Draw a brutally honest picture of your body in MS Paint and then go to the bathroom and look at your actual body and...

Draw a brutally honest picture of your body in MS Paint and then go to the bathroom and look at your actual body and compare it to your drawing. It will boost your self esteem.

Attached: bawdy1.png (660x783, 14K)

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I'm almost done, bumping so thread doesn't die

About that one line below my ribs, I was stabbed once and it scarred.

Attached: Did this in ~8 mins.png (110x150, 4K)

Oh wow, girls with these body types exist??

Why do none of them look like this in real life. I want a gf who looks like this ;_;

She'd have to be dominant tho

its too complex to draw for i am a masterpiece

Attached: worlds-most-shredded-man-alive-is-47-years-old-and-is-peeled-to-the-bone-740x500-4-1521620476.jpg (500x500, 34K)

You want a gf with a question mark as a face?

That's literally perfect though.
Same here, don't care about the stupid fetish shit though.


Not just a fetish you cock gargler

>Not just a fetish

I'm a woman, but I don't look androgynous to match my boyish body.

Attached: image.jpg (818x853, 85K)

Let's get married OP. Seriously.

A girl can be dominant in a relationship outside of sexual pleasure.

Gonna require some high level comprehension

You're pathetic IoI

can i rub my balls on your flat chest?

that is the most normal body type to ever exist. it's the physique equivalent of mousey hair.

No u loololl

tfw i can't even draw a damned stick figure

Love the broad shoulders, babe.

shave and lose about 40 pounds and your golden

that's cute

if you have a pretty face, nobody will really mind

Are you female tho

my body has always looked like this no matter how fat or thin I was

I am a true robot

Attached: my body.png (401x549, 11K)

You're just skinny fat. Diet hard for 20-30lbs then start working out.

this is literally me in real life lol

Attached: me irl.jpg (656x481, 24K)

close enough i guess orig

Attached: close enough r9k.png (1864x845, 34K)

unironically kill yourself in the most painful way possible

nice use of the line tool.

I'm skinnyfat no matter how much I lift weights or eat less sugar/carbs or red meat or whatever

I'm sure if I spent 3 hours a day, 6 days a week in the gym I could probably manage to look mediocre for some time but I don't think it's feasible. I can be 150 lbs and look just as shitty as I did at 200.

come on shave that shit

I was at birth, but I'm on HRT, I probably pull off as male when I have clothes on

& what exactly is the most painful way possible to kill one self?

I lost a lot of weight and still losing.
I went in only wanting to see my navel and it's never going to happen.

Attached: yeeh.jpg (307x794, 62K)

i would be your friend so hard.

Did you post yourself in here as well, user?

yeah, i am OP.
i think we have a similar body.

it will feel good though to look in the mirror and look pretty damn good at least with clothing on

I did think we had some similarities. I only posted because you did when I'd normally expect this to only have skellies. Have you lost weight, too?

I get no satisfaction out of this looking at my body to get dressed every day and I've become more depressed than when I started.
Nothing fits properly because of my arms and thighs being a saggy mess, while my torso is small. At the same time, my body also makes embarrassing, disgusting noises if I don't wear skintight clothes. It's awful.

post a picture of it? Out of morbid curiosity if not to see how bad you're exaggerating

I used to be about 370 lbs and I'm 5'3. There's no way I'm posting my actual body for people to make fun.

Note: I'm pretty bad at drawing.

Attached: skinnyfat.png (1152x648, 12K)

H: 5'5
W: 150
S: M
fml. i'm somewhat decent until i take my shirt off.

Attached: r9kbodyprops.jpg (605x540, 37K)

Why did you ignore my marriage proposal?

Glad you're not dead, ginger

You remind me of a titan in AoT.

I cant draw for shit so im not gonna do it.
Its pretty easy to imagine tho.
Im 6'7'' 200lbs ish skinnyfat babyface, my limbs are actually quite proportionate and i dont look too lanklet, but the problem is that my hip bone is really wide/ribcage really narrow (i dont know which it is actually, maybe both a little) and i got a narrow clavicle and shoulders for my height. Basically my skeleton is fucked and no amount of training/dieting/whatever wont do shit for me.

Attached: 1544995997873.jpg (807x1013, 206K)

I'm shocked that you claim to be 6'7" 200lbs and not lanklet.

My body weight is really disproportionate, my legs are fat and my arms are noodles. I think I could still make myself look better by bulking and lifting though

Attached: Capture.png (658x596, 18K)

a-at least i got that thigh gap

Attached: me.png (252x388, 7K)

What happened to your dick? Are you mtf?

just f, i'm not very good at drawing pubes
but the fact that you would suspect that says it all

Lmfao :laughingemoji:x5

Attached: 1536420500316.jpg (640x640, 22K)

>just f, i'm not very good at drawing pubes
but the fact that you would suspect that says it all
Can you answer the question?
Or are you a girl with wide shoulders / small hips?

>370 lbs.
genuinely curious as to how people even get to a milestone like that. is it just genes at that point?

Attached: (Pain.png (440x414, 139K)

oof incel yikes

>is it just genes
Well if you get to 300 lbs your genes stop working so if you want to blame them instead of all the fucking food they shove in their face, sure.

>I used to be about 370 lbs and I'm 5'3.
Why don't you just get a guy who likes fat chicks, like my friend over here *points to himself*, he's a pretty decent guy.

