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Just to get it out there lads, Moni is just a Pakistani bloke in a dress!
first for
boobies>titty skittle fakes
might pull an all nighter tonight and polish off a lot of the food and drink from christmas while playing video games
need a good addicting game that's quite chill though for me to play for hours on end
What is Poiroit fren?
how do we make East Devon smile?
I'm not the guy you're talking to, but I can answer this.
First some backstory, i'm most commonly attracted to women who do this, and I've known a fair few that do. It's not difficult, the part you've fucked up is thinking that you have to let them fuck you. You don't, and it actually works better if you don't because sunk cost fallacy will drive them forward.
Basically you find a lonely nerdy deperate sort of guy, the type that commonly get treated badly by other people, if he's a vidya playing anime watching nerd then that's even better. Make sure he has a job or student loan because those are the resource you're going to drain. You get bonus points if he has a car or a house, because then you can mooch lifts and housing as well.
Basically you just have to be polite and talk to him, indulge him in his nerdy hobbies and basically let him think he has a chance, which he will delude himself into pretty rapidly. Remember that love is blind.
The way this turn into profit for you is that from the beginning you're going to be difficult, not difficult to contact or make plans with, but constantly late, short on money, complain about things that are wrong with your life, cry on his shoulder all that shit. As time goes you just keep ramping up with what you ask for, bigger favours, more money. So long a you keep rewarding his material offerings with polite attention and faux friendship, he'll fall more and more madly in love and you'll profit more and more. If he confesses it doesn't matter, just say that your friendship is worth too much, give him a night off to sob, and then start responding to his messages again, keep going as before.
Eventually he's going to have some sort of mental breakdown, at which point you use that as your excuse to make an exit. Nobody you know mutually will care, as his pathetic behaviour up until this point will have ruined what little reputation he has. You make a clean exit and just find another one.
Life on easymode.
Hear me lord
get stardew valley.
help him move?
obviously a johnny foreigner if you don't know what Poirot is
what are you lads doing tonight?
i'm gonna have dinner and play some ets2
lawd gimme a sign
He is a Belgian detective (definitely not French) created by Agatha Christie. In one episode he accuses someone so vehemently that they an hero. Such is the power of Poirot
>dozen family members round including zoomer autist nephews
>one is wandering around in a full dinosaur costume while the other does fortnite dances
I can't believe you even took the time to write this out.
wut? also use manual transmission it gives you more to do, more of a sense of occasion
gonna watch the John Malkovich Poirot, lads
Everyone tune in tonight at 8pm
Tell your friends to listen
This could be the last ever show as Poley is going to bang Zeus out
ayy missed the digital interview deadline by a week and emailed them and they've extended it til the 3rd
i'll shit my pants if i get this job, the average wage is ridiculous
lidl run in a couple of hours for cider and some scran, then play RDR2
running 8 hours behind time though as had planned on doing all this this morning, but didn't wake up till 5 ish
In what way? I don't have enough context to fully understand you.
He'll still be just a Pakistani bloke in a dress if he does.
dinosaur nephew sounds based
Alright lad. Fancy a smoke at the weekend?
Play Medieval total war 2 and read some comics.
Hope i have finished my studying before the radio. i have a feeling its going to be a /classic/.
you wrote all of that to say you get off on someone stealing your money.
glad you got another sorted lad. try not to forget about this 1. maybe stick a piece of paper on the wall with a reminder on eh
Sounds good to me lad, hope you and the cats had a comfy Boxing Day
cheers lad, honestly i just didn't check my emails over christmas as i assumed no one would be doing shit over it
What if the girl is only attracted to lonely /britfeel/ lads that despise and deny her existence?
Yeah man they were just sleeping and scaring the dragon by staring at him.
kind of get that. there was a girl at work used to look at me like i was a piece of shit. made me diamonds
>/britfeel/ mongs hate Zeus because he reminds them of the violent chav lads that used to booley them at school
I've yet to see evidence that any of them exist.
But let's assume one does. Do you really think she wants to be talked about like this?
Because she clearly isn't out for attention.
Ah ok. I don't get off on it, it's the personality type that does this sort of thing naturally that attracts me. I literally can't not fall in love with sly manipulative arseholes.
I've just learned over time that being lonely is better than following my heart.
You give me 2 AR-15s with many magazines and rounds plus a woman as broken so we can have the roughest sex after ending many people
The OKNOTOK white cassette had this early ending on it, taken from the soundboard.
It was literally only this part by the way, it didn't have the rest of the song.
I love the radio and hope it goes on in perpetuity.
