A strong man of greater than average size. A trained man, experienced in grappling and some striking. A man who can deadlift and squat a lot. Weighing over 100kg.
Such a man could defeat a tiger.
A strong man of greater than average size. A trained man, experienced in grappling and some striking. A man who can deadlift and squat a lot. Weighing over 100kg.
Such a man could defeat a tiger.
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lol. you could have 5 x 6'6" 250lbs steroid pumping dudes that train mma and still wouldnt take on a siberian tiger
I'm fairly positive that i can fight and kill a full grown male silverback gorilla
you want to practice some grappling, tiger ;)?
What's with all the Jockoposting today? Is it because he was on The Rubin Report?
Nigger it would backhand you and you'd die.
Imagine if he had to fight someone his size with two razor sharp knifes and a mouth that could gash his throat open, now make that 5 times this size and you'll have your answer.
U r rarted
Average gorilla diddly 1800 lbs LMaO!
Why does the virgin human even compete?!..