Can you answer the question?
>just f
f as in female. so yes, i did lose the genetic lottery.

kill yourself whiny attention whore

Nice Paint work user.

Not much crossover between Jow Forums and /i/ I take it

Fuck, you're right. You would think people would stop or notice something is up after a while.

It's not that bad. Maybe try squats and oats?

It looks like this and I hate it so much.

Attached: Screenshot_20181227-232223_Gallery.jpg (720x1280, 614K)

Literally me. Same height and weight

We have bodies better suited for 40-ish year old women, don't we?

I met a guy online and we're super bisexual for each other, he wants me to send nudes but I look like this kinda, I have XXY syndrome, he said he's okay with whatever oh god I want to kms

Truly, the body of the gods.

Attached: modernart.png (286x426, 12K)

I look like the malnourished love child of popeye and mega man.

Attached: popeye.png (952x821, 38K)

this actually did make me feel better thanks user

Attached: lol.png (301x606, 9K)

i think this is a semi-accurate representation? i don't think i got the waist right.

Attached: body buddy.png (377x897, 12K)

Way too skinny, and where's the body hair?

I want to be brutally honest with your body

stacy go seek chad , fucking hell you enjoy making us robots suffer,? you monster you precious monster i hate you but my dick want you

i shave my leg hairs and bleach the rest so it's too blonde to see.
why aren't you then?
i may look okay but i'm riddled with mental and physical sickness that prevents that. i like robots more because we are often similar despite different appearances.

>i shave my leg hairs and bleach the rest so it's too blonde to see.

Check out what Mal Malloy looks like now you're probably pretty fuckable good job

by brutally honest I just meant like, I want to fuck your cartoon standin

>paint win 10 is fucking scary

Just upgraded from XDo I just slit my throat now, or wait?

i have anterior pelvic tilt which gives me weird posture if that is what you are referring to.

now im aroused, see stacy why why? i wonder how similar, we ahve the presure of having good social status and economy to provide and compete, also we must also have good looks, even if you say you look okay you can get even chad, but a man with similar sexual market to you won't get anyone easy.
Now thanks to your image and description im getting a mixed feeling between arousal , frustration, and everything ....

help me pls qt3.14

men won't worry too much about mental and physical sickeness unless they are too extreme, but if you were aman no woman would want you even as friend.

how tall are you in cm pls XD
and which country?
can we be firends, also are you over 18 ? i don't want FBI

i have never had sex before presumably because people do not want me so i don't think your description of me is very accurate. i don't know how i can help you.
i couldn't talk to someone who would treat a male version of me that way. it is cruel and selfish to value someone by those traits.

we don't have to be couple, or anything but just friends to talk of course, i want to talk to some one about things and troubles

i'm that desperate for a girl attention? why 'm like this T-T

i am 166cm but i do not want to state where i am from. where are you from? i'll tell you if it is the same country as me.
i am over 18 and not opposed to being friends so yes, we can be if you want. what movies do you like?

We could leave the lights on
Sun tan
We could get lunch
Aw, man
I think that I like you
(You do?)
But something bugs me 'bout the way you lick your envelopes so

I'm out on the block again
So hopped up that I can't pretend
Two time
Stay friends
Problem that you can't defend
Hands up, feel okay
Whose heart could I break today?
Two time
Stay friends
Problem that you can't defend

what country are you from? your English is not very good.

Slip me in your pocket
Chew the way out
Oh man, was that your last piece of gum?
(Come on!) But we both wanted some
I know, and you can get in the hole too
E-R, what can you say
I never read the package anyway

I'm out on the block again
So hopped up that I can't pretend
Two time
Stay friends
Problem that you can't defend
Hands up, feel okay
Whose heart could I break today?
Two time
Stay friends
Problem that you can't defend

I'm out on the block again
So hopped up that I can't pretend
Two time
Stay friends
Problem that you can't defend
Hands up, feel okay
Whose heart could I break today?
Two time
Stay friends
Problem that you can't defend

jack stauber two time

Colombia, i'm a failure, too much to learn XD

well i like sci fi and psychological movies, starwars from 1-6 , clockwork orange, tough i wathc more anime shonen and seinen than western movies XD

Holy shit there are more of me

im similar too but im 170 kill me im a manlet, and my dick is like almost 15 cm just end me now, also i have a bad very bad job with low pay almsot like im a slave .... and the worst is that i have a college bachelor, tough im working on a field of my bachelor but the job is awful, i get to much shit on ,aand if there is abug all the fault is mine, or if the user misundertand something si my fault, and must explain test and code again, kill me

what song is this?
i also like sci-fi, also horror. eraser head is good.

>eraser head
nice, i haven't watched the movie, i will give it a try, also i tough first of the boku no hero homeroom teacher from class A

the song is this jack stauber two time

though an animator made soemthing for the song wich i associate first is kind of interesting specially the visuals sadly the animator deleted the video due to music copyrigth but i found a reupload

I like jack stauber a lot actually, i just do not know that song.

i guess i meet him through that song, i like it's original video that he made too , tough oddly is shorter XD

sorry, i am in the car so my replies are lacklustre.
when i am stuck in traffic i will watch when i can. thank you. good way to pass time.

and what hobbies do you have, in you free time?

>confirmed girl
>thread comes to a screeching halt as nerds scramble around to get girl attention
yall some thirsty motherfuckers

don't worry is normal, very hard and a bit unsafe to drive and be on phone i hope we can keep the chat later, good luck .