016

>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
A few weeks

>For how long have you been on these threads?
Only about a month at most I think.

>What do you like or dislike of them?
I can't say I dislike anything about them outright. I'm astounded and happy how civil and genuinely compassionate they are.

>Majority may not agree with me but I prefer when questions are about love, rather than what my waifu would do as I'm not her and I don't want to change her personality
I like both and want to include more of the first but don't really know what else to ask about how we love our waifus or what we do for them, which is why most of my questions are of that more hypothetical nature.

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This has been my phone wallpaper ever since i dropped acid for the first time. When ever I trip and look at the pic, it looks like mio is really there. Its extremely realistic and like a 3D version of the picture, like one of those magic eye pictures where you stare at it and see an object. Thats how she looked and i felt as though i could reach through the screen and be with her. I ended up showing my friends who tripped with me and it was the first time i was open about mio with them.
Good times have been made because of this picture

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not my husbando but this is my phone wallpaper
I really like it a lot

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Glad You got to experience closeness to your waifu like that. How did your friends react to you revealing your feelings? Really interesting, can other anons tell about waifu related psychedelic experiences they may have had?

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Third time's the charm, again. Sorry about that.

What can I say about my love that hasn't been said about the loveliest of days or the most beautiful flowers? There's not enough sugary prose to describe her and my love for her.

>Does your waifu play any sports?
Archery is a sport, but she doesn't do it competitively (mostly because she's the best archer around).

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
I think she'd be a bit weary about making any wishes. The last time she did things went horribly.

>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Seeing something she loves be ruined, especially if it's the result of her actions.

>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Nothing in particular. Maybe an earthy scent.

>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Trick shooting.

>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Not much.

>How long have you been with your waifu?
For about six years, since 2012.

>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
It wasn't long. It helped that she was the first and only Disney princess who I was interested in. I'd say a few weeks or so.

>For how long have you been on these threads?
Since October, but it's so comfy it's as if I've always been here.

>What do you like or dislike of them?
I love everything about her. To me, she's perfect. I can't think about anything I would dislike, even if it's a flaw in her character.

Coming right up.

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I drew this last night, wanted to go to bed though so only posting it now

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She's good at swimming, I also like that so when I swim I'm thinking about her most of the time
>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
1) For the guy she's in love with to accept her and only have eyes for her
2) A world where lies don't exist
3) I guess a prosper life as a wife with her lover
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Not being accepted and seen as a monster, that's her biggest fear
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Don't know much about scents, but something like clean clothing like a cotton flower would be the most appropriate
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
She'd turn into a dragon or just burn things with her mouth
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
A lot to get her lover's attention, even if she's sometimes embarassed about being seen in a swimsuit at times
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Since february 2018, pretty recent compared to a lot of people from here
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
Met her on her game on june 2017 and I thought that she was a cute girl and that's it, then I got intrested on her as a character and ended up falling for her
>For how long have you been on these threads?
Since around august
>What do you like or dislike of them?
Having the oportunity to express my feelings and share them when I normally wouldn't be able to is great, having this place is really useful. And the community, everyone here is kind and familiar, and it makes this place even more comfier
Using this one as my phone wallpaper right now

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They didnt think much of it to be honest. We were all too busy staring at the hyper realistic version of mio to really care. Plus theyre not the type of guys to think less of me for something like that.
>can other anons tell about waifu related psychedelic experiences they may have had?
I listen to some of my favorite songs that Mio sings when i trip cause I can usually feel the music.
Its not something youd understand if you havent experienced it before but ill try to explain it the best that I can.
Listening to this song made my body feel like the song was giving me a hug. It was a warm, loving, kind of feeling like if my mom gave me a hug and my body felt so relaxed and comfy. Its like my body felt the same response to the song that it would have if my mom gave me a hug and told me she loved me.

This song overall was extremely powerful and emotionally moving. I could feel the passion and love that Mio was expressing through her voice and the whole song was extremely loud and piercing which is a common theme but at the time i linked, when the music completely stops it felt as though i was empty inside. I felt nothingness as an emotion and as if i was dead on the inside, then when mio takes a breath and her voice queues the music back in, it felt as though mio was breathing life back into me and the jump from nothingness to the extremely loud and powerful music just felt like pure life energy.

Those are the only remarkable waifu related things ive experienced when ive dropped acid but ive had other stuff happen too if youre interested.

