So I developed a minor tear in my bicep alongside some type of back knot last summer during a construction job because of stupid coworker.
Last week as a poor uni student, I did a weekend job with a catering business and had to carry heavy shit and while carrying somethings my arms became somewhat sore, ffw 4 days later my right bicep still hurts when I pick something up in the wrong way.
Any remedies for this?
I need to go work again Sunday, will it stay normal if I carry shit with straight arms?

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Other urls found in this thread:



On bench day (sl 5x5) can I bench first? It says squat first bit I can swuat easy and my bench is my weakest.

im so high that brown green

Can you find a pic of what part of the bicep hurts, and does it change in intensity when you hold it in different angles?

How on earth do people calculate how many calories/carbs/protein/fat they should eat daily for maximum gains? I feel like a brainlet

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Seconding this

What do I do to narrow the gap of my pecs? They’re like an inch across at the bone and almost 2 at the top of the muscle

Calculate calorie expenditure with this
Then, depending on whether you’re cutting, bulking or maintaining, people try to get a certain % of each macronutrient that fills that their total calorie goal. Note that many people don’t use these and are still successful at weightlifting. The important thing is meeting calorie goals and sufficient protein.
But if you want the math behind it... Ex: 30-30-40 for a 2000 calorie plan is to find the grams of each macronutrient needed (2000*30% divided 4, because 1g of carbs= 4 calories), so you would want 150 carbs daily. Fat (2000*0.3/9 because 1g of fat=9 calories) 66.6g of fat. Protein (2000*0.4/4, same calories as carbs) 200g of protein.

Oops 30% is for protein and 40% for carbs, flip the 2 weight values*

A bit like this black area and yes it does.

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if you eat something and it makes you sick, how do you count calories for that?

what do you put in for activity level?

>lifting for 6 months, at a 2pl8 squat
>hurt my back doing deadlifts, take a couple weeks off
>back today and struggle with 150lbs
what the FUCK is wrong with me

any by sick i mean you shit it out immediately

Post routine it kinda depends

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Still count the calories like normal just don't eat that thing again unless you are constipated

Do the exercises in order, benching inbetween gives your lower back rest for rows

The muscle insertions onto the sternum cant be changed but they arent as noticeably different as other insertions. If you're a beginner it's likely the inner part of the chest just hasnt filled out yet and will with time.

It's normal to lose strength like that after injury, you'll be able to add weight back very quickly just make sure to do proper warmup sets

>take couple weeks off


I had no idea you could lose strength so quickly that’s fucking gay. Thanks bud. I’m doing 5/3/1 so I guess just chop 10-15lbs off each of my maxes and start a new cycle? Fuck me.

my gf complains about the calluses on my hands
what do

I tore three knee ligaments on one leg and am unable to walk long distances or squat, I`m in a really bad spot right now and due to my metabolism and sedentary diet I`m losing weight faster than a cancer patient. I`m 5`9 and 125 pounds of no muscle.

I got no options left except work my upper body at home for now, so my question is, does limping affect posture in upper body training?
I can't exert force on my right leg so any upper body workout that requires that is out of the question as well.
Will basic upper body workouts for bicepts, traps, deltoids and chest with 11 pound dumbells be enough to not have my muscles wither away?

I lift 4-5 days, bike/swim fairly regularly every week. So I go for heavy. But that’s not too important to worry about, keep track of calories and weight over a period of a few weeks. If you’re gaining weight when you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll know that you’ll have to bump down your TDEE by a few hundred calories. Intial results aren’t super important, it’s about observing and finetuning the predicted TDEE to what it is in reality.

Don’t worry man, a few weeks break is going to cause a tiny bit of strength loss but that’s easy to gain again because your body keeps the neural adaptations. The more significant factor to the setback is your mindset, everyone suffers from maxing out intensity after a long break

Your gf is gay. But anyways: Chalk to minimize calluses, and use scissors or razor to cut off jagged ends of ripped calluses

I've been noticing I'm having more grip problems with deadlift lately. I can usually double OH 355 easy but I've been struggling with 315. Mixed grip has been giving out as well around 405, which has never happened before. I've also noticed that the bars at my gym's sleeves don't spin very well and seem to try to spin the bar with them. Could these be related or am I just a griplet? I'm out of town so I can't really test it at the moment.

yes, my bench was stalling hard so i just prioritized it above squats and did an accessory bench (for me, RGBP) later in the routine. saw progress again. granted i wasn't quite doing SL, but something similar

That’s why I hate double OH, bars always starts rotating when I put any dece weight on. Mixed grip life is best life.

limping isnt going to create any imbalance in form that isnt already there from your injury. You could find some bodyweight exercises that dont put any stress on your legs but unless you were a beginner you are going to lose mass, it will come back quickly once you are recovered though.

