Really early morning kelly thread

hey i love kelly you love kelly lets post kelly cool this is great

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I bet she's insufferable to be around.

well quite possibly you might run into some issues because she does NOT speak english very well ^___^

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Lmao youre a fucking retard.

no im not take one quick look at a girl and decide 'wtf trap' all you want but kellys very clearly a cis female once you pay more attention to her

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g'morning Avery
I have posted this in a while

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based and redpilled morning averyposter

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No, it's a fucking guy
Besides, you are too young to be on Jow Forums
Fuck off

how have you been? I'm on vacation from college so I'm just playing videogames all day, it gets boring after a while so I came here to shitpost

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ive been alive, im on break as well so im not distracted for an extra 6-8 hours a day, so ive either been watching tv or at stores or on here

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Morning beta orbiter, DAILY REMINDER: Kelly is an unstable retard that will cheat you out if everything. Then again you really only care about her looks and her "meme" status and "Chan presence".

you go to stores frequently? what do you do on them other than buying things?

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hey tofuchan, tofu is cool. i like soft tofu. the kind that comes prepackaged and preportioned

i just look around. i havent been going into an absurd amount of stores multiple times, i just explored our main street then walmart on boxing day

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Let's talk about this Avery, why are you doing this? What did Kelly do to you?

nothing, i dont know her, i just spam her when im bored and dont know what else to do

im gonna try to go back to sleep

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i understand, i also liked to walk around and explore when i first moved here, now i know every inch of this city so it's not the same thing, now i just go out to walk with my dog

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Good, try to sleep some more take it easy.

b-but i was talking to him

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Go to sleep too friend I am sorry to end the conversation so abruptly but this is the best outcome for mental health etc. add him on discord so you can talk there?

I don't like discord, every time I add some random user from here we talk for a day and never talk to each other again, its always the same "getting to know each other" awkward conversation. And its morning here, are you in Japan or something?

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I'm from the states I slept 4 hours and smoked a cig so I'm kinda awake rn. As In for the discord thing the problem is you add random anons so the convo has no base, seems like you and Avery talk often or have talked before. Just a thought after all ya know?

i still thing its going to be awkward, when I see his threads it would be weird to reply to him knowing that i have him on discord, and if i have nothing to talk on discord i'll end up not talking at all (this happened before btw)

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ur dick

>hey i love kelly you love kelly lets post kelly cool this is great

That's not beautiful Angel Ciara!

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AHAHhaA I learnt the hard way except this conversation went on for HALF A YEAR ahaAHhahAhA

come back, k! are you still unsettled? disturbed?

sorry user in question

Who is this Thot and why do you encourage thottery here?

are you talking about me? i'm not disturbed, why you think that?

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no, sorry, for seeming like a schizo there. discord brings back shit memories

it's ok user, this is a schizo friendly place

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I guess your points are fair, but what do you two actually talk about anyway? I doubt you two talk about Kelly n other e roasts, you two just encounter each other and start talking?

I don't remember desu, I haven't seen him in a while, but it was shitposting most fo the time, there was another guy that painted moustaches on girls with paint that used to shitpost with us too

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The Chan's really have a way of making bonds just by shitposting huh? If I see this thread up again I'll check on both of ya. Honestly this is kinda heart warming desu.

Why the fuck did I have to miss out on all this shit. I was too busy pointing out flaws on /his/ and crassus posting. I wanna join in on all the cute drama so I can pretend it's high school again.

> 3 abortions
Uhhhhh.. Gross