You can go from a 3/10 to a 7/10 with the right angles on your camera

>you can go from a 3/10 to a 7/10 with the right angles on your camera

How do you guys get no matches on tinder lmao

Attached: FFA0FC50-CA07-4B4C-A248-D75D6CAB6A27.jpg (750x706, 184K)

Eh, I'd say more like a 3/10 to a 5 at best. But yea, I agree that angles help.

Everyone takes unflattering selfies if they just take a picture of themselves without thought like mom and dad do. Everyone has a perfect angle that makes them look good. Most people have many. You just have to find them.

Also. It is worth mentioning that phone selfies have small lenses which will make the front of your face look bigger than it appears to other people. Especially your nose.

Angle definitely matters but just because average/attractive people can look better it won't make ugly people look better.

Those two angles didnt change much. You are delusional

both bad pictures if you ask me

my mommie told me I was handsome

You look pretty much the same (average or slightly above) in both. The only perceivable difference is that you look pouty in the latter and angry in the former.

The right pic looks better. The left one seems to have a forced "intimidating" expression.

Right looks better. Left looks like some guy about to shoot up his school.
More like 4/10 vs 5/10

most men here are probably ugly inside and out is why

it only makes sense if you're using the beta scale, ie where a beta 10 counts as a chad 5.

Stop attentionwhoring op. You know you look the same in each picture. Get your validation somewhere else dickhead.

Attached: 1545285621461.jpg (250x246, 12K)

from the opinon of one huge faggot, you're actually kinda hot op

Attached: Lewd_Thinking.png (903x980, 463K)

dude both those pictures are 1-2/10. Guy is suicide tier unattractive.

lose the weight
lose the beard
get better light
fucking smile

I worry that if my pictures are too flattering the girl will be mad because I will look ugly in person or something. It doesn't matter much though, my pictures all look like shit anyway.

This guy is some gymcel from youtube. I'm lmao'ing at your dumbass OP for thinking an ethnic subhuman like this guy can score on tinder.

Attached: 1528228706728.png (600x580, 15K)

Is that the pajeet that makes the videos about AlphaDestiny?

>this guy is 1-2
Dude, have you actually seen 1-2? What are the ones with deformed faces at? -2? Dont bs me

he looks exactly the same wtf

you can go from a 3/10 to practically anything if you shave the fucking muslim beard you cunt.

I actually think right looks better

Yes that's him lmao. His accent is so fucking annoying as well.

How does one overcome the anxiety of suicide?

I am very lonely and have nothing worth living for. I just want to do it, please encourage me

Attached: ecc5535.jpg (1242x1224, 99K)

why is the lower score on the right?

this is a joke right? He looks like the type of paki who plays bidya and other pakis wont even befriend.

yesss that is him
Originalio commentario

Attached: 09BDB90B-1A7F-4417-8669-C78E054F8526.png (1524x750, 581K)

Wow crabs in a bucket syndrome if Ive ever seen it.

This guy is handsome. Id hook up with him, as long as he didnt say anything creepy and respected me well enough. Dont insult him just because he has the confidence to put himself out there

Attached: FCACCC04-66ED-4856-84E1-78FC47ADAFD7.gif (500x277, 719K)

You look like you behead Norvegian and Danish Girls in Moroccan mountains

I thought the next pic is better because it doesnt look so awkward

First post best post.

lol'd at this pajeet thinking he's 7/10,

>tdw tilting my head up, so the light will fully hit my face is my best angle but also looks fucking strange
Fuck this, I'd have to to invest in a ring light only for top tier selfies

OP is just mad he's not an elite natural

This guys an attractive 7/10 in both angles. Honestly the "right angle" imo makes him look worse, but the lighting is better.

That guy is a 6-7, if you think he's any lower then you are delusional.

He's good looking wtf are y'all talking about ?

op same fagging and rating himself highly itt just lol

Sorry user, stop posting cute pictures and maybe say some sjw shit and i'd want you to kys and give advice.