>be me
>have fuckarounditis in the gym for like a year but still look semi fit and aesthetic especially for the area (everyone's obese or skelly)
>finally decide to stop chasing girls for a while
>Go to a new class
>See this girl ive never seen before (pretty small school)
>semi crushing on her, she's pretty hot
>wonder why I haven't seen her around before
>start chatting a bit
>she's actually pretty cool and easy to talk to
>not invested in her at all but talk to her sometimes
>walk into the room for the disabled kids (they got free food)
>see her
>she's in the same class/group as an obese guy playing with transformers
>she's clearly not a helper or anything
>never had a relationship and she's pretty hot I'm thinking of going for it
>but don't wanna take advantage of her because I don't even know if she's all there in her brain
She seemed completely normal when I talked to her and I never would have suspected this? Could she just have some kind of learning disability? Should I ask? Would it be immoral to do it? I don't wanna end up taking advantage of her or something. Pls help me anons I need u guys

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what sorority is she in

post pic of her

Fuck her retarded pussy

No Jesus fucking Christ

I need real advice anons please I've never been asked out before LOL

lmao how old are you? just go for a drink and see if she seems retarded

you really expect a bunch of robots larping on a fitness board to give you decent relationship advice?
the answer is obvious, you can just smash with no feelings, you can put that flaw aside and date, or you can just fuck off.
either way, get over it.

Was she also there for the food?

My ex took retard-level math and English classes. She was dumb as a rock but a solid 8.5/10 with an absolutely killer body and I fucked what little brains she has out every night without remorse.

I just dumped her for another girl who isn’t quite as attractive (still very cute) but can hold down a conversation and actually participates in sex rather than just letting me dominate her every single time.

I’d say proceed but with caution. Don’t catch feels to hard because dumb women are easy for your to manipulate and shape into what you want but they’re just as easy for other people to do the same to. They can be loyal as fuck and do ridiculous things without though of consequence and hurt you. Mine attempted suicide when I dumped her.

Nope saw her name on the list of people

Just take her somewhere nice and calm. Not the rapist type of calm but the chill kind like a park or something where u can talk about a lot of stuff. If she just wants your dick take her to the cinema and fingerbang her

Breathe user. She asked if you wanted to go out, so she's interested in you. Tell her yes. I've found taking a person to lunch is a good first date, leaves the afternoon open if you two want to keep the date going.

Ah fuck me. Thing is I don't get myself down about it really but I'm not the most attractive guy in the world. I'm not out there ugly but there's people in the class who are definitely a few points above me. She's hot and nothing seems off at all about her but if word gets out I don't want to be the guy that took advantage of a disabled girl yknow?

If you hold a conversation with someone like that and are unable to tell they are mentally challenged, YOU ARE ON HER LEVEL...

>airplane mode
absolutely based autist

If you couldn’t tell she was retarded it means you’re retarded, or she’s not so bad that you would be taking advantage of it

> implying it's college

Pretty much this

Maybe she has a sibling who's in special ed and she's just there for him/her?

rolling for you asking her what she was doing in that class, and you posting her response.

Say yes and take things from there. Over thinking infinite possible outcomes is a huge paralyzing waste of time.

>not already treating women like they are all special ed

theres where you fucked up OP

If this isn't bait, this chick sucked it up and asked you out so man the fuck up and go somewhere with her
Go bowling or play some pool, literally do anything but make sure it's in a quiet place where you can talk, maybe get something to eat or drink afterwards

Did you cheat on your ex before dumping her?


>a literal retard seems normal to you

I think you have bigger problems than getting some ass, bucko.