>tfw addicted to happy endings
I've gone 5 times in 2019 alone. Nothing like a massage and a handy j after a workout bros
>tfw addicted to happy endings
I've gone 5 times in 2019 alone. Nothing like a massage and a handy j after a workout bros
>Paying some thots to give you a hand job
>Doesn't realize he can do it himself for free
You ever had a girl wank you off, user?
If you think it’s the same, I reckon you might be a wee virgin..
Start dating a Vietnamese girl. They don’t expect much so it’ll work out cheaper.
On his dick, I assume.
>Literally pays people off to jerk him off
>Calls other people a virgin
Again, i would rather jerk off myself, go get laid
Not OP, never paid for it in my life.
And now I *know* you’re a virgin
Lol @ the virgin
Not the guy you're responding to but i've had ~15 women jerk me off. None of them do it as well as I do it unless they use their mouth, because they don't have a penis and don't know how to use one. This is common knowledge but you don't have it. Judging by that, and the fact that you're paying money for something you can do yourself, shows me that you are the virgin.
Does the fact that they're basically slaves make it feel better?
>None of them do it as well as I do it unless they use their mouth
so they magically know how to do it well when they use their mouth?
Sure balding manlet, sure you never paid for anything in your life
Work on your autismo
95% of guys on here barely seen a girl naked, no wonder they go for degenerate shit like paying for a jerk off
>they don't know
regular grills don't know shit about hjs but you guys just don't know about massage parlor grills and what they can do with their hands
yeah but did you pay these chicks?
I would go all the time except I am afraid of getting arrested
>Tfw get dumped by fiance for being Nazi after five years of engagement
>Said i'm handsome but evil
>okay guess i'll just download tinder since I'm single now
>get addicted to fucking art hoes and goth girls
>Different hot girl every night, let me do whatever i want to them. eat booty, cum in booty, cum on face.
>start feeling depressed
>start watching porn and fapping as well as casual sex
>Have multiple fwb's at the same time
>stop staying Jow Forums
>enter downward spiral of sexual degeneracy
>life is falling apart
>decide no more fapping, porn, or tinder
>start going to massage parlors instead
>Now paying asian girls to have sex with me. One time I just felt lonely and told the woman ahead of time if it would be okay if we just cuddled and kissed
>Making zero progress in any aspect of my life
You don't want to go down this path OP.
Kind of makes me happy that i got out of the degenerate game
The average girl gives awful painful handjobs. Even with lube they think they just have to grab it and jerk it like crazy. It's either actual sex or a bj or nothing.
Sounds like a recipe for jail time
sucks being a nazi, faggot
>being engaged for five years without getting married
Yeah, there was already something wrong with that relationship