Metabolic slowdown

I have 20 pounds to go but my metabolism is FUCKED, what do I do to stop it without fasting?

>Saw Jason Fungs presentation on the two compartment problem of weight loss
>He says CICO no matter what lowers metabolism, makes you cold/tired, inhibits ability to think
>Exactly what I’ve been having happen on cico
>Can’t fast because I literally pass out even on snake juice (Even at higher mixture of electrolytes)

Attached: CD65C315-8D38-40AE-A830-0708C5B57624.png (1080x966, 394K)

>Can’t fast because I literally pass out even on snake juice (Even at higher mixture of electrolytes)
I call bullshit, unless your job involves heavy physical labor?

No, I just felt super weak, could feel/almost hear my heartbeat, and could barely think.

That's not the same as literally passing out, user.

I did pass out. Those were the symptoms that I felt in addition

I passed out in front of my manager btw


It is I, the caloric deficit sleep wizard. Close your eyes, sleep, sleeeeep

Attached: sleepy.gif (400x618, 162K)

>literally who chink said a thing
Drink bleach

High carb low fat low protein vegan. I eat as much as I want to satisfy my appetite from fresh fruit, fruit snacks, dried fruit, rice, oil free rice crackers, corn, potatoes, sugar/candy, cereal with low fat onions milk and I throw in some leafy greens. About 1 hour of cardio per day, rest is sitting at work, and I'm losing weight. I usually end up eating around 3000 calories. Feels great to not starve anymore and getting leaner.

Eat keto.

>high carb
This guy is trolling.