Fembots, would you ever date a guy who spends all his free time gaming?
Fembots, would you ever date a guy who spends all his free time gaming?
No. I'd want to replace his bad video game habit. Its okay sometimes, but if its all he does then I would dump that retard.
>he gets a gf
>l don't
Yes, if we played games together. But i'd like us to have other hobbies as well. Maybe play games for months non stop, especially during winter and then go hiking during warmer weather until new releases hit and alternate. Playing games all year round gets boring, especially because there are barely any good games out anyways. If we could mix in tabletops or maybe even learn how to make our own games it would be perfect.
>If we could mix in tabletops or maybe even learn how to make our own games it would be perfect.
No but he can certainly play video games while we are in a relationship. We both need our own hobbies and if video games are what he likes to do during his alone time then far be it from me to stop him. However, we also need hobbies to do together. So video games can be one of those things but I want to go outside too. If he was really averse to going places with me then I could not be with him.
video games are a shameful habit on par with masturbation as far as im concerned. Yes, I do both but I dont want to admit to or talk about them.
That said, much like mutual masturbation, they can be a fun way to bond if youre in an ldr or even besides.
Just dont expect to be able to enjoy the game again when she ghosts you.
Dang I'm up for these things.. shame you're not in Europe rip
I live with my gf and I play a lot of video games. She doesn't mind. She actually bought me a game console for Christmas so we could play together.
I'm glad I'm with somebody like that who likes similar things and not a stuck up cunt like it seems like most women are.
I'd rather beat my dick for the rest of eternity than deal with a woman that had an issue with me playing games. I work my ass off 8 hours a day and want to chill when I get home, if you don't like it then stay out of my life. I'll buy a silicone doll.
i don't even enjoy videogames anymore, femanons date me :*
Would you date a girl that spends all her free time on instagram/Facebook? I dont want to date someone with their face glued to a screen 24/7
What would you prefer to be doing?
Two girlfriends. There are several videos.
how about a guy who spends all his free time doing absolutely nothing? god i'm so dull
one of them's fat so it doesn't count
Hiking, sleeping under the stars, focusing on me, etc.
I bet you don't even do any of those by yourself you silly meathole. Aside from thinking about you, of course.
Those are roastie tier hobbies though
Traveling, cats and netflix xD
I do date a guy who spends his free time playing shiteo games. why? i spend all my free time gaming too.
wow, theyre exactly what I like to do with girls as well.
Ive never met a girl who actually goes /out/ though. Their idea of 'sleeping under the stars' is either going to a site or visiting the park at night.
Roasties like dogs now.
damn it that sounds great (all though I probably would play games more like 3 weeks for a whole bunch and then stop for a month and repeat)
The reason she likes him so much is because he ignores her
why would you spend all your free time gaming?
gaming is literally a waste of time
its fun to do occasionally but dont be THAT guy that does it for hours every day, there are plenty of other stuff to do like go to gym, go on walks, go on runs, watch movies, tv shows, install tinder, going to the park etc. Games are fun but dont be a DURRR IM 24/7 GAMER xD kind of loser, just be a normie in disquishe, thats the way to live
t. ex full time stoner and gamer who wasted enougn of his life on that shit
>spend all my free time gaming
i said that i only spend like a couple weeks every few months that's definitely not "all" my free time
thats good user, i do that too and enjoy it
i was more of replying to OP and the entire thread
i wrote that i don't even enjoy them anymore, so i don't spend my free time with games, user
>stop doing things that I don't like and instead do things I like
>it's a waste of time unless it's something that I say isn't
Gamer detected
as a guy I broke up with my ex because she got addicted to 24/7 gaming. inb4 neets thinking losing a sane person to mmo addiction is cool.
ok enjoy playing vidya all day everyday
I would date a guy who spends as much as 60% of his free time gaming. I love video games and watch E3 and such, but spending all you time on it is ridiculous. I want to do other things with the man I love and for him to have other hobbies.
I used to idolize a *gaymer* bf as if they'd understand me completely but they're all manchildren mentally and I've played enough with guys on voice chat who ignore their screaming babies and talk shit about their wives to understand the fact that routine escapism is a marker of a lazy personality.
Youre definitely gonna be happy on your deathbed knowing you spent most of your life playing a worthless computer game and learning nothing from it
Hobbies are hobbies. If you enjoy something then do it. Stop caring so much about other people my lads.
I think I would propably spend less time on it if I had a gf to do other things with.
how in the fuck is playing video games bad? stupid boomer
>new releases hit
I don't have much control over my life. I don't leave the house or make decisions about what I eat, wear, etc. and playing as a hero and helping people is fulfilling.
>ironic gaymers
no better than a retarded ironic weeb
this is me, dawg.
none of that seems like any less of a waste of time to me, you just like it more
sex is the same masturbatory pleasure activity, so are movies, books, casual conversations, restaurant eating
your "constructive hobbies" are just means to indulge in these different pleasures
get off your fucking high horse; whether or not YOUR hedonistic pastimes are more or less socially accepted, they are not fundamentally different from the ones you think are wasteful or unattractive
how in the hell do retards think playing games is stupid?