If I could wish for anything
it would be to be able to read people better and have a bit more confidence.
alri zoo'sy
There is no girl like that, I would've found her by now
Not because he reminds me of them but because he is one of them.
What, have you got some kind of female radar?
id rather have a stopwatch that could freeze time, or possibly a forwards/backwards time machine
Damn I'm going to miss the radio as the footy is on
>says the NEETy shut-in
Paki's really are the lowest tier of society eh lads?
There's going to be a HUGE surprise during the show.
even if i could turn back time I still wouldn't have had the guts to shag a girl who invited me back to her hotel room.
has anyone heard anything about the lad who fucked bambi blacks on fuck a fan?
I'd love it if time stopped while I slept.
Ok biological ladies of /britfeel/ time to find your ideal /britfeel/ boyfriend, pick which poster you'd most like to go on a romantic date with and I will speak to them and see if we can set something up. This is your chance to find romance girls.
I am a woman, not a sociopath. Do you think that's the same thing or something?
I go to aspie meetups but the girls there aren't interested in lonely neet lads. It's just an user's fantasy.
would have been good at 1 point but i'd go with telekenisis if i could
that would be fun but i'd only use it to pause time so i could pick people up and turn them around, then i'd sit somewhere un pause time and giggle
I literally don't see why they would want to date any guy that posts here.
>mental health problems
They can hop on a dating app and within a week have found a 7/10 guy with a good job who has an active social life and can hold a conversation, with interests outside of video games and anime.
It's impossible for a regular here to compete with that.
If a woman is worth dating, she wouldn't write you off just because you're a neet when she met you. Don't give up hope lad, you'll meet a nice gf with a saviour complex one day.
No that's not what I'm saying at all.
I'm saying if you want to live it on easy mode, act like a sociopath and pick the low hanging fruit.
I'm not saying that all women do this, in fact as far as I can tell most don't. I'm just letting you know what it is that the ones that do do.
You did ask after all.
this is just a personality thing lad. you can't say which poster when most of us are anons.
Just had a big pizza and washed it down with some Budweiser, going to hop on Red Dead 2 now
Also the Queen will die on the 5th of January 2019
People with saviour complexes are the worst
Anons should write a little blurb about themselves to try and attract girls. Managed to get titlad a nice boyfriend this way.
every regular is well known lad
>pause time
>don some gloves and plastic bags on shoes
>get a clean knife
>go to a school
>stab everyone in the throat
>go home and unfreeze time
Enjoy the show
>Queen will die on the 5th of January 2019
Took a screenshot lad. We shall see. It isnt the first time someone has tried to forecast our Lizzies demise
Not gonna lie I like women who do the traditional women stuff, sort of like someone to replace my mum
I was a neet when I met my ex gf and she was really proud of me when I got one.
Sounds gay as fuck.
Can't it wait until the /britfeel/ valentine's day draw at least?
good idea
i'm user, i'm old, i don't want a gf so am willing to sell mine to the highest bidder
ta, love user
jog right on you cheeky bastard.
2 copies of Bad Rats
Going to miss listening to the radio. At least they're going out on a high
I don't like to jog in front of you because it feels like I'm rubbing my abilities in your face.
>Host is hoisting himself out of his wheelchair and into the bath one last time...
>soon to be followed by the toaster
I don't like these rumours about me.
What would you actually be doing for salesforce?
Don't lie. You love the attention.
I'd sit on Zeus' scarred thuggy face tbqhwyl
>tfw no cute boy bf to cuddle and lewd
Yeah but she was probably fat/ugly or mentally unstable.
ugly girls don't count.
It's not going to stop is it?
I would like to go on another date with Mayuri
Did Tilde send you those too? That two timing little...
whats there to love about fake news.
Tilde would never be so cute.
Tilde is a right mong, doesn't look like that, looks like a bloke in a skirt.
hey hey my my
/britfeel/ radio can never die....
had to google it but that sounds fun, and only 39p in the steam sale
nice. thanks user.
should've thought about that before you went through egbastanon, shippy and a dog
all women are mentally unstable but yes she bad anxiety
I'd like to freeze time and just rape everyone
>id rather have a stopwatch that could freeze time
In my recommended. Not sure why so I check it out.
Turns out it's from that film Hackers that was spoken about here.
They really are watching us.
With the right equipment, we can make that happen.
I don't think that's going to happen. Have you tried texting him?
i dont think anyone, barring cola, is on britfeel to find romance
not me, i'll have telekinesis so i'll make you cut your dick off and ram it up yer arse
Wonder if Tim's made any new year resolutions