How to get girls like this as a white-looking Mexican man?
How to get girls like this as a white-looking Mexican man?
>another race thread
are you attractive? No, then sorry
just get on tinder around an hbcu they're fucking desperate for anything other than whiney black guys.
Imagine if you were raised to respect yourself by middle class parents, and then in your teenage years the new blaxploitation kick happened, and all it did was transform every smart black dude into a whiney neurotic hipster guy who spends most of his time talking about white people. The other option is the asshole poor people of your race who think you should ignore their fucked up habits, language, lack of money, selfish attitudes. White people- imagine a middle class white chick who can only choose between trailer trash and avid vampire weekend fans.
Any other type of guy is a breath of fresh air to them. Avoid acting like a character from a movie and you're mogging 99% of guys they meet. They do get really clingy tho.
Pretty face
You cant she is out of your league since you a 4chincel
Walk up to her
>put your hand on her shoulder
and be like "Hey."
What about the Driver?
Somebody got their feelings hurt by Tyrone and jamal.