Have you ever considered doing a dopamine fast?
Have you ever considered doing a dopamine fast?
What would i achieve from it?
Take a week off work and sit in a dark room?
Have you?
seems a bit extreme don't you think?
What should you do all day then
Still amazes me that grown men play video games lol
>No sex
Dopamine fasting all the time famalam.
>What should you do all day then
Do what your ancestors did
go camping and play with sticks building shelter or some shit. I personally think this shit is dumb as hell. Just don't be distracting yourself constantly work at something even if its reading or origami. Play or dopamine related activities are just as important to adults as children. The real problem is when they stop being social activities and start being things you do alone.
>Thinking it works like this
so chase a dopamine fix? That's literally all they did.
Is this the part where you drink your piss to empty your dopamine storage faster?
Fucking meme dieters
Remember when literally everything was extremely interesting as a child, and you would literally spring out of bed in the morning? Probably something similar to that feeling
Fucking this kike hormone. It's probably #1 on the list of efficient control methods a government can use to engineer a people and their behaviors.
Hilarious how this guy pushes dubious schemes that get progressively more retarded, each time. I wonder when his fanatical cult will sacrifice themselves to summon a fasting demon that will rid the world of fatties or something.
ok, let me think about this
i enjoy to work out
i enjoy going to work
i enjoy relaxing outside looking into the sky
i enjoy to meditate
i enjoy to read
and so on
actually with the right mindset you can enjoy almost everything. what should i do all day? sitting on the floor and hitting my balls with a hammer? this is retarded.
yeah that's not a good thing too much dopamine makes people not realize theyre engaging in risky behavior and generally act like psychotics. To give you a relateable example "that fat girl looks kinda cute today"
Building something is pleasurable. You would have to meditate all day or something.
this is exactly what I thought of when I saw Snek post his videos on dopamine fasting.
yeah that's nearly impossible for a novice or even an amateur though. In the absence of distractions the mind will make it's own. The most a normal person could effectively experience thoughtless meditation is probably 8 minutes before they end up day dreaming.
I'm generally unhappy as it is, would this even work?
worth a shot I'd think.
>shitposts on a Himalayan salt lamp licking forum
>why don't people grow up lol
You guys suck this guy's cock way too fucking much.
>Himalayan salt lamp licking forum
fuck this is the best one yet
>actually with the right mindset you can enjoy almost everything.
based bloomer
I'm going to try this. I'm starting it on sunday and doing the 7 days. Just going to read and meditate
write. without your dopamine bumps throughout the day your existential pain will flow through you and you can write about what your real problems are
I love coles videos but disagree with his ideas about the modern world. I mean on the one hand he’s right about all the red pilled stuff, but suggesting that people turn off their phones and withhold from participating in modern society without any obvious benefit aside from resetting your dopamine sensitivity is totally unrealistic and fruitless. Fasting I understand because you drop the weight like mad and heal faster. There are obvious benefits. But stuff like this is just silly
>start building something
>enjoy the quiet oneness with nature and the use of my hands as God intended
>fail the dopamine fast
In all seriousness, dopamine is meant to be a reward for doing the things you're supposed to do. Your body rewards you for finding food to sustain yourself, or for finding a mate and busting a nut. It's important to reward yourself as an adult, but always make sure that you truly earn it.
retarded post
>Remember when literally everything was extremely interesting as a child, and you would literally spring out of bed in the morning?
Literally never.
I actually did a dopamine fast recently. Felt good for a couple days after but once you fall back into old habits you fall back hard. Gonna try another soon and try and keep up the discipline this time.
It's literally just one day. But you don't sound like you would need to do one, you seem to have healthy habits and hobbies. However if you're wanking to porn and watching netflix non stop because things like reading and working out and looking at the sky have become less pleasurable in comparison, then it's a good idea.
For how long is recommended?
Just delete this board already
This is like Jow Forums‘s wet dream. Just add:
>No pillow.
>No bed.
>No hot showers.
>no food
>no sex
>no conversation
It's easy bros, I'm halfway there
sounds based desu
Nope it will accomplish nothing.
I mean it ain't gonna kill you or anything so as long as you like really lmao. A day minimum though. You'll feel great the next morning.
>No poo
>No shave
>No breathe
>no hot showers
You mean no cold showers
>Remember when literally everything was extremely interesting as a child, and you would literally spring out of bed in the morning?
no actually
>no sex
Lmao that would be impossible
Wtf kid is like that? Kid me wanted nothing more than to sleep all day and watch tv.
Ok but can I drink water?
Say you did this shit for a week. When you resume your normal lifestyle whatever increase in dopamine production you had would be gone in a few days’ time. This is no different from taking a substance that downregulates dopamine receptors and then withdrawing from it for the opposite effect.
I'll be starting Saturday. Good fucking luck brother I hope you succeed
Good luck guy
What if I enjoy hitting my balls with a hammer?
Except that releases dopamine
smart cunt ain't ya
My favorite part is that the guy looks like absolute shit.
