I want to come out on being trans that badly but i cant tell anyone
I want to come out on being trans that badly but i cant tell anyone
Why not? Also take HRT and boymode until you're ready to come out!
It doesn't matter. Just be who you are and not cause any unneeded drama. You should actually be more worried about finding your identity outside of your mental Illness. Maybe get good at drawing or something idk. Im sure you have more to yourself other than being defective.
Don't be mean to her nigger
I am on the last year of HS and living with my parents(dont worry i am 18 mods) but i will move out ASAP for uni
Since the one i want to pick is pretty far from my house i could meet a doctor in the zone and get hormones while i am away,i feel that if i menage to pass telling them would be much easier
Sounds good.
>i feel that if i menage to pass telling them would be much easier
What's your plan? Are you gonna stay away from them while you transition?
Transphobic parents will be transphobic. Passing doesn't necessarily change anything when it comes to your parents.
Im not being mean to cuckfaggot. Im just saying you should have an indentity beyond your sexuality and mental Illness.
I will see them for 2 to 4 times a month,that would make boymode with them much easier,but it isn't because they are transphobic,everyone in my family is extremely accepting despite being in a really conservative zone of my country,its just that i think it would be shameful to tell them that i am a girl with short hair and with manly clothing
I can't really tell anywhere in the very short post where you could've implied that's their entire identity
Talk about projection
True,its not my identity but i opened this thread about it
make sure to try really really hard to not neck yourself
i don't hate myself:just my body
Why do you treat people as if they're character archetypes in a book? They're individuals, putting on makeup doesn't make you a woman version of yourself, it makes you yourself with makeup on. You can't escape who you are.
Except that my inner myself is a female
Don't you get it? Beyond biology, there is no male and there is no female. Your inner self is a bundle of traits, it isn't a penis or a vagina.
>I want to cum inside a trans that badly that my shaft is starting to ache
You have no inner self, your brain chemistry and body is all you are, and that's male.
then i want to be with the body that mostly fit my personality
thats why trans people exist?
I have been HRT for several years, how do I do the next step and actually wear girl's clothes or work on my voice?
this is why I hate trannies/lgbt people
Why do you have to make a statement and tell the fucking world you're gay? Just fucking be gay nobody gives a shit.
>Why do you have to make a statement and tell the fucking world you're gay? Just fucking be gay nobody gives a shit.
Because when you marry a dude 10 years later, or make a similarly big decision, you'll have a rough idea on how your family reacts based on their responses to you coming out.
she didn't say she was gay dickhole, she wants the people close to her to know how they should refer to/treat her
because maybe my family would like to know that i am going to change name and my look
Who the fuck are you talking about? OP's a man, baby.
This is unironically woke for Jow Forums. you're completely right user.
because they're natural attention whores. just look at the replies you've gotten. they can't function properly unless they have the people around them acknowledge them and give them attention.
bullshit,i answered to the user that asked me about HRT only
Maybe don't go in a trans thread if you hate trans people
why are you even replying to me? how in the hell can you prove that you aren't looking for attention when you are asking for attention by replying to me?
go back to r/Jow Forums you gay nigger.
Nobody is scared of men dressing as womans. The nazis werent jewphobic and we are not transphobic. You guys are just disgusting. Only a 7,92 x 57 mm can cure you.
>hurr trans want only attention
>no i don't,you can away if you don't like this thread
>le based pic of le based nazi killing innocent
>the nazi didn't fear the jews and thats why they killed them in fear of the jews shitting up another world war
Unironically end yourself,my transexuality is harming no one
how's that mental illness holding up for you? are you getting mental orgasms now that you're getting attention on a chinese image board?
>t.need attention by shitting up a normal thread
>The nazis werent jewphobic
well said, it's only harming you but you're nobody so it's harming no one.
you are very eloquent for a mentally ill person.
I recommend you move to Cali.
Also make sure you don't regret doing it after. Trans suicide rates are crazy high.
Oh i am in Italy,i am not American
And yes i know about the trans suicide rate,thats why i am still waiting to talk to an expert before doing anything like i said before
unless you're capable of proving to me that you're not an attention whore (which you can't) then i'm right. get fucked.
if this is how you win all of your arguments your life must be pretty pathetic
sorry can't hear you over me being right. :^)
>>then i want to be with the body that mostly fit my personality
I still don't think you get it, your likes, traits and interests aren't a lithe body, large breasts, long hair or a dress, it's you, it's what's already there inside. When you say that your body doesn't fit your personality, you are saying the opposite and worse, you are saying that it's not good to be who you truly are inside unless you have the right physical features or outward appearance and that's bullshit.
I am so confused. If you are trans but people don't realize it unless you tell them, how are you trans exactly?
thats not OP retard,i am
You have a mental disorder. You will never be a girl. You do know that, right?
i'm another user btw. watching you throw the burden of proof on OP like that and then big yourself up like you won the argument or whatever the fuck just made me really sad.
oh what was that? i couldn't hear you over me being right. what are you going to say next? that you don't crave cock? get the fuck out of here with your nonsensical lies. :^)
BTW if you go trans you should get your dick chopped. If someone wants to be worth a trans you they most likely already know what they are bargaining for. If you do transition don't be shocked when you try sleeping with straight guys and they see you were a dude before and punch your teeth down your throat.
Do absolutely do anything you might possibly regret later down the line when you become old and are reflecting back on your life choices.
*if you go trans you shouldn't get your dick chopped.*
Yeah i know that,i am going for SRS but right now i don't consider the surgery advanced enought to get a decent result
>mental disorder
That's like saying choosing to die without having kids is a mental disorder.