Barbells are made with rotating sleeves to prevent that issue. Bring it up with the manager.

You haven't lost a lot of strength, your muscles are just rusty I guess is a good way of putting it. Give it about a week and a half and you'll be back to normal. Keep your maxes the same you'll be fine

Workmans Handcream

Alright thanks. The gym has newer barbells in a different part of the gym so I'll just see how those are when I'm back home. I just thought it was weird that I was doing farmers walks close to my usual max but suddenly deadlifting my grip went to shit.

Did you feel a pop when it happened? Any bruising? If so, probably matches angieslist.com/articles/if-you-pop-stop-recognizing-bicep-tendon-tear.htm
I would take a break from lifting. As a uni student, you probably have a free medical checkup clinic. Take advantage of it.

How long are my legs going to be sore?

On SS. At the bottom of my work set squats I inch forward a little and I have to push with the front of my foot instead of midfoot. This also completely fucks my hipdrive and I miss the bounce. Any easy solutions?

Why do you muscle yards never stretch before and after working out they even put posters up at the gym

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First leg sess ever? Probably almost half a week. Don’t worry that goes really soon and you’ll only feel sore the day of, and day after.

Get a lawyer and file a worker comp claim. Get dat free surgery and pt.

Keep looking straight foward, don’t let your back hunch fowards and throw off center of balance

Ive been doing couch to 5k and now ive started SL 5×5 on the days im not doing that. The jogging has been fine but on my first SL day my legs were so weak after I fell over twice and they are still sore now.

Should I ease off for a while or just power through?

Maybe ease off on cardio for a days. The first 2-3 sessions will be the worse for soreness, after that you’ll never ever be anywhere as close to sore as you are now (as long as you don’t take a huge break from lifting and allow the lactic acid which causes it to buildup again)

Power through, you'll be nostalgic for that level of soreness before long.

Can you anons tell me if my routine's able to hit all muscle groups?
>Shoulder Press
>Bench Press
>Tricep Extensions
Is it balanced, or is there anything it's lacking in?

Any advice is appreciated.

Is it possible that there is something wrong with my brachioradialis muscles? I remember that when fully flexing my forearm and grabbing it with the other hand, both sides would feel hard. Now the ventro-radial part (where brachioradialis lies) feels soft. I have gained some fat, but not that much. Has anyone ever experienced something similar? How would I check without an ultrasound or MRI?

Power through. Pain will get less intense after a couple weeks, eventually it'll go to a "pleasant" pain as I like to call it.

No neither, in the summer it did. But the sites symptoms look a lot like mine. And no I don't got free check up. I'll skip lifting for some weeks, replace it with running or something. Are you the same guy from earlier this week btw? If so the guys were called Bob and Greg physical therapists

Shit man. Remember RICE to heal up better. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Different guy btw

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I have elbow pain, lately it feels like my arm below my elbow isn't getting enough circulation (falls asleep for no reason, etc.) its my non dominant arm. Could it be a potassium defficiency, or is it overuse? Should I, god forbid, stop lifting for a while?

Beat way to bull Natty?

Skinnyfat DYEL looking to lose fat but not really concerned about building muscle

Is it okay to just eat a protein bar post workout if I'm going to bed soon after? Doing only cardio

Sure, it’s just like any other food. Problem is that protein bars tend to be over priced.

I was told that eating before bed was bad but eating after workout was good. I get off work at midnight, swim around until 1 am, sleep at 2 am or so.

at work i pace around 6+hr a day, is the amount that i burn doing that negligible or should i actually try and factor it in to my TDEE

also is moderate calisthenics+cardio 5 days a week enough to get rid of my paunch and stop being a skinnyfat fuck

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Eh, the calories and nutrients act the same. Only tangible difference is that eating before sleep won’t satisfy your hunger as much.

how can i get my gf to start lactating without impregnating her

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Not a question, I just wanted to say that I used to think this board was trash but now it's the only board I can tolerate being on for more than five minutes. So thanks guys.

I've had a muscle in my inner thigh that's been really tight for quite awhile now. It starts in one of the tendons in my groin and runs down to about the midpoint of my thigh. It has been debilitating but quite frustrating as I feel I'm favoring the leg. I've tried doing sitting butterfly stretches, foam rolling the inside of my legs, and other hamstring/adductor stretches but nothing has really worked. Am I dying?

Is there any point in exercising if I have pain in my back and appears out of no where. It has subsided for a year now but if I lift heavy weight or even walk on concrete I am in pain for days. Is there a easy way to not use weight and be fit. I am sick of just sitting around wasting my life.

Being on your feet does take a bit of effort, so factor it in your tdee
Can't outlift a shitty diet

Suck on her nipples


See a physio, if stretches and stuff arent helping you will need proper diagnosis from someone less autistic than us

core strength can help a lot with back pain
if that doesnt work you can at least do isolation exercises

What is the best TDEE calculator?