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>How long have you been with your waifu?
4-5 months.

>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
Less than a week.

>For how long have you been on these threads?
About 2 weeks.

>What do you like or dislike of them?
They're the comfiest threads on the cesspool that is Jow Forums, and it's the only place I can talk about my love for Elizabeth without being perceived as a (total) weirdo. I don't have any particular dislikes.

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>How long have you been with your waifu?
A year and some change
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
Within a couple of days
>For how long have you been on these threads?
Since thread 3-4, can't remember how long that was exactly
>What do you like or dislike of them?
They're comfy and free of normalfags/tranny shills

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>song is giving me a hug
I almost cried when I read it must be amazing please tell me more. Was Mio full 3d or did she look 2d-ish?

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It took me way too long to realize "What do you like or dislike about them?" referred to the threads. Oops. At any rate, these threads are super comfy and are so far removed from the rest of Jow Forums.

>It took me way too long to realize "What do you like or dislike about them?" referred to the threads. Oops. At any rate, these threads are super comfy and are so far removed from the rest of Jow Forums.
Oh shit in that case:Ill respond again:
>What do you like or dislike of them?
People are very supportive and friendly on these threads and there are overall good vibes.

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Do you have Gifs of your waifu?

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Yep. I can dump a few if no one has any issue with me doing so.

Attached: CuteScottishPrincessSmilesAtYou.gif (500x263, 997K)

sure go ahead Merida poster.

My cute wife on the beach

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All right, here's another one.

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She's so cute when she's excited.

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Dress-ripping action.

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I'd post more but the rest are over the size limit for the board.

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Hmm well it was like a 3D rendering of Mio, kind of like the more modern Naruto or DBZ fighting games but a lot more realistic.
The sparkly haze made it look like she was in a cloud kind of like what youd picture heaven to look like. Bright, grey, hazy, and with clouds as far as the eye can see.
The guitar in particular looked so real. I could see the curve of the guitar strings and the empty space inbetween them and the guitar itself.
Basically there was depth to the whole picture in general and it didnt look like it was on a screen. It was like my phone was a portal to another world and i was looking in rather than a picture on a screen.

Now when i drop acid i use the picture of mio to gauge how hard im tripping. The more realistic and magical the photo looks, the harder im tripping.

Attached: 27.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
Just various things that would make her world better. Maybe a bigger chest but I think that's just memes.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Seeing something bad happen to those she tries to save. This actually happens to her in game.
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Androgynous work ethic
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
I think she would just use her time on stage to autisticly rant about what the future is like and steps we can all take to prevent that future.
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Considering that she cosplays as an ancient hero every day and managed t\o convince everyone that she was a man for some time, quite a lot.
>Does your waifu play any sports?
If fencing counts, then yes.
>Good day to you fellow waifu friends how is it going?
Well my friend convinced me to go for a run and its like -5C outside so I'm just a bit scared. How about you? Someone posted that song from Konasuba so I was also thinking about learning it real quick to show you guys.

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Post christmas waifu

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I have lots of santa mios and lots of kimono mios for the holidays user

Attached: mio_akiyama_render_by_mrreltotaku-d87xlem.png (600x955, 355K)

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
She would wish to win the Love Live, have a successful life in general, and to be with me.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Probably making a huge mistake that cost her sister's last chance at winning the Love Live. She cried about it a lot in the anime.
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Definitely singing.
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Not much in daily life but when performing she probably does put effort into it like everything else.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Since July 24, 2018.
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
I related to her a lot from the start, but I didn't realize that I love her that much until a few days after.
>For how long have you been on these threads?
Since October at least. I actually had the idea of making these threads into a 24/7 general instead of occasional threads.
>What do you like or dislike of them?
I like the comfy atmosphere where you can discuss anything. Occasionally /vg/-kun or some normalfags might come but usually a janny takes care of them.
>Let's post waifu related wallpapers
Here you go.
>Do you have Gifs of your waifu?
I'll dump some after this post.

Attached: 11.png (3072x1728, 181K)

Yes i have lots but i dont want to spam the thread

Attached: 923k.gif (500x284, 323K)

This is the first one that I saved of her.

Attached: 3.gif (499x281, 1.91M)

origiosnallly i have a collection of george costanza reaction images origiinoally

Surprisingly this is the only other one. I thought I had more, but whatever.

