Hey Jow Forums did any of you have abusive/alcholic parents while growing up? Just curious

Hey Jow Forums did any of you have abusive/alcholic parents while growing up? Just curious.

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My dad was an alcoholic but gave up drink 7 years before I was born so I actually never saw hi drink. He was 33 years sober when he died. RIP dad

One of my brightest childhood memories is my fat fucking mother passed out on a couch and piss leaking from couch to the floor. My father called me to see what failure looks like. He said it in this defeated depressing tone.
>eastern europe
I have more of this.
>had my 1st alcohol overdose/hospitalization at 13 years of age

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No. I would feel better about myself if I did, that way I would be able to put the blame on them for me turning out so fucked up. The fact that my parents worked so hard for me only makes it even more painful.

yeah i got beat all the time. and restrained, and intentionally scared speechless. the first time i wanted to die i was 8. the first time i wanted to kill was 9. i moved past it and done what ive can to be a good ol christian family man. all of my siblings are in various states of crazy. im beginning to lose my mind. i hope it goes well, i love my wife n daughter

Was your father a good man?

My mother was an alcoholic until I was about 16 or 17 I think and only got clean after she got court ordered to rehab after she stabbed my dad while she was trashed and they were having their nightly fight downstairs. I remember them fighting and screaming like usual and me and my bro are in our rooms upstairs, so I start smoking some weed to drown it out, put on my headphones and continue shit posting on Jow Forums while listened to music. Next thing I know the whole house is quite which is strange so I come out of my room to investigate and see a cop standing at the bottom of the stairs who just says something like "good evening son how you doing? you ok"? "y-yeah I-I'm fine". So I go to the bathroom and see like 5 cop cars outside the house and go back in my room to hide my weed and cover the smell. The cops ended up coming into my room and I had to give a statement high as hell thinking they were gunna search my room for the weed they most likely smelt but they didn't mention it probably cause they felt bad for me and my bro.
I have tons of other stories too about her drunk escapades like almost crashing a few times after picking me up drunk, I had to drive the car one time cause she was so hammered she was falling asleep and swerving into the oncoming traffic. One time in elementary school my mom packed me a water bottle filled with vodka in my lunch and grandma had to pick me up and she ripped my mom a new asshole. Dad called me a few times in high school saying he needed my help so I would have to leave my friends and walk home drunk or high to either help carry her upstairs after she passed out or be like a fucking referee between them to make sure no one got hit or anything. Its embarrassing to when you go out as a family and your mom is drunk and starts making a scene and everyone knows shes drunk again but doesn't say anything then mom and dad start fighting and you and your brother just sit there awkwardly going "this is fine, this is normal"

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My father was a raging lunatic who frequently abused and forced himself on my mother. Which in turn led my mother to alcholism. Also had a psychopath for a sister that mentally and emotionally abused me and my mother as well. That coupled with the double dose of mental illness I got from my parents and tje constant bullying at school have left me more than a bit scarred

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Tell us some more stories user

Ok user here's one from when we went on vacation to some Caribbean island. I don't know how old I was but it was probably between 11 and 16.
>spend day having fun doing fun island things with the senpai
>sun is setting its time to go out to dinner
>go to nice restaurant lots of people enjoying their vacation
>moms drunk before we even sit down at the table
>looking through the menu and waiter comes over
>does his intro and asks for drink orders
>mom tries to order beer then dad steps in
>tells waiter not to give her any alcohol
>mom gets pissed says don't listen to him and they start at it but not loud
>waiter is nervous and doesn't know what to do
>dad eventually wins and basically forces the waiter to not give her alcohol
>mom not happy shes like staring into my dads soul
>dad has same eyes staring right back
>me and bro just sitting next to each other nervous at what might happen not saying a word
>mom decides to announce to the restaurant that my dads a fucking asshole
>shes standing up and yelling at him calling him all types of shit
>dad is yelling at her to sit the fuck down and about how drunk she is
>starts yelling about how shes ruining the vacation cause shes an alcoholic
>whole place stopped eating to stare at this no one steps in
>dad grabs her arm and rips her into her seat leans over and says something into her ear
>well time to go
>we just get up and leave place is almost silent just people whispering to each other
>drop mom off at hotel cause she going nuts getting me and bro involved in the fight
>me dad and bro get food at some road side bbq guy
>good vacation otherwise

Shit that sounds mortifying

When I was 8 my mom had a heart attack - she was 32. She was never able to do much after.
When I was 12 dad was diagnosed with cancer. He fought hard, but it got him 2 years later. We ended up in a trailer park living on moms disability.
She just... gave up. She crawled into a bottle of whiskey. She was never a raging drunk, or mean. She was just - always drunk.
Water heater breaks? Drink. Furnace breaks? Drink.
I went to a church down the road. They got us a kerosene heater and brought fuel for the winter. It heated the place & you could cook in it.
My sisters (3 and 5 years younger) Were brave about it. I cooked, they cleaned, we coped.
The day I turned 16 I got a job. The day I turned 17 I enlisted in the army (I dont think mom knew what she signed). When I was assigned & 18 I got mom to make me guardian of my sisters. Mom refused to move with them, she stayed in that trailer.
About nine months after my sisters moved into housing mom finally drank herself to death.

