First day of spring
Means summer is just around the corner.
You guys getting ready to show off those gains in 3 months?
First day of spring
Means summer is just around the corner.
You guys getting ready to show off those gains in 3 months?
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Maybe, maybe not. What's it to ya?
Still dont have defined abs without flexing. Good thing leafland isnt beach season til much later
I’ll be lucky to be anything but strong fat but yeah I’m doing my best
Anyone know if I can lose 20 pounds by June? Besides just losing just water but actual fat?
In a realistic setting of course.
Maybe. Only one way to find out bro.
Very, very easily yes. 20 lbs really isn't all that much, and if you start doing a very low cut (30% below BMR) and 2 sessions of cardio per day you can probably lose 20 lbs of fat in like a month. (assuming you aren't already sub 15% bodyfat).
Not him but can I lose 20 lbs by June while currently being at 15%?
What's Jow Forums's opinion on "bulging" while wearing jeans?
>you can probably lose 20 lbs of fat in like a month
This is why obese fucks shouldn't give advice. Stfu you dyel, you can't drop 5 lbs of fat a week as a natty without losing significant amounts of muscle unless you have literally 200 lbs of fat on your body.