Attached: 135.gif (499x281, 1.96M)

I don't really have a waifu (I would rather use the word of wife instead)
I love this sweetheart

Attached: Cute slav.jpg (900x1315, 79K)

i perfer a horse

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ok i guess ill post another...
I cant resist posting mio

Attached: 1484802497540.gif (500x281, 530K)

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
1. World peace
2. fountains of wine
3. That the people important to her continue to lead happy lives
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
A good movie, an emotional conversation, seeing her friends suffer, Getting stuck in another time loop
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Rice fields, sunlight, a farming village whatever that smells like
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Cooking, or clairvoyance, her miko dance
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
I don't think much, besides the clothes she wears.

>How long have you been with your waifu?
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
I had to finish the game to realize what was going on in my heart, as I fantasized about the characters, being amongst the cast
>For how long have you been on these threads?
I don't know, how long have they been around? Pretty sure I started coming as soon as a distinct community began to form.
>What do you like or dislike of them?
You guys ask thoughtful questions sometimes, I wouldn't say I dislike anything but questions I've seen before a lot

Attached: Dgzrj5RVAAQeLC9.jpg (533x1199, 61K)

>How long have you been with your waifu?
More than two years at this point
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
A couple of months, I think. It was a long time ago now
>For how long have you been on these threads?
a few days, I mostly lurk though
>What do you like or dislike of them?
She's cute, and can be very caring and sweet when she actually wants to be. There's other stuff I like, I'm just bad at this sort of thing.

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Posting my husbando again
Do you anons have plans for New Years?

Attached: totsuka.jpg (748x1024, 65K)

Glad that she got so much art, I'll make a christmas folder one of these days

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Sure thing
Really interesting the way your friends saw Mio as a 3d immage too. Did they see the cloud too or was it just you? Was there any difference between what you saw and what they did?
I think this is a wrong thread for you.
would be interesting to hear you play but how would you get it done?

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More Yuri GIFs

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Lets keep going with some questions
>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet
>What subject is/was their best in school?
>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
>What would they like their future to be like?

Attached: 4deb7f018200030114e93a37b0b1d8f1.jpg (563x649, 46K)

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
Finding who/where the hero is.
Be more heroic
Maybe to feel more comfortable around other Yordles.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
The possibility that she simply can't find the hero.
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Maybe grass or something similar.
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Heavy lifting, maybe. She's pretty strong for her size.
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Not a whole lot.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Early 2016.
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
A few months I think.
>For how long have you been on these threads?
A few weeks, give or take.
>What do you like or dislike of them?
They tend to be a bit slow sometimes.
One of my faves that I haven't posted yet.

Attached: po-ins-banner.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
Im not her so cant say much but probably to get her dad back from the dead.

>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Thinking of her dad.

>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?

>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Fire breathing and the such.

>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Not much other than braiding her hair.

>How long have you been with your waifu?
3-4 years give or take

>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
1 year roughly

>For how long have you been on these threads?
Since october when they were still just random threads popping up sometimes.

>What do you like or dislike of them?
I dislike the drama that tends to happen sometimes (although its out of our control) but other than that they are real nice.

Attached: Shyvana 91.jpg (849x941, 98K)

Missed that one so double post time.
I do have Gangplank as my desktop background but if i was to pick a shyvana one it would be this.

Attached: Shyvana 4.jpg (1920x1262, 252K)

>How long have you been with your waifu?
4-6 years. Somewhere in between there. All I know is it was before Xbox One released.
>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
It took about 3 months. Someone asked me if I had a waifu and she was the only girl that flashed across my mind. Then it was like; "Holy shit, I DO have a waifu!"
>For how long have you been on these threads?
Since October according to the archive.
>What do you like or dislike of them?
She's smart, strong, caring and very determined. Her ears are cute too.
I don't like the fact that if she didn't have her braid or her clothes, I would probably mistake her for generic anime elf#32.

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Back when I had one of those gimmicky ultra-wide monitors, I couldn't find anything of her that could fit it so I ended up making a poor-man's version of something like this No, but I could see her performing combat sports.

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More GIFs of my precious Yuri

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Pic related.
Well, the questions about what my waifu would do, what we would do together or what does she think about something are nice to think about, as you discover your waifu more but they are just fantasies while our love for our waifu is something real and we can be sure while answering questions about it. The answers to other questions are just guesses because we have never even had a word with our loved one and there is a possibility that we are just changing her personality so it would suit us more.
I don't even know if Alice would ever love me back. That's why I treat it more like an unrequited love rather than two-sided one.