Yeah it's easy as fuck
Step one: go into a coma
Produce something. Rather than watching another video, or jerking off or flipping through another song try to create
Write a short story
Draw a shitty picture
Sing a song
Build something
Etc etc
>The real problem is when they stop being social activities and start being things you do alone.
Ding ding ding correct answer.
And the most common reason for this is past trauma that makes cooperative activities an anxiety trigger.
I will never understand why this board is purely a guide to monkism.
Wtf is going on in this webm? This looks awful. Is this child abuse?
Holy shit. I'm not taking advice ever online.
it won't help you and you know it OP stop fooling around
It's like self harm with the bonus of not damaging your body an the possibility that it might make you a better person. Seems like a logical path for a confused or hurt person that wants to be better but doesn't know how.
>work in tech
mexican culture :()
>watch tv
so your dopamine levels were fucked from the start, unlucky brah
Snake man savaged roasties hard in the video the other day
I remember being a kid and getting up excited to go explore the woods next to my house and also around the neighbourhood when I got a bike. I'd giving anything to get that feeling back just one more time.
Between the ages of 7 and 12 I was really driven and creative. I used to make claymations with an old camcorder, turning it on and off quickly and then adjusting my clay characters. I'd spend hours doing this. I'd draw pictures and do all sorts of other creative hobbies. I got into machinima around 12 and I'd use gmod to try to make short films. I got into smoking pot around 13 and I feel that that and a few other things diminished that creative spark I had. Instead of creating I'd just consume media. I'm 23 now and trying to get back to the person I used to be.
idk if you still here, but listen, this is bullshit. a day without everything that makes you a 24/7 media consumer is GREAT but not that great if you come back to your habits. i will highly recommend to replace one of your 5 most unproductive habits with a good one. see /lit/ wikia and look for a chart and a book of your preference and do that instead, of well, anything you want really. the nect month replace another bad habit with a good one, learn chess or soduko instead of netflix zapping, and so on. i really hope you get it, man
That's actually a pretty good explanation. But
>Seems like a logical path for a confused or hurt person
This is key. It seems like a lot of seemingly healthy, stable-minded people try to partake in these crazy exclusionary practices when really they are only useful for those in need of a sort of mind re-comp, as it were.
>see /lit/ wikia
Reading the approved reading list and brainwashing drivel of pretentious navel gazing asslicking dogfuckers.
Just read fucking non-fiction and reference material. No, philosophy isn't nonfiction material.
Uh...are we on a giant dopamine treadmill?
I kind of want to try this but unfortunately my job requires me to have my work phone on me throughout the week
Samahdi. This is what monks have been doing for thousands of years. You become aware of the moment and present in it. You become aware of being a part of the flow of nature, instead of what you have been brought up to believe you are: a human being separate and opposing of nature, or that nature is "out to get you"...
>no pillow
>no bed
for some reason I kek'd hard
Why not just get brain surgery or take medication to block dopamine?
So just create things for others to enjoy? You're basically telling them to produce drugs for other people? Why would you want to inflict dopamine on other people?
Yeah as a kid I got out of bed at full power, and I woke up early every day too. I miss that feeling.
I bought myself a PS2 and I would get up early to play SSX before school. Early morning video games are great
Go handle some fucking hornets and wasps and tell me nature ain’t out to get you, you fucking hippie
Loser detected.
>go against the harmony of nature's flow
>get bit
>get mad and call nature bad
Yup, sounds like a human alright
Yeah but thats not what dopamine does. Dopamine is the want hormone that motivates you to do stuff. Dopamine is the thing that gives you this high when masturbating before you cum.
This whole thing just seems like a racist ploy. You know that black people enjoy themselves more than anyone else, so you want blacks to stop doing that and become depressed.
Yeah I have. I probably should, I have tried to meditate recently to think up what's eating me up, but it's hard. I'd rather just try to make meditation a daily habit though rather than doing this for one day, but idk. Again it might be good, additionally I might try to do another day of extended meditation, I think that's also really lit, where you meditate for a couple hours. I did this last year for about 4 hours, you're unconscious really comes alive its pretty cool.
Overall though I don't see the hate, this isn't something that fixes you, but it's a step in the right direction.
The more you need that dopamine hit but are unwilling to stoop to lazy cheap shit like food or porn. The more willing you are to work hard and do fantastic shit for it.
Very few people of any race know of constructive ways to focus that and achieve things. And a good chunk of media and academia and their own society is actively sabotaging that.
yeah but sounds boring lmao
That's the point.
I don't get angry easily but this goblins need to be slayed for this kind of treatment
He has dyslexia. So a brainlet yea
My favorite part is that he's 40, living with a roommate, and doesn't drive and is reliant on that roommate to drive him around.
I don't even know who the fuck this dude is but c'mon man do you really need ten fucking benefits to try something?? For a day? Two days?? Is it going to kill you? Wouldn't you rather just try it and then go back to whatever you are doing? No I haven't done it myself and it seems difficult, and sorry dude I'm coming at you like this but this post is mostly me speaking to myself
Deep kek.
>early morning vidya
You just brought me back some comfy memories
Those are fucking Indians trying to copy mexicans
the feeling of satisfaction from producing something is also dopamine retard