My father would always beat me if I didn't have good grades or I was annoying my siblings. My dad always worked as a carpenter and was cranky all the time. He also used to beat my mom in front of me.

I still love him....

Idk if it counts as abusive put both my parents just straight up left the country when I was 17 leaving me and my sister with some money saying they'd be back and then never did

Hello. All you abuse novices need to vacate

nah mine were just somewhat neglectful as far as attention goes.

Fuck off faggot
Nobody thinks you're cool
Nobody will think your abuse is super special
Nobody thinks you're special
Take off the dunce hat and post anonymously like the rest of us you tremendous snowflake faggot

your mom sounds fun fuck you your brother and your dad stupid faggot normie kys

My mom and dad are just beating each other. Normal stuff

Oh, you /datamining/ user? Yeah I have a childhood story of abuse and absence.

>dad is a violent schizophrenic paedophile from a rough city
>my mum was also violent
>parents moved from Manchester to Taunton in 1981 because racist
>had my sister in '89 and me in '92
>used to beat me, lock me in cupboards and wash mouth out with soap when I was as young as 3
>had to watch and sometimes get caught inbetween parents physical fighting
>mum and dad divorced in '95
>mum took me and sister to Manchester women and childrens home
>met a guy called Frank
>he used to beat me and my sister, swung us by our ears until they bled
>dad found us and took us to Exeter
>sexually abused me, physically abused me, mentally abused me and verbally abused me
>used to go crazy a lot, heavy drinker. extremely violent
>dropped sister off at cop station in June of '97
>I'm with this crazy bastard until late '98
>go into care
>am withdrawn
>I molested kids when I was a kid (even living with my dad)
>my foster dad cheated on my foster mum so there were a lot of fights there
>foster dad has punched me on occasion
>I tried to fuck foster sister
>killed her hamsters and a dog
>thought about mass murder a lot
>I attempted burglary once
>foster dad rinsed my mum out of 30,000 quid last October and the resulting animosity between them made me fucking worried
>but they renewed their vows for 25th anniversary so whatever

Also I need a woman who has been through as much as I have with an equal amount of dark energy but also sanity. My life is why I'll be alone forever

He sounds like an awful person

Were they spies or something?

You should go on Jeremy Kyle

And have you somehow succeeded at life? Why are you on r9k, have you started to like the looks of animu avatars, neet neckbeards and effeminate men?

My parents are hoarders. I grew up in filth.

My mom was always an artiste type , they were both kinda hippies (but later than the actual trend)
Didn't mean to have me or my sister, forced to settle down against their will, whereas they liked to constantly travel and do art or some dumb shit that caught their attention
Once we were old enough to be left alone, my mom wanted to go to the South of France to find inspiration or some dumb shit. Dad is owned by her so went with. It was supposed to be two weeks, then a month, then a month longer, then they stopped calling.
I did the best I could, but failed dismally. About the only thing I achieved was getting us past 18 before child services found out about us.
If I see my parents again I'll probably kill them and kill myself

My mother is drunk right now and she's probably been sober for at least a week in total from this month.

No but somehow I grew up to be a destructive alcoholic. Ain't that a bitch?

Sometimes we escape.
I like to remind people we can.

For what purpose? There would be nothing to discuss

>dad used to drink heavily and beat the shit out of mom
>after she ran away he started drinking even more heavily
>would beat me and my sister if we so much as looked at him wrong
>he would also fuck her and if I tried to stop him I got beaten black and blue
>made me fuck her one day because he owed a guy money and wanted to sell the video
I'm glad he's going to die alone.

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I'm so sorry user, I hope your dad has an agonizing death

Depressing, im sure he'll get whats coming to him

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>they were having their nightly fight downstairs
jesus fucking christ do i relate to that occurence. not nearly as bad as yours though. we had the police a couple times but my paranoid grandparents always called them 'cause they thought they could get my dad arrested for something. my mother took me to live with them for a few weeks when i was im elementary school and when we came back to the house my dad was passes out on the couch and he had pissed on the floor in the corners. it's something he does when he is very drunk. i still liked my parents very much because at least i knew what i had with them. i lied to social services and told them everything was peachy when i was i fact very worried we were i deep financial trouble because that was the topic of every argument they had. my grand parent also called them.

>probably between 11 and 16
i don't think anything as bad as that ever happened to me but the fact that you can't really pinpoint these timespans makes me suspect i just blurred stuff out. do you remember much from your childhood? to me it seem like the same three of four days over and over and nothing else ever happened but that can't be true.

this honestly. they didn't get along and everually had the sense to divorce but they never took it out on me. the worst they did to me was not give me a sibling and live on a farm so i was bound to be a social retard.

Didn't drink at all or smoke which is pretty unusual for our region. Plays guitar and got me hooked on rock/metal. Carpenter by profession. Liked women bit too much, namely a cheat. I don't blame him. Guy got my mother pregnant as soon as he returned from mandatory service in red army. He was also very lonely growing up so he always had wanted some warmth and settle down. My mother was obviously a mistake. Wasn't too violent tho I fought him a lot during my teenage years. Since he was also Jow Forums never once have I more than bruised him. Now he's always a little broken up and depressed about our relationship, blames himself. Been telling him he is not at fault but he won't let go till the day I give him his last cup of water.
>he's a good man.

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