Attached: Alice4.jpg (1920x1080, 1.14M)

Of course.
>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
Probably someone who uses and abuses others. I'm not even sure if she could get along with anyone at this point.
>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
I have little knowledge on that. Maybe somewhere where Industrial Revolution isn't as present as it is in London.
>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet
I have no idea. Maybe the Razputin from the Psychonauts, as he could enter the mind of others, too. There's even an Easter Egg related to him in her game.
>What subject is/was their best in school?
I'm not sure. She seems to have an artistic soul so maybe art.
>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
Her parents were often busy and her sister was older than her so she usually was left alone and that's why she has created her Wonderland. Although in her new game there could be a happy memory from her childhood when she's making a snowman with her sister.
Her last happy memory was hearing her mother humming her a song while she was going to sleep.
>What would they like their future to be like?
Probably just to live a normal life. Free from the demons of her past.

Attached: Alice38.gif (500x281, 1.96M)

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
Just like Dragon Ball, she'd wish for the revival of her race. I can't really picture her seeking anything else.
>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Loss of a loved one. Trying to think of another scenario is difficult. She's pretty tough most of the time.
>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
The same scent that floats around in a flower shop.
>What talent would she present at a talent show?
Probably something that displays what can be achieved for alot of concentration. ...I don't know.
>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
If anime has taught me anything, it's that all girl's thoroughly work on their appearance behind the scenes and she's no exception.

None that I want saved on my computer.
Why does she have to be from such a pervy show, it's not fair.

>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
I could see her getting along with anybody that hasn't betrayed her.
>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
It's already canon. Her travelling the roads and spending time with her student on a beach just away from it all.
>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet
Probably Tuka Luna from GATE. I feel like they'd have alot of synergy.
>What subject is/was their best in school?
Must be math since she throws numbers around all the time.
>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
It could be anything. Even elves nearing their 50's are still considered young.
>What would they like their future to be like?
Happiness in any way.

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Oof, hello boys. Was busy writing how Emperor Uros btfo Hungary

She ain't the sporty type - but she does do some unexpectedly sporty shit in her mind

>If your waifu/husbando was given 3 wishes what would she wish for?
1. get family back
2. get her stuff back
3. evil people get btfo

>What would make your waifu/husbando cry?
Seeing someone she cares about getting harmed, when she sees some gross injustice

>What scent do you associate most with your waifu/husbando?
Shampooed hair - I guess the actually smells like moldy basement, dust, and body odor because poverty and homelessness

>What talent would she present at a talent show?
"And now, I shall turn this absolute madman into a normal and productive member of society by tuning his mind!"

>How much effort does your waifu/husbando put in their appearance?
Judging by her wonderland appearance, very much - but she's not in the position to do so.

>How long have you been with your waifu?
Well, I played her games in late July... But the feels started in like October. I'm a slow guy.

>How much time happened when you meet her until you realized about your love?
Well, it took me a few months - I participated here even before I realized my feels

>For how long have you been on these threads?
Quite some time, let me check - November 16th apparently, the comment being pic related

>What do you like or dislike of them?
There's nothing to dislike really, except that they have to be recreated constantly

Her face is so wide, at first I though she doesn't look English at all, but this makes me realize she looks English as fuck. Though it could be because exaggerated eyes

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Bump with another GIF of Yuri

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if it doesn't have a penis, it's not a good waifu. debate me

>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
Someone malicious and evil - she does realize that there's all kinds of people

>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
Peaceful with a lot of nature.

>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet
Like Polebro said, maybe the Psychonauts guy. After that, if she could select anyone, maybe the Frye twins (from AC: Syndicate, same time period as Alice is in), especially Evie.

>What subject is/was their best in school?
Maybe art, but she got btfo at age 7, so that means she can't have gone to school for a long time - she's like 19 now, and is probably just barely literate

>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
Probably when the entire family had fun - she was kind of constantly alone because age gap between her and sister (pretty much opposite of the historical Alice Liddell, who was a 10th child, guaranteeing constant interaction)

>What would they like their future to be like?
At first, to just get a normal life. Maybe even restore her fortunes in some way - she can literally enter people's heads, this can be used to make her rich beyond belief.

This is very true - we know Alice's STORY very well, but she as a person is still very unknown to us when it comes to such detailed questions, so these are all fat guesses really.