Yes and in fact I prefer my guy to be like that. My oneitis is a hardcore tier gamer who looks like a chad. He is perfection. I'd love sit next to him or on his lap while he plays or encourage him by sucking his cock under the table.
I knew a German Chad who was 8/10 handsome and ripped but hardcore into PC gaming. Another guy who took the virginities of all the hottest girls in my hometown but he's an "aspiring game streamer" who spends most of his free time playing games.
Oh but these are just the guys femanon will hook up with and let fuck her ass and throat. Only YOU can be the undersexed relationship guy in the end, IF you give up your main entertainment pastime!
not a fembot but she doesnt like the idea of me gaming then she isnt worth it for me
Tried it. No. Literally just spent hours sat on his bed watching him, he wouldn't even talk to me.
How much time do you guys spend playing video games? I used to play when I was a kid but now it feels like a total waste of time with no payoff and I feel like shit if I play for a few hours like I should have been doing something constructive
I've dated a guy like this. it's absolutely a mistake I wouldn't make again
Because you don't dictate my life faggot
Date me instead i only play gta 5 time to time but rest of the time just listen to music or watch videos
>Implying I'd date a woman and allow her to dictate my hobbies
No, you fuck them on the side. That's what they're good for, why the fuck would you let an opinionated meathole into your life to tell you what to do with your free time.
Imagine being so vapid and useless that you have no hobbies or friends and you blame your boyfriend for enjoying himself while you sit on the bed like a sack of useless flesh just watching him.
Instead of blaming him maybe you should try being more than a wet hole with flesh attached to it because you sound boring.
Imagine asking your boyfriend if you can come over, he says yes, then spends 4 hours levelling up his jumping or some shit in Runescape, ignoring your attempts to talk or cuddle or literally anything
He sounds like he has his priorities straight. If you want him to do the stupid shit you want to do then you have to be willing to do the stupid shit he wants to do. Stupid roastie.
Oh, my bad. I had assumed you meant an actual boyfriend, like one you live with, not some dude you occasionally meet up with and fuck while calling him a boyfriend. I take it back. By the way, he just wanted to fuck you, he wasn't interested in you beyond that.
Jesus Christ that video is one of the hottest things I've ever seen. The way she holds onto him and rocks back and forth drives me insane.
That's what all relationships are until you've dated long enough to move in together you fucking virgin. By your logic no one has a boyfriend until 6 months to a year of dating
Right on cue, as expected. I'm living with my gf right now by the way, you're just mad that he only wanted your hole.
currently dating one right now, and Im fine with it. I enjoy watching him play and he likes me being there too.
You'd think with how often this meme is posted that they'd have adjusted their tactics at least a little bit but nope, roasties are hive mind NPCs
i would take him to auschwitz and rape his boipussi und then cum with my female-penis in his meth-detroyed mouth. i am very drunk atm and want to live. XD
Well I am dating a vidya fag that spends 90% of his time gaming. I'm segregated to only seeing him on a certain day of the week, maybe once more if it's a special occasion. His idea of quality time is "cuddling and Vidya" which is essentially just laying on the same couch as him while he gets mad at his game like a fucking child. He doesn't try to do anything lewd with me, which could be seen as either a pro or con.
So yeah I can safely say if I was given the opportunity, I would not date a guy like that.
>But then why are you still with him I would treat you better
So my parents stop asking me about my lovelife, they like him anyways. I know many of you strongly believe that all women are born with certain attractive features unconsciously. There's not many of you willing to go for a skelly, tall, horsefaced, outie vag, social inapt girlfriend. And even less in real life.
>tv shows
It's the exact same fucking thing except that videogames are more interactive than these you hypocrite
I've moved in with my boyfriend who seemed to be gaming only sometimes. Turns out all he does is sit in front of the computer.
I feel lonely.
I come home, make him dinner, and he goes to play video games. And I sit alone for hours. If I go to do something it's only because it's something I decided to do. It feels as if I'm living alone. I'm sad
Have you tried talking to him? I swear I see shit like this every other day.
>chick complains that her bf doesn't give her attention
>doesn't do anything about it
>cheats on him
Tell him you feel neglected. He probably doesn't even know you do and automatically assumes it's all good between you two.
That's pretty much happened with my first girlfriend.
>become quick friends
>lose interest in video games
>start dating
>stop playing video games almost altogether
>break up
>start working out because i don't enjoy games still
pretty positive experience overall, even tho getting dumped hurt a lot.
Yeah I tried talking to him a lot. He thinks things are fine 'because we speak once a day'. So I broke up with him - he said no, laughed it off, carried on with his life. So I have to wait until the apartment contract runs out and then I'm leaving
>cheats on him
I have an unfortunate face and a strong monogamy thing so probably not
I've tried bringing it up to him and he gets defensive and calls me controlling, then cries about it for the next month. Honestly another reason I'm not breaking up with him, is that he's extremely sensitive and would probably gash his arms open.