Be Honest
This Is Fucking Hot
Be Honest
This Is Fucking Hot
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no women ca resist the BBC
imagine having a daughter who does this
>dominque wilkins jersey
>is a dom
I appreciate this
weird that tyrone decided to indulge that roastie in her fetish
i always thought niggers were based in matters like this
Is that she a he? That 'woman' is built like a man.
that's a cringe for me becky
*disowning intensifies*
Imagine actually trying to defend this as your fetish. Cuckshit is normalized too, ironic because this is worse than that big knees faggot from DeviantArt.
Imagine being cucked enough to even have a daughter.
That's just what 3D women look like. They're just men but curvy and weak and with a hole in their pants.
things niggers say for 200, alex.
I wish I was a gangsta black male in the early 21st century.
i hate clingyness and displays of emotion. i'd rather come home, say nothing, eat the dinner she prepared, leave the dirty dish on the table, grab her by the hair, fuck her in the kitchen, then go lay down, never saying a word.
but that's sexist these days. but walking your bitch around on a leash? perfectly acceptable. :)
Hot. Having a caring and loving SM relationship must be fun.
so you aren't interested in romance at all, you just want a living fleshlight?
>get a crackhead from the streets into your house
>force her to do shit like this because you have sub 70 IQ and threathen her to throw her to the streets again if she refuses
that only makes the boner get harder
She very improbably has a father.
probably some college social experiment and the black guy is gay and the roast is a sjw hoping to trigger "old white men"
daughters are just sons that couldn't turn their non genitals into dick and balls
fuck off with your shit fetish
bdsm is extremely rare among black folk
the girl probably got him into it
Why do you never see genuinely hot women with black dudes?
It's always like 5's or 6's
Do nigs just look for the white and blonde label and literally nothing else?
I know, that's what i'm saying. I'm surprised he decided to go along with her fetish, i doubt he gives much of a fuck about bdsm
If i saw them. I would say. What is this supossed to represent something ? Then i would say get out of my face nigger garbage.
Holy shit user, any backstory on this?
hot roasts get their drugs from rich people or the sons of rich people
uggos get their drugs from the local drug dealers
I'd break her nose and put her on the street
>((((White women))))
I'm glad I don't give a damn about real women anymore.
i can't provide any support to this but i swear i've seen his instagram and he seems like half a fag and this is his niche having women act like hoes on leashes
You and most other robots bleating about just wanting to be loyal to their virgin one and only
A handful of redditors attempted to "raid" a site already filled to the brim with shitposts and dumb memes. They pissed in the ocean.
That's strange, usually it's white girls with daddy issues that have these sorts of fetishes
When did this happen and where?
if it wasnt a figment of my imagination, im not sure if it was sexual so much as being provocative to get worldstar attention. and again im not convinced he is straight
Who the fuck knows? Like I said, it was piss in the ocean. They could still be trying to raid the place for all we know.
can't confirm if this is that guy, but he has lots of hoes on leashes or treated like dogs in his instagram
thank you for the (you) my new fren :)
ok how about you start pinging someone who disagrees with you instead of the whole fucking thread you absolute faggot
Of course it's a fat white chick.
They find obesity to be a good quality in a woman.
>the absolute state of the west
You did this.
dude, pol has had daily raided by hundreds to thousands of people since the election. It's had an effect by making the board almost unusable but it really hasn't changed any ones opinions except for some of the people that started raiding them. Pol was always almost all brown people pretending to be white racists, though. Every one is so fucked up.
Another interracial post, 5th one so far
I'm hiding all of them and there's nothing you can do about it
Reply to this shit if you want i'm not gonna see it either, get hidden fag
What is wrong with modern women?
I would take pleasure in slashing away the heads of all the cucks in this thread with my sword
>tfw this is a political satire performance
Yes, some redpills cannot be unseen
yikes, you can tell that made him awkward
Of course you would, weak cuck
I actually cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
What the fuck is wrong with north america?
There are about 46 million black people in the United States.
It is a cursed land, capital of degeneracy.
whats so hot about bestiality
and why is the human being walked by the animal
I used to walk a few girls around on leashes in my younger years. It's not that big a deal but society doesnt like it. Assumes the girls being abused or something evil. I wouldnt try it now in current year with how over zealous everyone is to play fake white knight hero to females thus i'd end up in cuffs even if a girl was consenting to it.
Guys got balls doing that but eh he doesnt care still whta people think. As for her she gets dick'd down good and most likely gets off being treated like property. Some females are wired that way same as some guys are wired that way.
We made the mistake of letting the slaves roam free instead of sending them back to Africa