Anyways have a dinarized Alice because lol

Attached: dinalice.jpg (300x400, 12K)

We doing gifs?

Attached: tumblr_p60zp6uOWe1vhmmrto1_400.gif (400x274, 1.53M)

More GIFs
Yeah GIFs and wallpapers are nice.

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Not waifu related but why are all the porn adds disgusting cuck shit?

Maybe because jap moot assumes we are all losers who would be into cuck shit?

Don't know, what i do know though is that Moot betrayed us

>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
Someone unorganized, villanous, abusive of others.
>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
Anywhere as long it's not too cold or hot.
>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet
Maybe someone like Captain America since he's the archetypal hero who always does the right thing regardless of obstacles.
>What subject is/was their best in school?
Geography probably, since she's always exploring.
>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
When she met Orlon for the first time.
>What would they like their future to be like?
Still searching for the hero, most likely.

Attached: _gif__poppy_star_guardian_by_darkshadedemon-dakankj.gif (800x450, 1.67M)

>Her face is so wide, at first I though she doesn't look English at all, but this makes me realize she looks English as fuck.
So English people have wide faces? And what do you think about London and Wonderland Alice without hair? Which one do you like more?
>This is very true - we know Alice's STORY very well, but she as a person is still very unknown to us when it comes to such detailed questions, so these are all fat guesses really.
Exactly. I hope Alice: Asylum will provide us more information about her everyday life and what she likes/dislikes.

>that picrel
Oh man. It just looks... so weird yet very beautiful.
Alice, but like she was converted to exist in this reality. Like, her divine beauty was transformed to make her more suitable for our real world.
With what other picture have you morphed it? Could you post it? I'm really curious.

Attached: AliceBald.jpg (1063x877, 100K)

>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
Someone who expresses the worst aspects of her character, but tenfold. Someone who is cold and manipulative. Someone who is outright evil.

>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
Not sure. I assume she enjoys the countryside and rural areas.

>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet?
Katniss from The Hunger Games or Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.

>What subject is/was their best in school?
She was tutored by her parents, so I assume sword fighting and archery whenever her father could teach her.

>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
She has a few. They mostly involve spending time with her mum.

>What would they like their future to be like?
Full of the freedom to do whatever her heart desires.

Attached: merida_as_katniss_by_jibblyuniverse-d6uaosu.jpg (686x893, 86K)

>would be interesting to hear you play but how would you get it done?
Well I would probably play it with my fingers. If your were referring to the technicality, I can just put a shitty cell phone recording on vacooroo or something.

Hm, in those pics her face doesn't look so wide, could be that one pic

>So English people have wide faces?
Not all, Anglos are a diverse crowd, possibly more so than us Serbs - multiple types, but many have this weird type with wideset eyes, while some look more nordid - though I believe them with wideset eyes are all alcohol babies

>And what do you think about London and Wonderland Alice without hair? Which one do you like more?
Looks weird, I'm no fan of short-haired girls, but I say that London Alice looks better somewhat... More gloomy, serious, real.

>With what other picture have you morphed it? Could you post it? I'm really curious.
Pic related, average Dinaric-type woman - though it does seem that in these parts the sample size is rather small, perhaps because we're all phenotypically very mixed.

Attached: dinaridf.jpg (282x376, 13K)

>What kind of person would your waifu/husbando not be able to get along with?
Anyone overly negative, malicious or closed-minded.
>What what would their ideal vacation be like?
I think she'd enjoy a place with a lot of people and things to do. Probably somewhere warm and sunny.
>What other character from fiction (that are not a fart of their universe) would they like to meet
Not sure about this one.
>What subject is/was their best in school?
She didn't go to school but she does express interest in physics and geography, she also has an artistic side. But I think physics would be her best since she's had a lot of time to read books about it and it's probably the most interesting to her given her powers.
>What would their happiest childhood memory be like?
She didn't have much of a childhood so I'm not sure.
>What would they like their future to be like?
Having spent so much of her life in isolation, I think she'd want to be free most of all.

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I want to draw Julie again, don't have any poses tho, so suggest away

Guys, this might be a little weird and awkward, but this is my husband, Bowser!
He can act really mean and rude sometimes, but deep down, he's really sweet. Promise.

Attached: bowz2.jpg (650x665, 84K)

How did you feel about Bowsette?