I'll get to work then. I notice it's one leg that goes numb but are planks sufficient

ive got some pain in the circled area when I do heavy squats, kind of a weird pressure/shoorting pain

any idea what it is / how to stop it?

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I'm turning 32 this year. Is it too late for me to lift? The injuries I have have made me stop lifting since 7 years ago. I really want to lift again.



what do? stop squatting?

Why do my OHP and BP feel uneven? I feel like my left half is pushing more of the weigh than my right half. How do I fix this?
Pic unrelated

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Is there a general pattern in the order most people lose fat from or is it mainly just dependent on genetics?

This part of my leg hurts like hell. It started when I was doing warmups for my squats and after 3 weeks it isnt going away. I cant do anything with quads and it hurts to jump what to do?

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Why the fuck are tinder threads allowed on this board but not threads related to actual social gains?

What do you need to know about social gains?

they arent they get removed when mods get off their ass

does this hairline look normal to you? nobody on dad or mum's side is bald but pretty sure I've got some more distant branches that are follicularly impaired
creatine has got me noided

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Is this for each day of a full body routine? Also post some numbers, my first impression is you're hitting the same stuff too much especially triceps

Next year, do you want to just look like you're 33 or like you've lifted for a year? It's never "too late" to improve what you have. Lift but just be mindful of your previous injuries

It's fine

Men store the majority of excess fat in stomach, so it’s the hardest to lose. Everything else is fair game, largely genetics/out of one’s control.

Seems good

What's the LP in greyskull LP and so on stand for? I thought it was 'Lifting Programme' but I've seen it used in contexts where that doesn't really make sense

How do you make small talk with people or start a conversation? Practically a social cripple here beyond saying hi how are you or commenting on the weather; or at best taking part in a conversation the other person starts. Looking to meet people my age (22.) But only ever run into or talk to much older people while working. Thanks in advance if you can provide any advice, gotta head to bed now.

you gotta think of it as a recursive tree.

you say some basic shit (how was your weekend, what did you do this week, what are you up to), and there are a bunch of new nodes (conversational topics) that become available. you go down those nodes until conversation becomes exhausted, then you recurse back to one of the unexplored nodes and continue. if your tree dies just say some random shit to start a new tree.

What characterizes a "clean" bulk?

Eating healthy

How can I train my back at home gym?

Routine says I should do:
>bent over rows
>cable rows (don't have machine)
>pull-ups (can't do any)

So should I just do 9 sets of barbell bent over rows?

Start doing negative pullups or see if your gym has an assisted pullup machine, pullups are god tier and you shouldn't miss out on them

Can someone give me a rundown on muscle insertions? I don’t have an eye for it. I’m trying to see how mine are

Honest answer, just don't look into it, fucking seriously. Your insertions look fine. No one you've met has ever thought about them. But if you start looking into it you WILL find faults and you WILL stress about it. Don't give yourself more useless irrelevant bullshit to be insecure about.

t. wrist-, eye-spacing- and bicep insertion-let

i said i work out in my home gym so i don't have pull up machine.

also i know pull ups are god tier but i was wondering what can i do for my back before i build strength to do pull ups.

Oh shit you're right, I'm retarded. Are you sure it's your back that's holding you back though? Biceps are a big factor too. Also start with chinups, you'll be able to do them before pullups. You can rig you own assisted chin/pullups if you've got a band by the way.

Are pushups worth it if you have high volume chest workouts (Incline, Decline, Flat Bench, Dips, and Machine Flys.)

Also, is Jump Rope good for all your cardio needs? I do about 10-15 minutes per day (In the morning, and eat at around 7 or 8PM).

I try to do 150 jumps per minute.

How may sets and reps for the Ab Wheel should I do?

Bumping my question.

Any website things that can help me bulk properly

Is this a good multi vitamin? I took orange triad for the longest time but might give this a shot. anyone try them ever?

I hurt my shoulder benching last Wednesday and it's still sore. I haven't been to the gym since to let it recover and I'm confused as to why it hasn't. I'm semi-noob, only benching 105lbs, and the pain is in like the back of my shoulder? Are there any excercises/stretches I should do to help it, and should I just go back to the gym and work out or will I aggravate it further?

Adductors/abductors to strengthen the muscles there.
THOTs have turned them into meme exercises, but they're unironically good as a preventative exercise.

when should you start adding complexity to planks? i can do a standard plank for 3 mins

>day 1
>day 2
pull ups
>day 3
ab work

Is black coffee good for you?

>Be in the other side of it
>Normalfag shit like clubbing and sports and 'kicking women out of bed' asked by a woman btw
>Not a degenerate so I didn't do any of that recently so conversation goes nowhere
>Normalfag woman gets mad
>Every time
People are NPC's don't bother

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