Free healthcare

>lmao it's not actually free libtard XD
Everyone knows it's not literally free you jackass, that's just what it's called.

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It's not our fault you argue like a retarded child, go fucking cry about it on lefty pol

But everyone does know it's not free. The libs are arguing that it is a price worth paying. Still, "it's not free libtard" is constantly reverberating in echo Chambers.

I live in Oregon and I literally need to sign up for my state's free healthcare or pay ~$50 for each month I didn't have healthcare when I do my taxes.

>don't take advantage of free seatbelt safety feature
>get fined

Take that, strawman

Free at the point of use is what it's acktshchewally called.

Just stop with the "it's not actually free" argument, we all know it's not fucking free.

That santa hat fits him so nice

Free healthcare and free college tuition would legitimately lead to the collapse of the United States. But that's on your agenda so it makes sense.

There are a lot of dumbasses out there who legitimately believe so called free healthcare is actually free, as in it comes at no cost. Probably a lot of cross over with the people who believe the government could solve poverty by giving everyone on million dollars. Its an important distinction to make so that these people are not misled, unless of course you want to mislead them. Not to mention the fact that free subconciously sounds appealing. Everyone likes free stuff. Its essentially newspeak to use the phrase free healthcare when the much more applicable term public healthcare exists.

Silly Millennial/Gen Z'er, only boomers get socialized healthcare.

Can you explain how? Would it be because the US can't function without ruining people financially?

Literally who are you talking to nigger?

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The US can't function with retarded college liberals like yourself who think money grows on trees and whose idea of balancing a budget is "just spend less on military bro"

>Free healthcare and free college tuition would legitimately lead to the collapse of the United States.
>this doesn't apply to any other countries but i still believe it

I can hear his heavy congested sounding breathing from here

Shut up. Shut the fuck up and fuck off of here you stupid fucking child

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I'm a communist.
Ever heard of manufactured scarcity?

>I'm a communist

Imagine my surprise

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more affordable tuitions would make us less dependent on immigrants which would be kind of nice. the rampant obesity makes the health care unfeasible though.

Explain how the US would collapse