Tfw years of browsing Jow Forums made you turn into a self-hating negro

>tfw years of browsing Jow Forums made you turn into a self-hating negro

You whitebois gonna pay for this

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at least you've got your trusty BBC

How do you deal with the endless BBC/Cuck posting? It seriously fucks with my head, although probably because I'm only half-black.

shut up faggot it's a meme, only serious replies allowed

W-Wait, Tyrone I was just kidding! Don't b-beat me up, man! Come on, l-let's just calm down and watch some Dragon Ball Z, okay?

Keep ur mouth shut nigger also fuck larpers

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fuck off cracker and i mean it

you said DA C WORD :o

What do you hate about yourself / race?

>tfw 6ft tall, 8 inch dick, shredded, well educated blackbot but never even interacted with a girl.
What the fuck, aren't i supposed to be Tyrone? I'M SUPPOSED TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE GF BY NOW

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>only serious replies allowed
I think you got the wrong meme site, bub

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>hi guys Im black




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Just because (you) don't have it doesn't mean that it's a meme my nigga.
The BBC is real

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Fuck off LARPer, sage

shut the fuck up retard, neck yourself

TurbanJihadifag here, I don't think anyone white even uses Jow Forums anymore. It seems to be mostly made up of mutts and hapas with the odd pureblood ape, arab or pajeet.

actually die, why are you white knighting for a supposed nigger.

not OP, but i hate hood niggers giving us a terrible name. I was aware of this as a kid, and i always tried exceedingly hard to do well academically, and always came out at the top of my class, but people just told me "user your so white lol" And it really hurt that my intelligence was attributed to me acting white-I could not be an intelligent, normal black person. This only made me more determined, and i focused even more on my schoolwork. I stopped caring about girls and friends, and i eventually fell into a depression because my studies was all i could think about. I thought i could be some kind of hero for black people, to show that we're not all niggers and that we could change our culture, but it simply wasn't enough. The part that i hate is that i think niggers want to stay this way; they seem to like being ghetto and acting like apes, and it gives all of us a bad name

and you sound like uncle ruckus you fag, just bleach your skin if that's what you want. I'm all for calling out the bad side of the culture but your execution is poor as fuck. Uncle tom ass bitch

What do you think of BLM or similiar movements?

I mean, i honestly didnt care much about them, but they had some good ideals, but after it got really big all the niggers joined in and the movement started causing a lot more harm than good.

You're so weak-willed lmfao maybe you SHOULD hate yourself.

>tfw unironically self hating jew

kill yourself or don't leave a reply if you don't have anything constructive to say.

thank you

2chan probablys turn Japanese men suicidal in the same vain

Okay, from one lurking blackanon to another. You really shouldn't care what these people think, they don't know you, everyone here is very bitter. Also you're weak-willed faggot

Not that user but I'll post something constructive.
Stop caring about race. Racial differences are the only things that exist. "White" "Black" "Asian" are all just shit people came up with. They're not objective at all.
Who cares if you're black? Jow Forums tards are so stupid they think 1488 isn't identity politics. It's not hard to be better off than they are.
Pic related. Just remember this is what the average Jow Forumstard looks like. Most of them are just being brainwashed into believing the shit they do.
It sucks you have to deal with a lot of the shit the comes with being non-white, but you can't change that. Might as well accept it on realize the people harming you are just being stupid.

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Forgot I was going to post this image.

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>hood niggers giving us a terrible name

Forget about them, you are not a his nigger. Don't let it rule your life, it's a terrible weight to carry.

Focus on what you can get from the world, don't pay attention to the stereotypical box whitey and blacks keep trying to throw you into, and find yourself a qt black woman - they will understand you the most

l don't believe you are a black man

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I'd give you a high five. You seem okay.

if we're talking about first class plane tickets back to africa I'm sure a deal could be arranged.

See what i mean? Don't pay attention -- in fact, it'd be better for you to stop saying shit like this. You don't live for white approval like would have you believe.

It doesn't benefit you unless you were specifically trying to score points with whitey, but then that just circles back to you reinforcing the weight you carry of being black

i think we found a LBC (lil black chode)
Hate to say it OP but i think you were doomed to self loathing from the start

Being black isn't some kin of burden, idiot.

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In today's society, the horrible mindset that can spawn from certain aspects of it definitely is.

I use Jow Forums but I also use tumblr, twitter and black forums so I guess that's why I don't have a racial complex

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thecoli is probably better than here desu.

>he's stuck in the self-hating phase
Eventually you'll grow to not care and the racism will just slide off your back.

Is there anything distinctly black that you do like? Try to focus on those things if you are fed up with people calling you white.

Bruh years of browsing Jow Forums made me a self hating blanco.

Everyone should hate themselves, if they do not they lack insight.

Have you ever felt white for one moment in your life?

try Buddhism, son. read Nagarjuna and practice Meditation. also, learn about the Eight Fold Path, and isolate yourself from the world.
be invisible. the world is a mess now, you're not the only one who suffers. but it doesn't matter, since Buddha will help you get up, and start everything again

Not him or OP but I'll answer. In 7th grade we had this project (I don't remember the topic) and mine was on why blacks should stop saying nigga because it comes from nigger and it sounds like we're holding on to a negative part of our history when we say it.
Not one of my best moments, but I still don't say nigga.

congrats, a bunch of mutts, blacks, and incels made you into a self hating cuck

Jow Forums is literally the most pathetic board ever lmao

Wtf. I'm and I'm not even white. My skin's brown and my hair is curly. Quit projecting, you overzealous SJW cunt.

This is why I will never have my kid go to a white school or live in a white suburb.

Lurk a black forum and start looking into the nation of islam. NEVER habe a majority white circle of friends, especially from here. The same people calling a based black man today will be telling you to head to Africa or die tomorrow. WN types will always hate you and blame you for America becoming less white while looking the other way when they see that the biggest mixers are latina and asian women toeards them. So never, EVER cuck or make excuses for them, if you're into ethnic pride, ask BLACK groups about the issue and look for a BLACK gf.

Thats about all, stay safe robot.

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..least I ain't a dick sucking negro like you

Fucking this, stop cooning OP these people want you dead

Nation of islam is a fucking joke, I agree with you on all the other points. If you're gonna practice islam just go with sunni or sufism, don't go with that made up bs that was created to spite white people.

Jesus Christ Nick pretends to be black on the internet every single day of his life. Then larps all throught the thread begging for YOUs

Why not just suicide? Honestly, you refuse to put any effort in being better so just kill yourself?

Tyrone how the FUCK do i get into thecoli?

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Get some pussy bro

>tfw years of being alive made me a self hating Jew
I wanna die

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They cut off registrations because of the Jow Forums cacs coming too fast. If you're black I can get you in but you'll have to find me in another thread.